Eggplant dishes with garlic and mayonnaise - tasteful. Vegetable cakes, rolls: light eggplant dishes with garlic and mayonnaise


The season of vegetables is the time for light snack foods. Fresh eggplant, mayonnaise and garlic are the perfect combination to create a delicious, spicy and at the same time sophisticated meal. All eggplant dishes, regardless of the method of preparation, are considered low-calorie, despite the fact that they are dressed with mayonnaise.

Light dishes of fried or baked eggplant, flavored with mayonnaise dressing with garlic, complement any side dish. Savory snack cakes or eggplant rolls diversify the everyday menu, such dishes will take their rightful place on the festive table.

Eggplant appetizers with garlic and mayonnaise - general principles of preparation

• When purchasing eggplant, pay attention not only to appearance, but also to size. The peel of the vegetable should be smooth with a glossy sheen. The wrinkled surface indicates that the eggplants have been wounded for a long time and their flesh is not dense, but, most likely, "cotton". Large fruits immediately set aside, they may be overripe and contain a lot of seeds.

• Before use, chopped eggplant is recommended to be soaked for at least half an hour in saturated saline. When frying, the vegetable actively absorbs oil, the accumulated moisture helps to weaken this process. In addition, saline solution draws characteristic bitterness from the fruit. If you bake them, and not fry, just pour the pieces with salt and stand for ten minutes. After any of the proposed procedures, the eggplants are thoroughly washed, then squeezed slightly to remove excess moisture.

• Fry slices of vegetable in a small amount of oil, dipping in warmed fat. Heating should be maximum so that the sides quickly browned. If cooked slowly, eggplant will absorb a lot of oil. When baking, a thin layer of oil is applied to the slices themselves, well lubricated and the roasting pan.

• Mayonnaise. The fat content of the product depends on personal preference. But it is worth noting that nevertheless, it is better to take low-calorie mayonnaise, especially if the eggplant is not baked, but fried.

• Dressing is prepared from mayonnaise with the addition of crushed garlic on a press. Eggplant and other vegetables are coated with it when forming cakes or rolls. Often fillings are added to this dressing, which are wrapped in eggplant roll.

• Eggplant appetizers with garlic and mayonnaise can be served with any side dish. They are just as good as a standalone cold appetizer.

Fried eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise


• unripe eggplant - two medium fruits;

• a large head of garlic (5-6 teeth);

• flour;

• 90 ml of refined oil;

• mayonnaise of any fat content.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse eggplant with cool water. Remove the stem, cut and a small piece from the opposite edge.

2. Cut the eggplant into rings close to 0.7 cm wide, put them on a colander, lightly pouring each new layer with salt. Leave for a quarter of an hour, setting the colander on a bowl. During this time, juice will stand out from them, with which the bitterness characteristic of the vegetable will leave.

3. Thoroughly rinse the eggplants with water and slightly squeeze them.

4. Pour oil into the pan, let it warm up well. Roll the eggplant in flour one by one and dip in hot fat. Fry on both sides until golden.

5. Eggplant quickly draws in fat, so you may need to add oil after each batch. Fried vegetable rings immediately spread on a paper towel, and after two minutes we move into a bowl.

6. Select approximately five tablespoons of mayonnaise in a bowl. Press garlic into it, mix thoroughly.

7. Carefully place the chilled vegetable rings on a shallow wide dish. Lubricate the surface of each with mayonnaise dressing and put one more eggplant ring on top.

8. We place the snack for an hour in the common chamber of the refrigerator.

Eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise - "Rolls with cheese filling"


• one large or two small eggplant;

• sunflower non-aromatic oil;

• 50 ml of rare low-fat mayonnaise;

• boiled egg;

• garlic;

• 50 grams of "Dutch" cheese.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the eggplants with water and cut into longitudinal plates with a thickness of 2 mm. Fold, pouring salt into a bowl, leave for 15 minutes. Then pour cool water, rinse thoroughly, dry and fold back into a bowl.

2. Add two tablespoons of oil to the vegetables, mix well. You can apply oil in a thin layer on both sides of each slice with a brush.

3. On medium heat, heat a dry frying pan well. We lay eggplants on it and fry until the bottom is browned. Then turn it over and lightly fry the other side.

4. As a rule, thin plates become inflexible after frying and cannot be rolled up. Therefore, you need to cool the eggplant under the lid, or by placing it in a bag, then they will become soft.

5. While the eggplant is cooling, finely rub the cheese. Add to it in the same way chopped boiled egg and garlic (three slices). We fill the cheese filling with mayonnaise, mixing well, add a little salt.

6. On the cooled eggplant plate, on the very edge of the narrower side, put a little cheese filling and turn it into a roll.

7. The rolls laid out on the dish are placed in the refrigerator for impregnation. We serve no earlier than an hour later.

Eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise: a simple recipe for a snack cake with tomatoes


• unpeeled eggplant - 700 gr.;

• processed cheese;

• boiled egg;

• five fleshy tomatoes;

• garlic;

• high-quality vegetable oil;

• 150 gr. mayonnaise, preferably 72% fat ("European").

Cooking method:

1. Using a narrow, thin knife, cut the eggplants into narrow, seven-millimeter thick slices, put them in a bowl. Fill with well-salted water, leave in it for about twenty minutes. Then rinse liberally and squeeze a little.

2. In vegetable oil, lightly fry the eggplant. If necessary, add oil. Turn over and remove when the sides are well browned.

3. Put the fried rings of vegetable on a towel, let them cool well.

4. In a small bowl on a fine grater, rub the cream cheese, boiled egg and two large garlic cloves. Put a little mayonnaise, mix well all the ingredients.

5. On the bottom of the flat plate, carefully lay out the cooled eggplant. We well coat them with mayonnaise dressing and lay thin tomato slices on top. We lay eggplants on the tomato layer and coat them with mayonnaise sauce too. Repeat the layers.

6. To make a vegetable cake, you can use finely chopped dill.

Eggplant appetizer with garlic and mayonnaise - "Sandwich"


• small eggplant;

• five leaves of fresh mint;

• "Kostroma" cheese - 40 gr.;

• three large cloves of garlic;

• three tablespoons of fat mayonnaise;

• five fresh leaves of red basil.

Cooking method:

1. On the surface of the eggplant we make several longitudinal deep cuts. We put it in the microwave, and turn it on at full power. Bake for 10 minutes, cool.

2. Remove the peel from the vegetable, cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes and place in a bowl. Add peeled garlic cloves, dried mint leaves and basil. We also chop the cheese coarsely and chop everything with a blender to a paste-like mass.

3. Lightly add salt to the eggplant appetizer and season it with mayonnaise to your liking.

Georgian style eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise - "Walnut rolls"


• large eggplant;

• frozen oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• an incomplete glass of walnut kernels;

• fresh dill, cilantro - in a small bunch;

• two large cloves of garlic;

• mayonnaise to season the filling;

• pomegranate seeds for decoration.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplant lengthwise into thin plates, put them on a greased fryer. We put in the oven, warmed up to 180 degrees. Cook for up to 10 minutes, achieving light browning. Cool.

2. Finely chop the nuts and garlic with a knife. Add chopped dill and cilantro. Stir the nut filling, add a little and season with mayonnaise. You can put everything in a blender bowl and beat into a paste-like mass.

3. On the edge of the fried strips of eggplant, lay out about a teaspoon of the prepared filling and wrap each in a roll.

4. Carefully lay out the eggplant rolls in a batch dish, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and serve.

Baked eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise with complex filling - "Fan"


• fresh unripe eggplants - 3 pcs.;

• three medium, necessarily fleshy, tomatoes;

• garlic;

• 150 gr. any liquid mayonnaise;

• fresh greens of dill;

• 160 grams of "Russian" cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Water-washed eggplant cut along. Then, each half, not reaching the base, cut into thin plates. Slightly add eggplant and leave for at least half an hour, placing in a colander. Then rinse well and dry with a towel.

2. Remove the stems from the tomatoes, cut into circles. Cut thin cheese into thin slices.

3. In a bowl of mayonnaise we push three small cloves of garlic. Add finely chopped dill, salt a little and mix thoroughly.

4. Put eggplant on a greased baking sheet and slightly spread their "petals" to the sides, grease on both sides with mayonnaise sauce. In the free space between the plates we put two rings of tomato and a plate of cheese.

5. Place the roasting pan in the middle level of a well preheated oven. Cook at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. We focus on the softness of tomatoes and eggplant.

Eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise


• half a glass of walnut kernels;

• sparse, preferably low-calorie, mayonnaise;

• vegetable oil;

• garlic;

• two large eggplants.

Cooking method:

1. Without peeling, cut the eggplant into thin longitudinal strips. Dip them for half an hour in a light brine, then rinse with a stream of running water and thoroughly wipe with a towel.

2. Fry strips in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cool by spreading on a paper towel.

3. Blender crush nuts crumbs. Squeeze in a press or rub two garlic cloves on a fine grater into the cooked crumb, mix.

4. On cooled eggplant, on both sides with a thin layer we apply mayonnaise. Breaded strips in nut crumbs and gently lay out on a dish.

Tips for cooking eggplant dishes with garlic and mayonnaise - useful tips

• Do not add a lot of mayonnaise to fried eggplant dishes. After heat treatment, the vegetable already contains a lot of fat. Try to use low-calorie mayonnaise.

• Before rubbing the processed cheese, place it for a quarter of an hour in the freezer. The cheese will harden and will not spread on the grater.

• Sprinkle eggplant with salt more conveniently in a colander, which should be installed on a bowl. Moisture containing bitterness will drain through the holes and the lower pieces of the vegetable will not absorb it, as would happen in a bowl.


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