Games for children in winter: let's go to the fresh air! How to organize games for children in winter on a snowy ground


Sparkling snow, complete freedom and a whole sea of ​​frosty happiness - this is what winter is for children. You can sculpt snowmen and snow monsters, build towers and tunnels, flood slides and just wallow in fluffy snow. Games for children in winter are not only interesting, but also very useful. And they are so diverse that you can captivate not only the crumbs, but also the older child.

Interesting games for young children in winter

Fidget kids love competition. You need to use this interest to organize outdoor games for children in winter. Favorite fun - a game of snowballs.


Free snow shells are a real gift for little shooters. You can stick as many snowballs as you like and arrange a contest for accuracy. What to shoot down for small snipers? Anything: a spruce branch, a pins or a shovel for snow brought from the house. If you set several identical goals, you can make a simultaneous volley.

Alternatively, children can be asked to shoot not at accuracy, but at range. For example, choose a tree, a horizontal bar, a carousel as a guide and shoot at a command. The one who throws the snowball away will win.


Show the footprints left by birds and animals in the snow. You need to guess who left the prints. And then portray the mysterious guest: show how the cat makes its way through the snowdrift, how she discontentfully shakes off her wet legs, meows. Magpie, dog, mouse, sparrow, etc. - an image will be found for each participant in the snow exploration.

"The sun is cold!"

In order not to freeze after playing the trackers, the kids need to be warmed with movement. To play, you need a snowy playground with shelters: a mansion, a slide, a sandbox, a snow shaft, a snowman, etc. The kids are hiding in the shelter, and when a driver or an adult shouts “Sunny!”, They go out and run around the site. As soon as the cry of “Cold!” Sounds, you need to hide in your place as soon as possible.

Wind and snowflakes

Children imagine that they are light snowflakes. You need to stand in a circle and hold hands. As soon as the driver screams, "Wind, wind, we all fly!", "Snowflakes" fly to where. Children must show how they spin, plan snowflakes in the air. At the signal "Everything is quiet, there is no wind!" the kids gather in a circle again and hold hands.

Finding the Snow Maiden

The doll depicting the Snow Maiden needs to be hidden somewhere on a snowy platform. Children should look for the Snow Maiden, and when they find it - sing a song, tell a poem, dance, in general, show talent. Each artist can be awarded a symbolic surprise.

King of the hill

Of all the games for children in winter, this is the most famous. One of the players climbs on a small snow shaft or a natural hill, and everyone else tries to pull him out of there. Whoever succeeded, he himself becomes the king of the mountain and climbs on it. The one who succeeds in “reigning” the longest wins.

Print out!

For this game, it is necessary that the snow cover is sufficiently lush and untouched. You need to fall in the snow, then carefully rise so that the print remains clear. Whoever succeeded best wins. Alternatively, you can ask the children to create a butterfly print by moving their hands up and down.

Bunny hunt

The snowy playground is divided into zones. In the center - the "house" of the hunter, on opposite sides - the "houses" of bunnies. The hunter must make snowballs - as much as the hare players participate. The goal of the bunnies is to run into the house on the other side of the site. The aim of the hunter is to hit them with snow. Hares can run back and forth while the hunter has shells. Then the number of hits is calculated, and one of the bunnies becomes a hunter. The most accurate hunter and the unbroken hare will win (or that bunny who has been hit the least time).

Outdoor games for toddlers with sledges

If the kids went for a walk with sledges, rolled down the hills and want variety, they can offer some fun games.


Sleds need to be made in a circle so that the distance between them is at least 2-3 meters. Children become taxi drivers during the game. They must go inside the circle, and reaching the sleds of others, stop and disembark passengers. To do this, you just need to sit on the sled on the signal “Stop!”, Which gives an adult or a driver.

Funny traveler

It is good to play this game both with the company and together with mom or dad. You need to put the sled to the edge of the site and run from one sled to the other (or alternately, but randomly to all the sleds placed by the players). You need to run in a column, you can complicate: hold hands. Having reached the sled, you need to make a circle, go two circles and go to other sledges or another landmark (if there are only one sled).

Reindeer sledding

Children ride each other around the site. He who rides in a sled controls a “deer” with a special rope. It must be tied to the belt "deer", the other end holds the rider. You can work out the commands "stand", "right", "left", etc. To make the game more interesting, the child “deer” can attach cardboard horns or just a twig to the hat.


Children sit down in two on one sled, and "harnessed" to carry their three children. Manages the "three" sitting first.

