Allocation before the monthly - what does it say? Find out what the reasons are for white, brown or pink discharge before menstruation and what to do when they appear.


We women have already become accustomed to the fact that we have to see menstrual blood every month. But not everyone is ready to meet with the discharge before the menstruation period. Many girls are frightened by these secretions, because women cannot determine the reason for their appearance. In order for your life to become one less fear, let's understand what can be said about highlight before menstruation.

Allocation before monthly

Blood, watery, slimy, liquid, foamy and viscous, white and yellow-green, serous and red-brown-gray, pink, and brown, with blood or pus - this is what the discharge before menstruation may look like. If the discharge before menstruation is similar to a serous or purulent substance, in which blood is visible, and such exits are seen after menstruation, then, most likely, the woman has problems with fallopian tubes. In the best case, such secretions speak of inflammatory processes, but they sometimes indicate cancer of the fallopian tubes. Pus coming out of the vagina also sometimes indicates acute endometritis.

When the discharge before menstruation and after menstruation scares with its unimaginable red-brown-gray tinge, it can be suspected that the woman has cancer of the uterus and the new growth that has already begun to spontaneously disintegrate. Mucous with admixture of pus discharge before menstruation occur in women with acute cervicitis. Often, secretions indicate tuberculosis, endocrine disruption, etc.

If you find blood in the secretions, it is possible that polyps have arisen on the cervical canal, namely the mucous membrane. The discharge, which consists of lymph and blood, is also a rather alarming sign, because such exits happen to girls who have developed cervical cancer. Nasty greenish and bulky discharge - a sign of the development of purulent infections.

Involuntarily I recall a popular song in which the following words were tried to convey to the listener: "girls are different - black, white, red." So the same can be sung about the discharge before menstruation, which can be white, and red, and gray-brown-scratched. Perhaps you have the opinion that if there was a discharge before the menstrual period, then it certainly means something terrible. Not necessary. Of course, pus and "wild" color of discharge does not mean anything comforting, but brown, white and pink exits are not always a sign of terrible diseases. And in some cases they are not associated with any ailment at all. So let's talk specifically about the mentioned selections.

Brown discharge before menstruation

Many girls who come to their gynecologist complain of brown discharge before menstruation. And like the ladies understand that nothing bad happens, because they are not disturbed by discomfort, besides the exits do not have a nasty smell. But still they can not accept the presence of secretions of such an abnormal color. Well, if a girl, except for brown discharge, before menstruation is not bothered by vomiting, nausea, pain, then perhaps everything is relatively good with her. But the test should certainly be. No wonder they say that there are no healthy people - there are only under-examined patients.

In what cases do brown discharges appear before menstruation that are not associated with the development of painful conditions? Such discharge, as a rule, occurs in women with poor menstruation. They are the usual menstrual blood, which during menstruation, especially on the first day, is released so little that, until it reaches the exit from the vagina, it just has time to grow old. Iron in the blood, interacting with air, is oxidized, and the blood turns from a red liquid to brown.

But why can brown discharge before menstruation go for several days before menstruation and even after it? Well, here it is also worth noting that such discharge before menstruation can speak about the onset of menstruation, which cannot fully start - it needs a swing. Two-day brown discharge before menstruation is not the norm. Usually in women, menstrual blood begins to flow abundantly on the second day of menstruation. The long buildup process, which is indicated by brown discharges before the menstruation period of several days, most often means that the woman has a deficiency in the second phase of the cycle.

This deficiency occurs when women have low progesterone. In this case, the endometrium can not develop as it should, become fluffy, ripen. Liquid progesterone is able to grow thin endometrium. Naturally, if the endometrium is poor and underdeveloped, then there is simply nothing left to go out so violently, as is already the case on the second day of menstruation in women with normal levels of progesterone. A small amount of bleeding (menstrual blood) is first simply rammed, enveloped in mucus and come out in an altered form. It is their women who perceive it as a brown discharge before menstruation, although in fact these outputs already speak of the onset of menstruation.

If a few days before menstruation appear brown, spotting, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Especially do not remain silent about them if you intend to become pregnant, since low levels of progesterone can cause problems with the nesting of fertilized gametes. This happens because the underdeveloped endometrium is simply not able to perform its function, the essence of which is to create conditions for the implantation of a blastocyst (embryo) in the uterus.

Even if you are not going to get pregnant, still go to the doctor, seeing the brown discharge before menstruation. After all, they appear not only when a woman has a low level of progesterone. Many doctors say that such a discharge is often a symptom of endometriosis. The disease is characterized by pathological growth of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. Due to endometriosis, menstruation may lengthen, intensify, etc.

It happens that women do not understand why they have endometriosis. This, for example, happens when rejected endometrial cells enter the abdominal cavity, where they begin to grow. Why it happens? Here is the fault of everything - sex during menstruation.

