10 bad habits that steal your youth and beauty. What you DO NOT NEED to do to look younger and more beautiful


In everyday hustle and bustle, girls and women perform many actions, including unconscious ones, which brazenly steal their youth and beauty. Over the years, one has only to wonder. It seems that they looked after themselves, looked after them, bought expensive cosmetics, and there are a lot of wrinkles on their foreheads, their eyes go out, and the figure is not the same.

Before it's too late, we advise you to pay attention to bad habits that visually add to women for several extra years.

Touch to face

There are a lot of bacteria on hand, because you touch the handrails in public transport, the toilet seat, banknotes and other dirty things. Now imagine that almost all the contents of the hands will be on the face that you so carefully cleaned with lotion in the morning. As a result, black dots, acne, and even pimples appear.

Another harmful action is propping up your face with your hand while you are sitting. This leads to impaired circulation and premature appearance of deep wrinkles.

Combing wet hair

Many girls are doing this. They complain that dried hair is very confused and simply impossible to comb. However, this can be prevented by immediately patting your hair with a soft towel and gently separating the strands with your hands. Combing wet or even wet hair leads to their deformation, stretching, and the formation of split ends.

Abuse of scrubs and peels

Everyone knows about the need to cleanse the skin from rough and dead cells. That's just enough to do it 1-2 times a week. Frequent use of scrubs damages the skin, and also contributes to the active development of subcutaneous fat, which leads to clogging of pores and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Love for sweets

It causes great harm to the body as a whole. Sugar weakens the immune system, promotes the rapid death of cells, disrupts the metabolism, and causes fermentation processes in the intestine. Among the negative consequences of love for sweets, the following can be noted: excess weight, dark bags under the eyes, wrinkles, acne, and rapid contamination of the scalp.

Ignoring split ends

Perhaps split ends are not a harmful health outcome, but certainly a serious blow to beauty. Hair should be regularly moisturized and nourished using various caring masks, balms and oils. If split ends have already appeared, they need to be cut, thereby allowing hair to restore a healthy appearance.

Use up to 25 years of anti-aging cosmetics

The skin of a young girl and so produces collagen in sufficient quantities to maintain a fresh and healthy appearance. In this case, anti-aging creams are useless, they only clog pores and lead to the appearance of acne and pimples.

Regular lack of sleep

One of the most destructive bad habits. If a single lack of sleep leads only to fatigue and a deterioration in concentration, then recurring sleep problems can cause hormonal imbalance and, as a result, excess weight, wrinkles, paleness and sagging of the skin, brittleness and hair loss.

Frequent use of powder and foundation

On the one hand, these cosmetics allow you to visually hide some imperfections in the appearance (wrinkles, blackheads, pallor) and protect the skin from the harmful effects of the external environment. On the other hand, the abuse of powder and foundation clogs the pores, resulting in stagnation and oxidation of subcutaneous fat. The result is black spots, blackheads and acne.

Throwing one leg to another

Such a seemingly harmless and even cute lady's habit disrupts the normal blood circulation and the work of internal organs. One of the most common negative consequences of throwing legs on one leg is varicose veins.

Lack of makeup brush care

Few women know that makeup brushes must be washed thoroughly with soap at least once a week. After all, a lot of bacteria accumulate on them, which, when applying makeup, inevitably fall on the face, provoking inflammatory processes.

Thus, simple and unconscious actions can lead to very disastrous consequences. It is necessary to be more attentive not only to serious, in your opinion, affairs, but also to trifles.


Watch the video: 28 SIMPLE HACKS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE (June 2024).