December 3: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 3

Lawyer Day in Russia

Since 2008, all Russian lawyers celebrate their professional holiday on December 3. Prior to this, the country did not have a common holiday for all representatives of this profession, different categories of lawyers celebrated their days at different times. December 3 was chosen due to the fact that on that day in 1864 important legislative norms were approved that laid the foundation for judicial reform. This day was celebrated as a professional holiday by pre-revolutionary lawyers.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

20 years ago, the UN General Assembly declared December 3 as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On this day, state and non-governmental organizations join forces to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, events and conferences are held, questions are raised to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.

3D Schnick Day

This holiday is still unofficial, but it is widely celebrated by everyone who works at various levels with 3D graphics (three-dimensional computer graphics). Why did sphere workers choose December 3? Everything is very simple, the abbreviation for the date - 3D - is consonant with the name of the 3D industry.

December 3 on the folk calendar

On this day, the Orthodox honor the memory of St. Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople. Saint Proclus, who lived in the 5th century, was a pupil of St. John Chrysostom, and also witnessed the appearance of Chrysostom the Apostle Paul. Having a deep knowledge of the Bible and being able to perfectly express thoughts, Proclus conducted an active educational activity, he was engaged in a lot of popularization of religion, charity. Documents have come down to our time that describe the sermons of Proclus, highly valued by the parishioners.
Among our ancestors, it was customary that day to curse evil spirits - it was believed that this would save from the emergence of evil forces from underground. The weather on this day was considered prophetic - precipitation foreshadowed rainy June, the sun - early summer. If they noticed that a bullfinch was singing on December 3, then they expected a quick blizzard.

Historical events December 3

1586 - For the first time, potatoes were brought to England from Colombia.

Of course, a significant date for all gourmets! It was on this day that Great Britain first met the then outlandish South American vegetable - potatoes. Misty Albion enthusiastically adopted a new type of food, which was later almost elevated to the rank of national. Now, few people think that Europeans are familiar with potatoes relatively recently, so firmly in our lives.

1965 - The Beatles Rubber Soul album is released in the UK

Rubber Soul is not just “the Beatles next album” in every way. Musicologists believe that it was from him that radical changes began in the sounding of the songs of the legendary four, which ultimately seriously affected the development of world musical culture. The album was recorded in less than a month, as the group was in a hurry to deliver it to store shelves by Christmas. It was at Rubber Soul that the Indian instrument of sitar was used for the first time, earlier in European pop music there was nothing like it. Arrangements also became much more complicated, which raised the bar for the rest of show business.

1966 - The remains of the Unknown Soldier are buried near the Kremlin wall.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is one of the most famous monuments to those killed in World War II. It was founded in 1966, when during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow, a ceremonial burial of the ashes of an unknown fighter was held. The following year, a memorial complex was built around the grave and lit the Eternal Flame, which now has a guard of honor constantly on duty. The inscription “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal” is carved on the slab of the memorial complex, and around it are granite urns that store land from hero cities.

1967 - The world's first heart transplant operation was performed.

In the capital of South Africa, Cape Town, at the Groot Jester Hospital, December 3, 1967, Professor Christian Barnard, for the first time in the world, performed a successful heart transplant operation. He transplanted the heart of a dead 25-year-old woman to a 55-year-old man. This operation was carried out before the invention of immunosuppressants, so the first patient lived with a new heart for only 18 days. However, already the second patient of Barnard lived after surgery for 19 months.

1989 - ended the cold war

On this day in 1989, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, US President George W. Bush made a joint statement that the USSR and the USA were no longer adversaries. Thus, December 3 went down in history as the end date of the Cold War. The global confrontation and arms race between the two superpowers has lasted since 1946. The confrontation was not only military, economic and geopolitical, but also ideological, informational. The end of the Cold War directly signaled the imminent collapse of the USSR.

Born on December 3

Grigory Savvich Frying Pan (1722 -1794), Russian and Ukrainian philosopher, poet, teacher.

Known as the "first philosopher of the Russian Empire," the Pan was an incredibly educated and versatile person. He was educated at the Kiev Theological Academy, and later was sent to St. Petersburg. The pan traveled a lot, knew several languages, taught at the seminary. He later led the wandering life of a philosopher, wandering through Ukrainian villages in an attempt to educate people about morality. During his lifetime, his works were not published.

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), English writer

A Pole by birth (real name - Jozef Theodor Konrad Kozhenevsky) thanks to his remarkable writing talent was able to become a classic of English literature. His works can be attributed to the neo-romantic style, in them (especially in the early novels) quite a lot of adventures. Perhaps the most famous story of Conrad is "The Heart of Darkness", which was used to shoot the cult movie "Apocalypse Today". Among his other works are the novels The Exile, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent, and Nostromo.

Nino Rota (1911 - 1979), Italian composer

Composer Nino Rota is best known for his movie soundtracks. The soundtrack from the “Godfather” trilogy by Francis Ford Coppola became a classic, for which the author received an Academy Award. However, most of all, Rota collaborated with the great Federico Fellini, writing music for all his films. In addition to working with film directors, Rota wrote a lot for theatrical productions, worked with such masters as Franco Zeffirelli and Lukino Visconti.

Jean-Luc Godard (1930), French filmmaker, actor, screenwriter, and producer.

A Marxist, a rebel and an extremely talented director, Godard gained fame in the 60s, having shot a number of films that had a huge impact on the development of cinema in general. He stood at the origins of the so-called French "new wave", used innovative creative methods, and demonstrated in films the complex social and psychological problems of society. The filmography of Godard has almost a hundred films.

Ozzy Osbourne (1948), British rock musician

The vocalist and founder of the band "Black Sabbath", which had a significant impact on the development of rock and heavy metal music. After leaving the group, Osborne began a solo career, which became no less successful. He has sold over 100 million albums, some of which have received multi-platinum status. Since 2004, Osborne has been the organizer of the Ozzfest music festival, in which, along with recognized monsters of hard rock, young teams perform, thus gaining a ticket to life.

Igor Nikolaevich Larionov (1960), Soviet and Russian hockey player.

Igor Larionov is the owner of a unique sports achievement. He is one of only three hockey players in the world who managed to get all the significant world titles - the Olympics, the world championship (junior and adult), the Canada Cup, the Stanley Cup. In the 80s, he was a member of the legendary USSR national team, in 1989 he moved from CSKA to the NHL championship, where he spent many successful seasons.

Julianne Moore (1960), American actress.

Julianne Moore is considered one of the leading contemporary Hollywood actresses - she was nominated four times for the Academy Award, three times became a laureate of the Venice Film Festival, and is shot annually in several films of various genres. Among her works are such famous films as “Boogie Nights”, “Big Lebowski”, “Hannibal”, “Laws of Attraction”.

David Villa (1981), soccer player, striker of the Spanish club Barcelona and the Spanish national team.

World and European champion David Villa is still far from retirement, however, he is already the Spanish national record holder in the number of goals scored. At the European Championship 2008 and World Cup 2010, he became the top scorer and ended up in the symbolic teams of these tournaments. With Barcelona, ​​Villa has already managed to win a number of titles, including the championship and the Spanish Cup, the Champions League and the UEFA Super Cup. In 2006, he was recognized as the footballer of the year in Spain.

Name Day 3 December:

Anatoly, Anna, Gregory, Ivan, Joseph, Isa (a) k, Proclus, Elena


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