How to cook lemon biscuit in the oven and slow cooker. The subtleties of making lemon sponge cake with impregnation, on kefir, with poppy seeds


A delicate slice of lemon biscuit melting in your mouth is a wonderful idea for tea. Light acidity, thin lemon wrap distinguish this baking from ordinary biscuit cake.

The baked cooled biscuit can be cut into strips and offered with milk drinks, coffee, green or black tea. And you can make light and remarkably tasty cake based on lemon cake.

Lemon biscuit - general principles of preparation

To prepare a classic biscuit, you need to thoroughly beat the eggs with sugar into an elastic stretching mass, and then mix the flour into it. It doesn't get any easier. If we are talking about lemon biscuit, then to add flavor and flavor to the biscuit dough, add lemon juice and zest.

To get rid of the harmful film that the fruit is covered during transportation, it is important to properly process the lemon. Pour boiling water over it, rub it with a brush or the hard side of the sponge, wipe it dry. It is fashionable to remove the zest with an ordinary grater or a special device. Then cut the fruit in half and squeeze the juice.

Bake a biscuit in the form, preheating the oven to 180-200 ° C. Depending on the thickness of the dough in the baking dish, it will take from 40 to 50 minutes. Check readiness by piercing a biscuit with a thin wooden skewer or a simple match. A dry tree is a sign of readiness.

You can bake a biscuit and a slow cooker or a bread machine. But for the breadmaker, in spite of the kneading programs, beat the eggs and knead the dough manually.

Impregnated Lemon Sponge Cake

A pleasant sweet and sour crust and delicate syrup make this lemon sponge cake delicious. Thanks to the lemon impregnation, the pastries are tender and very tasty.


• four large eggs;

• one hundred grams of flour;

• one hundred grams of starch;

• one hundred and fifty grams of sugar per dough;

• eighty grams of sweet cream butter;

• a tablespoon of lemon peel;

• a tablespoon of baking powder;

• juice of one lemon (about fifty milliliters);

• fifty grams of sugar for impregnation.

Cooking method:

Strain the lemon for five minutes with boiling water to leave the characteristic bitterness. Wipe and remove the zest.

Melt the butter in a water bath or microwave.

Prepare the mold by greasing it with a piece of butter and sprinkling it with flour.

Turn on the oven 180 ° C.

Drive eggs into a bowl, add sugar, stir.

Beat with a mixer to make the mass light and “grow”, become voluminous.

Combine starch with flour, baking powder, be sure to sift.

Add the flour mixture in egg foam in parts, mix with a spatula. Movements should be directed from the bottom up.

Add the zest to the biscuit dough, mix.

Gently pour the melted cooled oil from the edge, mix it in the dough. It should turn out to be viscous, elastic.

Pour the biscuit dough into the mold and place in the oven.

After 35 minutes, check the lemon biscuit for preparedness. As a rule, by this time the cake is already ready: the middle was baked, and the top turned red.

Turn off the oven, let the baking stand without opening the door for about five to seven minutes.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon. It should turn out about fifty milliliters.

Pour the juice into a stewpan, pour in an equal mass of sugar.

Heat on low heat, stir occasionally, otherwise it will burn.

The syrup is ready when all the sugar grains have dissolved.

Remove the biscuit and, without removing it from the mold, often, often pierce it with a wooden skewer. This is to make lemon syrup better permeate the cupcake.

Spoon the cake with hot syrup, trying to soak evenly.

Leave the biscuit in shape until it cools completely.

Syrup pouring, hardening, will cover the biscuit with a delicious sweet and sour crust.

Classic Lemon Biscuit

A simple biscuit that you can quickly bake for morning tea on a weekend. A simple recipe that is great for the first acquaintance with a biscuit dough.


• four eggs;

• 180 grams of sugar;

• 180 grams of flour;

• large lemon;

• a pinch of salt;

• a teaspoon of soda;

• four tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven 180 ° C.

Cut dried lemon into pieces together with zest, take out the bones.

Grind until gruel in a meat grinder or blender.

Separate the yolks, mix with half the sugar and beat with a mixer. The mass should acquire a white color.

Add lemon gruel, salt, soda and vegetable oil to the beaten yolks.

Mix everything with a spoon. The mass will start to foam, this is normal.

Sift flour.

In three steps, pour the flour into the yolk base, mix by hand.

Beat the whites with the rest of the sugar so that the mass becomes tight and holds well.

Insert the proteins into the dough, mix gently.

Cover the mold with baking paper, oil the bottom.

Pour the dough, distribute throughout the volume of the form.

Wrap the dish in foil, bake for 35 minutes, then reduce heat to 150 ° C and cook the biscuit for ten minutes.

Open the door and let the biscuit cool completely. Only then remove the foil and transfer the cake to the dish.

