Masks for elasticity of the skin at home


Most women are convinced that at home to care for their skin is difficult. Some simply too lazy to make a caring mask, and some consider homemade means useless. Especially it concerns the rejuvenating and tightening procedures. Naturally, if not a single year to ignore care, then it will not be easy to improve the condition. What to expect from a mask for tightening the skin and skin elasticity at home?

Masks for elasticity of the skin at home

Quickly tighten the skin of the face will be a mask based on cucumber and eggs. For her, whisk the egg so that the protein is completely warm, and place a large spoonful of cucumber pulp. Let the agent infuse for 3-5 minutes, and then pour 1 tsp. olive oil. The mixture will be liquid, it is applied with a brush until completely dry. This procedure is suitable for dry and combination skin type. For elasticity, you must use it 2 p. weeks

As soon as you notice the loss of the clear contour of the face contour, begin to tighten it with curative mud and clay. Mud mask at home is prepared easily. Dilute the product with warm water to a creamy consistency. Lubricate the face for half an hour. After three months of application, the elasticity of the epithelium will return.

Wrinkle Recipes

Effective at home will be a recipe from fresh dill. It will help to restore elasticity and tone, and even relieve wrinkles. To do this, make a slurry of chopped dill. Very good, if there is a lot of juice. Take it in an amount of 1 tsp. and grind with 1 tbsp. l oatmeal flour. After pouring 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes.

A good result gives a recipe from clay and cornmeal. You need to prepare it as follows: 2 tbsp. l clay connect with 1 tbsp. l corn flour and protein. Still add a drop of rosemary ether. The tool is applied to the drying of the clay.

Mask recipes for wrinkles and for skin elasticity of the face, which are prepared at home, should contain anti-aging ingredients. Laudatory reviews deserved the mask with bodyag and peroxide. She is very effective at any age. 1 tbsp. l bodyagi dissolve in 1 tsp. peroxide and apply for 5 min. This cosmetic method is allowed to be used every 7 days. With each application, increase the time by 5 minutes, the epithelium tightens better each time. It is advisable to do the procedure before bedtime, because due to a large rush of blood, the skin will become red. This effect lasts about 3 hours.

Masks increase the elasticity of the skin around the eyes

To tighten the skin of the face around the eyes can be herbal extracts. If you can do them yourself - very well. Diluted in water used for washes. To increase elasticity after 40 years, you need to make lotions from extracts.

The drug is moistened with cotton and applied around the eyelids for 15 minutes. Effective in this case will be chamomile extract, cornflower, calendula and aloe.

You can tighten the skin around the eyelids with potato juice. He will help to remove puffiness and darkening. Potato seed and place in gauze bags. Place them on the lower eyelids and lie down for a quarter of an hour. Juice clean with cold water.

In order to achieve elasticity around the eyes, in addition to masks, you need to carry out daily massage procedures. Also, experts say that the use of sesame oil will return youth.

Folk recipes

Folk masks to increase the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin of the face contain affordable and inexpensive ingredients. As mentioned, the epithelium needs to be tightened with clay. And if you combine it with useful products, you can completely remove the flabby cover. Effective is a clay mask with wheat. Make it necessary so: 1 tsp. wheat germ mixed with 1 tbsp. l grape juice and 2 tbsp. l clay Spread over face and neck for 20 minutes. Reviews write that this tool serves to give elasticity to the breast after feeding the child.

To improve the elasticity of the face at home you can use honey. Connect the protein with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l medium-sized oatmeal. Lubricate the skin with the mixture before the egg dries. This mask is able to give a natural shine and soothe. This recipe is effective, but allergies will not work.

Masks for tightening the face and skin elasticity at home

It will be good to tighten, and give elasticity to the face, a means of cereal. Make it necessary from 2 tbsp. l rice, ½ tbsp. l oatmeal and walnut. Grind all the products in a coffee grinder and dilute with warm water so that the mixture resembles a regular cream. Still put a little banana, mashed into a mash. Before use, the face must be well steamed. Holds the mixture for about half an hour. Women write about the effectiveness of this means for the hips. At home, it can be used every day.

The most famous homemade mask is gelatinous. Dissolve 1 tsp. gelatin in 1 tbsp. l serum. Wait until the consistency of sour cream. If the medium spreads out, add some oatmeal. Apply a thick layer with a massage spatula and wait for complete drying. In this way, it is possible not only to tighten the face, but also to clean it. This recipe is allowed to make teenagers to narrow pores.

Any homemade recipe for improving the elasticity of the face is effective with strict regularity. Maybe you will lose time, but the use of natural products will not aggravate the situation. Such home procedures can put the whole body in order.


Watch the video: Instant Face Lift Collagen Mask To Look 10 Years Younger Naturally - Tighten Sagging Skin At Home! (June 2024).