So, the menstrual blood together with the endometrial cells is pushed back, passing through the fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity when introduced into the vagina of the penis. That is, reflux occurs. Such a pathological process is spoken of when refluxate (what is contained in hollow organs, in our case, female reproductive) begins to flow in the opposite direction from the natural direction.

You can not delay the treatment of endometriosis. After all, he not only carries physical pain, complicating sexual intercourse, the natural management of needs. Endometriosis is able to take away the joy of motherhood from a woman. To diagnose this disease, the doctor must perform laparoscopy. After confirming the diagnosis, you need to remove the lesion of endometriosis. Specialists can choose one of the following methods of surgical treatment: electrocoagulation, resection or laser vaporization.

It is wrong to keep silent in the gynecologist's office that you had brown discharge before menstruation, because endometriosis is not the worst thing that their appearance can indicate. For example, brown secretions occur in ectopic pregnancy (although they are usually bloody). It is possible to detect such a pregnancy only in the clinic, after conducting a special analysis or using ultrasound equipment. Additional symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are pain, nausea, dizziness, etc.

Uterine bleeding, which occurs when progesterone levels decrease during ectopic pregnancy, is somewhat reminiscent of menstruation. Since the discharge is usually scanty, it takes a long time to change and has time to change color to brown, they can be perceived by women as a sign of insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle. Therefore, do not be silent about brown secretions, considering that they can not relate to the signs of ectopic pregnancy. Do not wait for abundant uterine bleeding.

White discharge before menstruation

Seeing the white discharge before menstruation, you do not need to go into hysterics. Perhaps this is a natural selection, which should be in every healthy woman. In the first half of the cycle, they are less whitish and more transparent. Closer to ovulation, secretions may acquire a rich milky color, and resemble protein in consistency. In some girls, white discharge before menstruation becomes clumpy and even changes its smell, becoming sourish. Such secretions can also be attributed to physiological.

Sometimes the white discharge before the menstrual period indicates pathological processes of an inflammatory, infectious nature. Especially it is worth guarding if they are badly separated, are quite thick and smell of fish. Most likely, such white discharge before menstruation occurred due to the development of bacterial vaginosis. Itching and white cheesy discharge indicate thrush. And white discharge before menstruation, which foam, means that you are “lucky enough” to get trichomoniasis. They can also be yellowish and smell unpleasant.

At detection of the diseases mentioned above, it is necessary to be treated in the clinic. Do not douche various solutions that destroy the vaginal microflora and may even cause the appearance of inflammatory diseases. Also, do not need to put yourself a candle, use a variety of ointments. First, you can harm yourself. Secondly, a woman who introduced some kind of drug into the vagina will temporarily suppress the vital activity of microorganisms, and doctors will not be able to detect them. And after only a few days, they will again make themselves known, and again they will have to go to the doctor.

Bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis can cause antibiotics, poor-quality and unnatural underwear, diseases that lead to disruptions of the immune system, improper hygiene measures, etc. Treat them easily. But this should be done by an experienced doctor.

An infectious disease such as trichomoniasis requires more complex examination and treatment. Experts say that trichomonas - the causative agent of trichomoniasis, can absorb bacteria that are intracellular parasites. Therefore, it is important to determine the presence of chlamydia and diplococcus in the female genital organs, which after the treatment of trichomoniasis provoke the development of chlamydia and gonorrhea. Treatment of trichomoniasis should be comprehensive. It is selected individually.

Important: if a lady has found inflammatory, infectious diseases of the organs of the genitourinary system, then the examination and treatment should be carried out not only by the woman, but also by her partner.

Pink discharge before menstruation

Some women say that pink discharge before menstruation is normal. Others claim that they point to pathological processes that occur in the organs of the urogenital system. Such a dispute can be solved by a gynecologist, who will examine the patient and determine the nature of her discharge.

There is an opinion that pink discharge before menstruation appears in some women during the ovulation period. A girl with single-color exits is also suspected of taking antibiotics uncontrollably. They also prove that pink discharge before menstruation is the result of a slight injury to the vaginal mucosa during douching, sexual intercourse, masturbation, gynecological examination. Intrauterine devices, oral contraceptives, etc. are blamed for the appearance of discharge.

Dark discharge before menstruation

I think you will agree that the dark selection before the menstruation does not speak about something good. It does not even need to consider what kind of shade they have. Indeed, in any case, the appearance of dark discharge before menstruation is a reason to consult a doctor.

Deviation from the norm is not only staining of natural secretions in any color, but also their incomprehensible smell. Must guard and monotony of the outputs. After all, the discharge in different phases of the cycle, except for the quantity, intensity of exit from the vagina, changes consistency, transparency, and also tint (within white color).


Watch the video: Brown Discharge:Five Reasons To Explain Brown Discharge Instead Of Monthly (July 2024).