Chebureks with potatoes - this is a turn! Recipes of hearty pasties with potatoes and lard, mushrooms, onions, minced meat, cheese


Chebureks with potatoes are just a variation of the famous Tatar pies. But, nevertheless, the dish has a lot of fans. It will help out during the financial crisis or save the situation when the mince is left just a little, and you want to indulge in delicious pasties.

Chebureks with potatoes - general principles of cooking

The dough for pasties with potatoes and meat is the same, usually simple and fresh. It can be kneaded in the usual or custard way on water, milk, kefir, beer. There are a lot of recipes, a selection of the most interesting is slightly lower.

Potatoes for pasties used boiled. It is rubbed or crushed in mashed potatoes. The classic additives are onions and butter.

What else is put in the filling:

• mushrooms;

• lard, meat products;

• liver;

• cheese.

For taste, you can add various spices, garlic, parsley or dill. Such pasties are formed in the usual way, giving the cakes the appearance of crescents (a semicircle). A detailed process is described below.

Fried items in a skillet in oil. Since the potato filling is already cooked, you just need to brown the dough. Serve pasties need to the table immediately. While they are hot, fragrant and crispy.

Simple pasties with potatoes and onions

Lenten variation of pasties with vegetable filling. If the dish is not prepared for fasting, then you can add butter to the filling, it will turn out tastier.


• 1.5 tbsp. flour;

• 4 tbsp. water;

• salt;

• a spoon of vodka;

• 3 tbsp. l oils.


• 700 g of potatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 70 g of oil;

• greens, seasonings.


1. Start cooking with potatoes. Boil the vegetable in its jacket or in peeled form, there is not much difference.

2. While the potatoes are being boiled, mix oil, salt and vodka in water, add prescription flour to them. We knead elastic and cool dough. Put in a bag, let the bun lie down for half an hour.

3. Cut the onion, put it in a pan with oil, fry until almost done. If butter is used, then the slices of the vegetable will turn out to be very fragrant and beautiful.

4. Rub the boiled potatoes. Add the fried onions, spices and herbs to it. Stir. Cool the mince well.

5. We take out the dough prepared earlier, divide it into pieces. Roll out of each cake, the size of a standard flat plate for second courses.

6. Put the potato filling in half.

7. We pinch the opposite edges to get a semicircular pie.

8. Heat the oil, lay the pasties. We fry fragrant products to a rosy color on both sides.

Chebureks with potatoes and mushrooms on custard dough

A recipe for another lean potato pasties. Diversify the filling of mushrooms. Ordinary mushrooms are used here.


• 4.5 tbsp. flour;

• 40 ml of oil;

• 250 ml of water;

• salt.


• 500 g of potatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 300 g of mushrooms;

• seasonings, oil.


1. Pour water into a saucepan, immediately add an incomplete teaspoon of salt and all the oil. Put on the stove, bring to a boil.

2. Measure ¾ cup of flour, add to boiling liquid, quickly stir with a spatula and remove from heat. We cool the mass to a warm state, the hand should endure.

3. Add the rest of the flour, knead the cool dough. We place for rest in a bag.

4. Boil the potatoes, you can use ready-made mashed potatoes, if any, for the filling.

5. Cut onions and mushrooms. Spread together in a pan, fry with butter until tender. It is not necessary to cover with a lid. On average, it will take about fifteen mines.

6. Combine potatoes with mushrooms. Add spices, bring to the desired taste. Cool the filling to a cold state.

7. As soon as everything is ready for frying pasties, we get out the dough, we form products of the right size. How to sculpt semicircular pies is described just above.

8. Deep-fried pasties. They do not need to be kept in oil for a long time, as the filling is ready.

Chebureks with potatoes and cheese on beer

A recipe for stunning beer dough pasties with potatoes and cheese. You can take any light beer. Cheese will also fit any hard or processed.


• 250 g of beer;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 3-4 glasses of flour;

• 500 g of boiled potatoes;

• 50 g of oil;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 150 g of cheese.


1. Add vegetable oil to beer. In a large bowl, combine the flour passed through a sieve and fine salt. We make a small hole, start pouring beer and stir with a spoon. Gradually knead the dough with your hands. We send to rest in a package.

2. Knead potatoes or grate. The same goes for cheese. If it is soft, then you can just knead. Fry the onion, put it in the minced cheese, squeeze a clove of garlic. Stir, spices to taste.

