Heartburn during pregnancy


Even those women who before pregnancy knew about heartburn only by hearsay, now, most likely, they will have to get to know her better. According to statistics, at one or another stage of pregnancy, three out of four expectant mothers suffer from this unpleasant phenomenon. Why does pregnancy cause heartburn, and are there any effective ways to deal with it?

Causes of Heartburn during Pregnancy

The feeling of heartburn is associated with throwing the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus. Since the digestion of food in the stomach occurs with the participation of acid, the mucous membrane of the esophagus is irritated. A sharp, sour taste appears in the mouth, a burning sensation under the spoon. As a rule, heartburn occurs immediately after eating. Most of all, her manifestations are observed in the second half of pregnancy, when she can bother the expectant mother for several hours. Many pregnant women cannot even sleep due to heartburn attacks.

The main cause of heartburn in pregnant women is a change in the hormonal background that occurs in the body of the expectant mother. The esophagus is separated from the stomach by a special muscle - the sphincter, which in the normal state prevents the return of food to the esophagus. However, in the body of pregnant women, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, because of which there is a relaxation of smooth muscles throughout the body. Of course, in general, this is useful and necessary, since in this way the tension (hypertonicity) of the uterus, in which the fetus rests, is prevented. However, the remaining smooth muscle organs, including the sphincter from the stomach to the esophagus, also relax.

Speaking about the causes of heartburn, one should not forget that an ever-growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines, diaphragm and stomach, which also contributes to throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. The acidity of the gastric juice, which increases under the influence of hormones, also enhances the burning sensation.

Reducing the phenomenon of heartburn can be observed in the last month of pregnancy, when the body, preparing for childbirth, reduces the production of progesterone. Then, due to the prolapse of the abdomen, pressure on the stomach decreases. However, up to this time, the condition of the future mother can be alleviated and the feeling of heartburn can be minimized if a number of simple rules are followed.

How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnant women who are tormented by heartburn should abandon the use of antispasmodics, since they tend to relax the muscles of the internal organs. If the doctor decides that taking such medications is necessary, then you should inform him of bouts of heartburn. Perhaps he will choose another treatment.

Given that one of the causes of heartburn is squeezing the stomach, you need to abandon the wearing of things that tighten the stomach and waist. You should refrain from bending, it is also better not to take a lying position, which also helps to throw the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, at least for half an hour after eating.

Avoid foods that irritate the gastric mucosa and stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. First of all, it concerns baking, fresh bread, fatty meat, vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, sour berries, fruits and vegetables (especially tomatoes), ice cream, black coffee, carbonated drinks, spicy pickled dishes and spices. You can not eat plentifully at night, before mom has to take a horizontal position.

A pregnant woman should eat fractionally, and monitor daily bowel movements. You should sleep on the bed, the head end of which is raised by 15-20 cm (the easiest way to do this is with extra pillows). Those who like to sleep exclusively on their sides will be interested to know that heartburn on one side is always felt stronger than on the other. It depends on the bending of the stomach.

Heartburn often torments a woman so much that she seeks salvation in taking medications. You can do this only after consulting with your doctor, who will prescribe means harmless to the baby, providing an enveloping and astringent effect. Of the antacid (antacid) drugs, a pregnant woman is usually allowed to take "maalox", "fofsfalyugel", "smect". Their reception can be both single (with the appearance of heartburn), and course, according to the doctor's prescription. But the use of such drugs should be treated with caution. Of course, they neutralize the acid, but it must be borne in mind that gastric juices in different people have different acidities, which can only be found with the help of special tests.

Folk remedies against heartburn during pregnancy

There are folk remedies that have an antacid effect: decoctions of St. John's wort, alder, chamomile. Various jelly or fresh potato juice, taken in small portions, well envelop and soothe the stomach. Another remedy for preventing and calming heartburn is milk with the addition of a drop of fennel essential oil (necessarily natural). You can also reduce heartburn by eating oatmeal, hazelnuts or almonds, grated carrots, ginger.

Finally, you need to remember that heartburn is not dangerous for the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus, so expectant mothers should not worry. Indeed, the main guarantee of a pregnant woman's well-being and a good pregnancy outcome is a good rest, balanced nutrition and a positive attitude!


Nina Ivanovna 03/26/2016
Heartburn is an unpleasant and painful thing. But after consulting with your doctor, this problem can be solved. And most importantly, I believe, change the diet.

Elvira 03/26/2016
To give birth to a healthy baby, I am ready to endure not only heartburn, but also swollen lips, swollen legs, elephant-like weight. If only he stamped his legs and drove his handles. Love love love!!!!

Lenok 03/26/2016
How much future mom has to endure. I am not surprised that some ladies prefer to live for themselves. But nevertheless, motherhood is the main purpose of a woman.

Dana 03/26/2016
Heartburn came to me in the 6th month of pregnancy. The tips in the article are real, they help me. It seems to have become easier, sometimes I use folk remedies.

Vitta 03/26/2016
Heartburn came to me in the 6th month of pregnancy. The tips in the article are real, they help me. It seems to have become easier, sometimes I use folk remedies.


Watch the video: Heartburn During Pregnancy (June 2024).