Lemon sponge cake in a slow cooker

Biscuits in the multicooker are baked very simply. They do not burn, they turn out soft, lush, they keep their shape well.


• four large eggs;

• two hundred grams of sugar;

• two hundred grams of flour;

• two tablespoons of lemon juice;

• a tablespoon of lemon peel;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• some butter to lubricate the mold.

Cooking method:

Remove the dried zest from the prepared dried lemon.

Squeeze out the juice, discarding the seeds.

In a deep bowl, mix the eggs with sugar, beat with a mixer for about ten minutes. The mass should be dense and not fall out of the inverted container.

Add lemon ingredients to the egg base, mix.

Sift flour with baking powder.

In three or four doses, pour the sifted flour into the beaten eggs, kneading the biscuit dough. Make sure that the airy foam in the beaten eggs does not collapse.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, pour the biscuit mass.

Snap the lid on, turn the appliance on to the baking mode. If it’s not there, the soup cooking mode will do.

After disabling the program, let the lemon biscuit stand without opening the lid for about five to seven minutes.

Then use the steaming grill to remove the cake, cool on the grill.

Transfer to a dish, garnish with icing sugar and serve.

Lemon sponge cake with poppy seeds

For poppy lovers - a recipe for lush lemon biscuit with poppy seeds. The pastries are deliciously lush and delicious. Be sure to try it.


• three large eggs;

• one hundred eighty grams of flour;

• seventy grams of dried confectionery poppy;

• three lemons;

• a pack of butter (180 grams);

• one hundred eighty grams of flour;

• bag of baking powder (1.5 teaspoons);

• a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

Remove the oil, cut into pieces so that it softens at room temperature.

Steam poppy seeds with boiling water. When the water has cooled, strain through a gauze filter.

Start preheating the oven to 170 ° C.

Mix flour with baking powder and sift.

Remove chips from one lemon, squeeze out about 50 ml of fresh juice.

In a bowl with sifted flour, beat the eggs, put the softened poppy, soft butter, salt.

At slow speeds with a mixer, knead the dough. You can add 2-3 tablespoons of milk if it turns out too thick.

Pour the dough into an oiled pan, send it to bake, but for now, do some soaking.

Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemon, pour into a small saucepan or stewpan.

Add three to four tablespoons of sugar.

Dissolve sugar in juice over low heat. When the sugar grains dissolve, the syrup is ready.

Pierce the finished biscuit without cooling with a wooden toothpick.

Spoon the cake with hot syrup.

Leave to cool on a wire rack.

Blueberry Lemon Sponge Cake

If you like to experiment with baking, make a lemon biscuit for this recipe. Berries in combination with lemon will give baking a special aroma. Blueberries can be replaced with any other berry, including frozen.


• five large eggs;

• one hundred and thirty grams of sugar;

• two hundred and ten grams of flour;

• large lemon;

• one hundred grams of blueberries;

• some oil for the mold.

Cooking method:

Pour the berries with cold water, dry on a paper towel, sprinkling in one layer.

Let frozen berries melt at room temperature without rinsing with water.

Remove the lemon zest.

Squeeze out a little lemon juice (2-3 tablespoons).

Beat eggs well, making the mass airy, increase in volume.

Without turning off the appliance, add sugar in four to five doses. Beat for another five minutes.

The result is a thick, beautiful mass that does not fall out when the form is turned over.

In portions, introduce the sifted flour into it, kneading the biscuit dough.

Add lemon shavings and juice to the finished dough.

Bake until cooked, cool and serve.

Kefir lemon sponge cake

A loose structure and a distinct creamy note - this is the difference between a biscuit dough mixed in kefir and butter.


• three eggs;

• a glass of kefir;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• two glasses of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• two tablespoons of lemon juice;

• zest from one lemon;

• a bag of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Soften the oil, taking it out of the refrigerator an hour before cooking.

Mix butter with regular and vanilla sugar, rub until white with a spatula.

Beat eggs into the oil mixture, whisk with a whisk.

Flour sifted together with baking powder, gradually introduce into the mixture.

Add chopped zest and fresh lemon juice, mix well.

Pour kefir into the dough, whisk with a mixer.

The result should be a viscous biscuit dough, the consistency of which resembles sour cream.

Bake in a pan, let cool on a wire rack.

Lemon Biscuit - Tips and Tricks

In the first half hour, do not open the oven door, otherwise the biscuit will fall off.

Do not lubricate form shoes with oil. There will be nothing for the dough to “cling to” when rising, and the biscuit will not rise.

In order not to form a pea on the finished biscuit, roll the dough form vigorously clockwise 3-4 times.

If the top of the biscuit is already ready, and the middle has not been baked (the cake trembles when swaying), you need to cover it with foil and bake. Reduce temperature by thirty degrees. And so that the cake does not burn from below, put a bowl of water at the bottom of the stove.


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