Acne lemon: ways to get rid of acne and acne. How lemon helps acne: the secrets of folk cosmetology


Any violations and malfunctions in the body can be reflected in the appearance, including this applies to the skin and rashes on it.

Acne and acne can appear anywhere in the body at the most inopportune moments, disrupt the aesthetic picture and cause discomfort.

Fruits, naturally rich in vitamins, are the main ingredients of various effective masks, a special place among which is lemon.

How to apply lemon for acne and the consequences of them

The beneficial properties of lemon, as a remedy for acne, have been identified for a long time. But not everyone has learned to use it correctly so far. Before using any remedy, it is necessary to first recognize the principles of exposure, and in the case of aggressive lemon, even more so. Lemon is the concentration of a large number of beneficial components, acid, vitamin C, which make citrus a panacea for many problems.

Lemon can cleanse the skin from rashes both outside and inside. Once in the body as food, the lemon immediately begins to cleanse the blood, which immediately becomes noticeable from the outside. Lemon juice is able to fight acne, as well as spots after them, scars, redness, scars. Whitening properties help eliminate even age spots. Daily rubbing of the skin with citrus juice can save her from excessive fat and subcutaneous fat.

Most often, in cosmetic procedures, lemon is used as a component of masks or lotions. You should immediately prepare for the fact that not a single remedy, including lemon, gives an instant effect. Before carrying out the procedure involving lemon for acne, a sensitivity test should be done. If the body does not give a reaction to lemon, then you can safely use it. The peculiarity of the lemon is that it greatly dries the skin. Therefore, moisturizers should be prepared in advance for applying them after the procedures.

Citric acid - this is the main component of citrus, is actively fighting bacteria, the spread of which leads to the formation of acne. The refreshing effect of citrus renews the skin, thereby eliminating redness and scars after acne. People with sensitive skin should not be spared with acne lemon. A mixture of lemon with other natural ingredients, such as clay, protein, honey, has an excellent effect on the skin with acne and fights its effects.

Acne Lemon Juice - A Great Cleaner

Most often, in the fight against acne, lemon juice is used. This is the easiest, but also effective way. First, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleaned, and then apply the extracted juice from one lemon to it. Use for this you need a cotton swab or sponge. It is necessary to ensure that citrus juice does not get into the eyes. Lemon juice should be on the problem areas of the skin for about half an hour and completely dry. Then it will need to be washed off with warm water.

When applying lemon, you may experience such sensations on the skin as tingling, tingling, slight burning sensation. This is a normal reaction to fruit exposure. When it is on the skin, it dissolves excess subcutaneous fat, tightens pores, removes oily sheen, fights bacteria and brightens the tone. After washing off the lemon juice, the face must be moisturized with a cream. Regular rubbing of the skin will significantly reduce the amount of acne and acne on the body and face.

Acne Lemon Masks

Most effectively, the beneficial properties of lemon are revealed when interacting with other components in face masks. The effect of lemon on the skin becomes more gentle, and the effectiveness remains the same.

Combination with honey and milk

One of the old, but effective recipes is an effective tool. Step by Step Actions:

1. It is necessary to mix 1 part of lemon juice with 2 parts of honey and 3 parts of milk so that a homogeneous gruel is formed.

2. The skin is pre-cleansed by any means.

3. An even layer is applied to the face, avoiding areas around the eyes.

4. After 30 minutes, the mixture can be washed off with room temperature water.

After 4-5 of these procedures, significant improvements in the condition of the skin will become noticeable, which milk and honey will soften, and cleanse the pores of the lemon.

No milk - no problem

There is an effective recipe for a mask of honey with lemon without milk. In a ratio of 1 to 2 juice and honey are mixed. The mixture is applied exclusively to problem areas of the skin and left for 5 minutes. Rinsing after cold water will narrow the pores, and the result will be immediately noticeable. Just a few sessions will solve the problem with acne.

Instead of milk - sour cream

Acne mask based on honey, sour cream and lemon is best for owners of dry skin. In equal proportions, you need to mix 3 ingredients, apply on face and leave for 25 minutes. The mask has a complex effect, cleansing the skin of acne and making it radiant.

A combination of egg yolk and lemon

It is ideal for oily skin with enlarged pores. Step-by-step instruction:

1. From half a medium-sized lemon, squeeze the juice.

2. Then beat 1 egg white until foam and mix with squeezed juice.

3. Apply the composition to the skin in three stages:

- the first is applied to pre-cleansed skin;

- the second after 5-7 minutes after the first;

- similarly the third.

4. After applying the last third coat, wait 5-6 minutes and rinse off the mass with warm water.

After these masks, the skin will become soft, velvety, and the pores will narrow.

Yeast with milk

The combination of two ingredients and lemon juice is suitable for all skin types. In a small amount of milk, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and yeast is added. After the mixture is infused for 5-6 minutes, it can be applied with massage movements on the face. Enough 15 minutes to hold it on your face and you can wash it off.

No way without a cucumber

Lemon and cucumber are in themselves products useful for the skin of the face, and in tandem they carry much more benefit. Cucumber should be chopped so that it turns into slurry, and add 1 tablespoon of citrus juice to it. The mask is ready, it is suitable for daily use for 20 minutes. After 2 weeks, the face will acquire a healthy appearance without defects, redness and acne.

Lemon from acne and spots after them - effective ways

The whitening properties that lemon is famous for can reduce redness from spots after acne. To get rid of an acne is only half the battle, it is more difficult to eliminate its trace. Since citrus is a completely natural remedy in the fight for clear skin, you can use it regularly. This positive feature will allow you to quickly get rid of imperfections on the face.

Brown and red spots, scars will begin to disappear after such effective procedures:

- compresses from slices of the fetus in problem areas;

- a mask of protein and lemon juice also fights redness;

- lotions from juice directly on problem areas;

- washing with plain water with the addition of lemon juice;

- face peeling with sea salt with lemon zest.

The use of lemon to cleanse the skin from acne will be even more effective if you approach the issue in a comprehensive manner. Do not forget that hygiene and proper nutrition are also important to achieve clean skin, and giving up bad habits will be at your fingertips.


Watch the video: How to Use a Lemon to Lighten Your Skin (July 2024).