3. We take out the dough from a bag, divide it into pieces, sculpt pasties with potato and cheese minced meat in the usual way, the size is arbitrary.

4. We fry products in oil, serve immediately until the pasties have cooled.

Chebureks with potatoes and meat

An option of economical pasties for those who have minced meat very little. The dough is prepared for them ordinary yas with an egg, but if necessary, it can be excluded.


• glass of water;

• egg;

• 2-2.5 Art. flour;

• salt;

• 20 g of oil.


• 150 g minced meat;

• 4 potatoes;

• 1 onion;

• oil, spices.


1. In hot water, add salt and oil and a glass of flour, stir. Leave the mass to cool. Then we add all the flour, break the egg. Mash cool dough.

2. Boil the whole potato or slices, knead.

3. Peel the onion, cut into cubes, put it in a pan, fry for a minute.

4. Add the minced meat to the onion, fry for another five minutes.

5. Mix mashed potatoes and sautéed minced meat stuffing with onions, season with spices to taste. You can add any herbs, garlic.

6. The dough is divided into 6-7 parts, roll cakes, lay out the meat filling with potatoes. We make semicircular pies.

7. The formed products are fried in oil, served hot. After cooling, the pasties are not so tasty.

Chebureks with potatoes and bacon

The recipe is very juicy and satisfying pasties. For them, you can use salted or smoked bacon, it tastes good with bacon. Cook the dough according to any of the recipes.


• 500 g of potatoes;

• 150 g of fat;

• 1 onion;

• spices.


1. Cut fat into pieces, twist together with onions through a meat grinder.

2. Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and also twist. You can grate or cut into small cubes. We do as we like more.

3. Mix potatoes and lard with onions, add spices. If the lard is salty, then this must be taken into account.

4. Stir thoroughly, squeeze a clove of garlic to taste, you can add a little greens.

5. We sculpt pasties of arbitrary, but the same size among themselves.

6. We fry the formed products with potato filling in oil.

Chebureks with potatoes on kefir

A variant of potato pasties from kefir dough. You can use yogurt or fermented baked milk for kneading, any yogurt, not even the first freshness and slightly acidified. For the test will be the most.


• a glass of kefir;

• egg;

• salt;

• flour.

Minced meat:

• 0.5 kg of potatoes;

• 100 g of onion;

• oil, spices.


1. Kefir should have a temperature of 35 degrees, that is, not be cold. Add salt to it or to another used fermented milk product, introduce the egg and shake well.

2. Pour flour, add during kneading until the dough ceases to absorb the product. We mum well with our hands, leave for an hour.

3. Boil the potatoes, knead and cool.

4. Fry the onion in oil, season the minced meat. Spices to taste. You can also add mushrooms, herbs or lard to this filling.

5. We form pasties from kefir dough.

6. We fry in oil in the classical way.

7. These pasties can be cooked in a dry frying pan. Only for this we cover the dish with a lid, fry on both sides for 5 minutes on moderate heat. We take out, grease with oil.

Chebureks with potatoes and liver

Wonderful filling for potato pasties. The liver can be used chicken or beef. You can take pork offal, but in this case it is advisable to soak it in milk, cut into pieces. Cook the dough according to any of the options above.


• 400 g of boiled potatoes;

• 250 g of the liver;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 onion;

• 70 g of oil;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• spices.


1. Cut the onion into pieces, but not finely. Cut the carrots into thin slices.

2. Heat the oil, spread the vegetables, fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Cut the liver into pieces, transfer the product to the vegetables. Fry for a couple of minutes, then cover the pan and simmer for a quarter of an hour until cooked under the lid.

4. Twist the fried liver. Vegetables and boiled potatoes through a meat grinder. Together with the main ingredients, skip a clove of garlic. You can grind food with a blender.

5. Season to taste with spices, put greens.

6. We sculpt pasties with mashed potato and liver, fry in a pan.

Chebureks with potatoes - useful tips and tricks

• Potatoes for the filling can be prepared very quickly if you use the microwave. The peeled tubers are placed in a special bowl, a little water is added, on average, the process will take 7-9 minutes, depending on the capacity of the furnace.

• Potato filling will be tasty and fragrant if you add onion fried in butter to it.

• You can add any sausages to the potato stuffing for pasties. The taste of the filling will benefit from this.

• If there are a lot of pasties, then part can always be frozen, and in raw or fried form. Pack the products well so that they do not absorb the odors of the freezer.


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