Chicken Brizol - a restaurant dish in the home menu. Features of the preparation of fillings and omelettes for chicken brizoli


Brizol - what a word! And in fact - a very simple and well-known dish. And many mothers and grandmothers do not know that the chicken chops loved by their children in egg batter are, in fact, also a brizol.

We decided on the names, but on the recipes? Well, there are a lot of them - almost any omelet with chicken filling falls under this definition. As in almost any case with chicken, you can diversify brizol by adding mushrooms.

Chicken brizol - general principles of preparation

• Brizol is, most likely, a cooking method, but not the name of a specific dish. The word itself, translated from French, means "cooked in omelette." Brizoli can be chicken breast chop or baked in a pan or pan-fried items with minced chicken.

There are several common cooking options:

1. frying in an egg;

2. preparation of individual pancakes, which are greased with minced meat and rolled into a roll;

3. baking omelette pancakes in a pan with minced meat

4. there are even "lazy" brizoli.

• Brizoli are most often prepared with fillings. Usually it is mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes.

• If you need chicken breast for cooking, it is advisable to take chilled fillet. It is recommended to cook the minced meat on your own, the purchased one may turn out to be excessively liquid and greasy.

• Brizol is usually prepared as a snack. Original dishes will help to decorate and diversify a casual or festive table.

Chicken brizol in the form of rolls in a pan


• large red tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

• 800 gr. chilled chicken fillet;

• four large cloves of garlic;

• a dozen fresh eggs;

• 200 gr. liquid mayonnaise;

• "Dutch" cheese - 150 gr.;

• highly purified oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared chicken into large pieces and twist it twice in a meat grinder with the smallest grate. Season the minced meat with pepper, add a little salt and knead thoroughly. Divide the meat mass into ten parts and roll them into balls.

2. Beat seven eggs well and lay three temporarily aside. They will need to be beaten if there are not enough already prepared.

3. On a table or a large cutting board we spread a sheet of cling film or a bag. We spread one meat ball on it and cover it with a second sheet (package). Gently smooth the minced chicken with a knife in the form of a thin cake.

4. Pour a little egg mass into a small plate. We remove the top sheet of the film from the meat cake and carefully turn it into a plate with beaten eggs. Remove the second sheet of film.

5. Tilt the plate a little to the side over the pan with heated oil and, helping with your hand, “push” the chicken cake with the egg into it. Fry the lower side until golden brown at moderate temperature. Then we turn the meat down, bring to readiness and lay it on the flat plate down with the egg.

6. Lubricate with mayonnaise mixed with chopped garlic, sprinkle with finely grated cheese. Spread tomatoes sliced ​​in thin slices on top, roll them up and tie them with an onion feather.

7. In the same way we use all cooked minced meat and beaten eggs.

Lazy Chicken Brizol with Mushrooms


• homemade minced chicken - 800 gr.;

• 150 gr. liquid, 15% sour cream;

• garlic;

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 100 gr. "Maazdam" or similar cheese;

• a small pickled cucumber;

• 100 gr. fragrant fresh mushrooms;

• a teaspoon of mustard;

• fresh greens of dill;

• refined oil;

• milk - 8 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Put the minced meat in a bowl. Pour milk to it, break the egg. Season with ground pepper, add a little and knead thoroughly. The result should be a homogeneous mass, the texture resembling thick sour cream.

2. Cut the mushrooms into small strips. Transfer to a pan and fry with the addition of vegetable oil until all the moisture has evaporated.

3. Mix sour cream with mustard. Add grated cheese and finely chopped cucumber. We also push two garlic cloves here, spread the cooled mushrooms and stir everything well.

4. Separate a little minced meat, roll it into a ball and place between two sheets of cling film. With a rolling pin, we roll out a circle the size of a pan, one centimeter thick.

5. In a pan, heat a little oil and carefully transfer the meat into it. Fry it to a delicious blush, then turn it over and fry for 2 minutes on the reverse side. As soon as this side is ready, put a little mushroom filling in half the circle and wrap the free half of the meat “pancake” on it. We cover the pan with a lid and keep the brizol on low heat for another 40 seconds. We turn off the stove, wait another two minutes, after which we shift to a plate and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

6. The above set of products is designed to prepare four servings.

Oven Chicken Brizol in the oven with mushroom rolls


• 400 gr. homemade minced chicken;

• six eggs;

• milk - 120 ml;

• a spoon of mayonnaise;

• sweet cream butter;

• 200 gr. large champignons;

• seasoning "For golden chicken."