Miracle bubbles

For this winter game, children need regular soap bubbles. Actually, this is not even a game, but the acquaintance of a child with the amazing property of water: freezing in the cold. In severe frosts below 6–9 degrees, soap bubbles turn into magic balls from “real” glass. It’s very easy to break them. If the street is warm enough, the blown soap film will simply become unusual: resilient, tight, elastic. Yes, and it will burst differently, but also very interesting.

Games for older children on the playground

School children can be offered more difficult games. There will be a lot of fun, but you need a snowy area and a lot of snow.


Having chosen a lush snowdrift, you need to stand around it, hold hands and, at the command of the driver, drag your neighbors into the snowdrift, trying to drop it in the snow. Once this succeeds, the game stops. Aligning the circle and taking a little rest, the children continue the game.

Ice track

If parents don’t mind games for children in winter, which are potentially dangerous for shoes and knees, they can help children fill the ice tracks on the playground. Choose the length yourself, from five to ten meters. The width of the ice "tongue" - not wider than half a meter. Children need to run along the track with a run, trying to leave as far as possible from the beginning. Alternatively, you can put some light object on the track. You need to roll to it and move it with your foot.

Snow town

A great activity for children is the construction of a snowy town with their own hands. You can think of anything you want: to make a snow school, a house, a castle, a train station, a police, a shop, make streets between them, put snowman guards. You can roll on faces in sledges, and mini-plots (purchase, arrest of a criminal, lesson, etc.) can be staged in thematic “buildings”. If you make blanks by freezing colored water, you can pave the "streets" with colored ice "bricks".

"Feed the monster"

To make a monster’s head out of the snow with its mouth wide open and try to get into it with snow. To make the task more difficult, the mouth should not be too wide, and the distance from the player to the monster should not be too close.

Strange wagon

Need ordinary boots. Children should be paired up, find a suitable track and mark the start finish. One of the couple puts boots on his hands and rests them in the snow. The second takes him by the legs and in this position the pair moves to the finish point and back. Who is faster, he won.

Reconnaissance in battle

This game is similar to the "Hunter and Hare" for kids. Need a fairly large yard, for example, a basketball. Players become on one side of the site - this is a detachment of scouts. The opposite side is the place where you need to deliver information. It turns out a large free space, which scouts must move.

But snipers rise from both sides - there are only two of them. The task of snipers is to prevent scouts from getting to the other side of the site. When the commander sends two people forward, snipers try to get into the scouts with snowballs. If this succeeds, the sealed players leave the game. When the whole team gets over, the game stops, "losses" are counted.

Outdoor games for older children with sledges

Older children no less than kids love games for children in winter, which use sledges. The simplest is the task to ride from the mountain in an unusual way. For example, you can ride lying on your back (legs pointing forward) or on your stomach, on your knees, in the usual way, but leaning on the sled from behind, with a turn below (directing the runners with your feet and leaning your body in the direction of rotation), etc.

To work out the turn, you can, for example, build gates from the branches at the end of the route and try to enter them without damaging the “wings”. You can complicate the task by placing branches or flags that you need to try to collect along the descent. In addition, you can go down together or three.


From a sled you can make a real obstacle course. Tasks can be different:

• walk from a sled to a sled, as if on a track, reaching the goal;

• get on the sled, perform some movement and get off without moving the runners;

• crawl or run between sledges without disturbing them;

• jump over the sled, leaning on them with your hands;

• stand on a sled on one leg for as long as possible;

• stand on a sled and try to move them with your feet in one direction or another, etc.

Games for children in winter can be organized with the help of tubing - inflatable "bagels" that glide perfectly in the snow.

"Who is first"

The game is held similarly to the famous game with chairs. The number of sleds should be one less than the number of players. Children run around the site until the team "sat down!". Who is late and left without a place, he lost.


Sleds need to be placed at the start. There are three players for every sled. When the command "Harness!" Sounds, one player sits down on the sled, and the other two grab the rope and begin to move to the finish line. The faster team will win.


This game needs short, sturdy sticks. You can use ski, although it is not very convenient to play with them. Children sit down in sledges in two, legs are placed on both sides on runners. At the command of the leader, they begin to push off with sticks, moving forward. Faster members become winners.

Games for children in winter are unlimited scope for imagination. You can arrange a treasure hunt in a self-built snow fortress, or play an assault on this same fortress, breaking into defenders and attackers. You can arrange a competition of figures fashioned from snow, and do not forget to take a photo for your page on the social network.
