How to make a guy jealous


When the feelings cool and the relationship comes to a standstill, there is a desire to revive them a little. One way to do this is to make a boyfriend or husband jealous. If a woman is afraid of losing a man, she is capable of the most insane and incredible things.

But in order not to break the firewood and achieve the desired, it is necessary to act carefully and thoughtfully. There are different ways to attract the attention of a guy, and jealousy is one of the most effective.

Ways to make a guy jealous

Psychology will help to make your boyfriend jealous - the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can lose your loved one forever. Psychologists advise using the following tricks:

• Stop responding to some calls from a man, and when he asks a question about the reason for this behavior, answer that you were too busy.

• Always look spectacular, get ready for a long time and carefully clean up before each exit from the house.

• Tell the guy that you need to rest more often apart from each other.

• Stop complaining that the partner is paying too little attention, always be cheerful and fun.

• Start to pay attention to other men during joint campaigns with a guy in a restaurant, cinema, etc.

• Create a new bright image and buy clothes that you never wore before.

How to make a man jealous

Most men are proprietors, even the idea that someone else can claim his woman is unacceptable for them. Worse, only if the woman herself begins to pay attention to other elects.

The psychology of the representatives of the stronger sex is such that it will not be difficult to make them jealous. If everything is done correctly, he will be afraid of losing his beloved woman, will look at her with different eyes and will appreciate more.

Even if a man has already abandoned the girl, he is uncomfortable with the idea that another person will be in his place, and she will be happy with him. You can appear at an event where he will definitely be present, accompanied by an attractive guy - often it works.

This behavior will help to return even a married lover, although it is better to turn your attention to a free man and start building healthy relationships.

Tips on how to make your husband jealous afraid to lose his wife

Some husbands are so self-confident that they are not at all afraid of losing their wife and firmly believe that she will not get anywhere from them. But even such husbands can be made jealous if you use the right tricks.

The very first - it is necessary to stop controlling her husband, not to ask when he will return and indifferently escort him from the house. Start meeting your friends, find a new hobby for yourself, love yourself and start taking care of your own appearance.

No need to get into the pose of an offended person, the role of the victim does not go to anyone and only repels the partner. You should also stop constantly checking your husband - he will definitely appreciate it.

You can also leave for some time (to stay for a week with a friend or mother), because if there is true love, then feelings at a distance only get stronger.

Tips on how to make a girl jealous

If the beloved has become more cold in the relationship, you can make this woman jealous. The main thing is not to overdo it in order not to completely destroy the feeling of affection that she has. The following methods will do:

• It is necessary to disappear for several days from her field of view and turn off the phone.

• Start lingering at work.

• Long talk on the phone with another girl, and then say that she is just a friend.

• Flirt with her friends (quite a dangerous technique, but it helps to quickly draw the right conclusion about how much you are interested in your passion).

• Change all your passwords in your laptop and phone.

• Make new friends in social networks.

Ways to make your wife jealous

The psychology of the fair sex is such that they always strive to be in the first place for their partner. This side of female nature allows you to use jealousy as an effective way to return the attachment of the wife and give a positive charge to fading feelings.

Jealousy can be caused by the following in ways:

• Tell your wife about other women (for example, co-workers), admire their merits.

• Stop appreciating the coziness created in the house, indifferently accepting the attention and care of the spouse.

• Carefully get ready for work, put your appearance in perfect order, use expensive perfume, choose the best clothes.

• Go to business trips more often.

• Reduce sex with your spouse.

• With each call, leave the room, talk for a long time, return to the room with a happy smile.

Tips how to make jealous of the former

If feelings to the former have not cooled, you can make him jealous from a distance. Even his friends can help in this, without even knowing it - you need to meet with them, communicate, spend time together.

Believe me, this behavior can infuriate any guy. You should also always look great and be in a great mood, tears and suffering are forbidden.

You can make new friends of the opposite sex on social networks, learn to appreciate freedom and enjoy it. If the former does not return, then the new young man, who is more worthy, will certainly be interested in such a girl.


Watch the video: 5 EVIL Ways to Make a Guy Jealous (June 2024).