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare pancakes, scrambled eggs for each prepared separately. Break the egg into a small bowl, slightly add salt, add a spoonful of milk and shake it well with a fork. The mixture should be homogeneous. Pour the scrambled eggs into a pan, in which a little oil is melted in advance and fry on both sides. In the same way we cook five more pancakes.

2. We wash the champignons with water, dry, cut into slices. Transfer to a pan and fry with the addition of butter until golden brown, cool.

3. Lightly add salt to the chicken, add some spices, mix. Apply a thin layer of meat to scrambled eggs. Lubricate with mayonnaise and spread about a tablespoon of fried mushrooms on the edge, turn it off.

4. We shift the brizoli onto a baking sheet moistened with vegetable oil, lightly grease their top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped cheese.

5. Place the pan in a hot oven and bring to readiness within half an hour.

Chicken Brizol with waffle cakes


• half a kilo of minced meat;

• onion head;

• a glass of semolina;

• small potato;

• refined oil;

• one egg;

• wafer cakes, in the form of small circles.

Cooking method:

1. Pour semolina into the prepared, non-liquid minced chicken, add chopped onions and three raw potatoes through a fine grater.

2. Season the minced meat with pepper, add salt to your taste and knead thoroughly. Set aside, and wait half an hour for the semolina to swell.

3. On a small waffle circle, apply a thin layer of minced meat, gently cover with a second circle and press firmly. Then dip the workpiece in an egg whipped with salt and immediately spread in a pan with hot oil.

4. On medium heat until brown, fry both sides. To warm the meat, cover the pan.

Oven Chicken Brizol with Orange Sauce


• two large spoons of low-fat mayonnaise;

• minced chicken - 450 gr.;

• four eggs;

• 50 ml of milk;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• 100 gr. cheese "Kostroma".

For the sauce:

• two small oranges;

• 40 gr. thick cream or butter;

• wheat flour - 2 tsp;

• 20 ml of orange juice;

• two spoons of thin sour cream;

• sweet paprika;

• shallots - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with flour, add milk and stir well until smooth. From the prepared mass in a small pan we bake pancakes. To better turn over, each time a little grease the pan with oil. We expect to get about 12 pieces.

2. We put the minced meat in a bowl, grate the onion to it on a fine grater. Season with pepper, and, slightly salted, mix well.

3. On the cooled pancakes, put a little minced meat and spread evenly with a spoon over the entire surface. Wrap with rolls and placing on a baking sheet, put in the oven. We bake the brizoli for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, sprinkle with cheese and put it back for another 10 minutes.

4. Cooking orange sauce. Scalp citruses with boiling water, wipe dry with a towel. With a thin layer, cut a small piece of zest and cut it into thin strips. Squeeze the juice from oranges, filter it from accidentally caught pulp and seeds.

5. Melt in a stewpan two tablespoons of oil, dip shallots, chopped into small pieces, into it. Stew for two minutes over medium heat, then pour in the flour and, stirring, passer until golden.

6. Pour orange juice and, stirring vigorously, bring to uniformity. There should be no lumps.

7. Introduce sour cream into the sauce and leave to simmer for a minimum of a quarter of an hour. At the end, add a little paprika, salt, season the sauce with ground pepper.

8. We put ready-made brizoli on plates, pour over the slightly cooled sauce and serve.

Chicken Brizol: Egg Breast Chop Recipe


• white chicken meat - 600 gr.;

• two eggs;

• three tablespoons of flour;

• corn or sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Lay the dried fillet after washing on a cutting board. We cut off the fat residues, hanging films from it and cut it into layers of a centimeter thickness. We wrap each piece of cling film without zeal, beat off on both sides.

2. Pour flour into a wide bowl, add a little ground pepper, fine salt, mix thoroughly. In a separate deep container, beat the eggs until a strong foam is obtained.

3. We put on a stove a thick-walled pan. Pour, covering the bottom, oil, a centimeter layer, turn on medium heat.

4. Take the slices of the beaten filet and alternately bread first in the flour mixture, then dip in the beaten egg and dip in the heated oil. Fry the brizoli on each side for three minutes, until golden.

Chicken Brizol - cooking tips and tricks

• Before beating pieces of chicken, be sure to cover them with cling film or place in a bag. The meat will not stick to the hammer and its fibers will remain intact, which will preserve the juiciness of the chicken fillet that is already missing.

• Before breading in flour, do not dry the chicken dry. Flour sticks better to slightly damp meat. It is only necessary to ensure that it evenly covers the pieces, there should be no gaps.

• If you are preparing brizoli with waffle cakes, you should not form many products at once. Harvest exactly as much as fits in the pan, otherwise the cakes will get wet.

• Do not overcook or over-cook chicken products in the oven. Tender meat quickly loses moisture and becomes dry.


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