The best remedies for ticks: what really scares away? List of the most effective tick remedies according to tourism lovers


Summer is a time for picnics and outdoor recreation. But in the forest can be in danger in the form of ticks. Before going to the forest, you should find out about the best tick remedies for humans, which will help get rid of this unpleasant threat.

Reftamid Maximum

This is one of the best tick repellents. Its function is to deter insects. It is effective not only against ticks, but also against fleas, midges, mosquitoes, horseflies and mosquitoes. Before applying to open areas of the body, the spray can be shaken, sprayed on the palm of your hand and spread on the body without rubbing. After that, apply to clothing, spraying from a distance of 25-30 cm. Especially carefully should be applied to the ankles, neck, hands, knees and hips. The duration of protection on the skin is up to 4 hours, on clothing up to 5 days. Use the product only once a day. The price is affordable. The packaging is convenient. Of the minuses - an unpleasant odor that quickly disappears. The drug is toxic, therefore it is better not to use it for children.


The company that produces this product breaks all records for the sale of effective insect repellents. Its products are known all over the world, and the tick remedies are the best and highest quality. The spray is easily applied to clothing that is enough to process once every 5 days. It is better to do this on the street or on the balcony due to the harsh smell. When processing clothes, especially pay attention to the cuffs, the neck and bottom of the trousers. Even in rainy weather, the drug is effective. According to customer reviews, this is a reliable protection against ticks.

Tornado Anticlesch

This is a very reliable tool that is suitable for the whole family and can be used for children. The fluid is sprayed under pressure. It consists of succinic acid. Anti-mite tornado is an indispensable companion in the forest and taiga. Keep the drug away from food at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. The used spray can not be thrown into the fire, the product is explosive and toxic. Spraying liquids is recommended to be done outdoors. Children's clothing should only be used by adults. The tool is effective for two weeks. This is a domestic drug, so the price will please buyers.

Antisex Breeze

This is one of the best acaricides against ticks. It is available in the form of a spray and is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. The drug has a low level of toxicity and at the same time it has destructive power against parasites. It is safe for people and animals. And what is important, does not cause allergic reactions. The spray has a neutral smell and an affordable price. Of the shortcomings, it should be noted that it is effective only against ticks and does not deter other insects.


The Russian drug “Tick-kaput” refers to insect-acaricidal-repellent drugs, which indicates its versatility. Its advantage is that it does not contain ozone-depleting chladones. It is also effective against mosquitoes and fleas. Clothing is not recommended to be processed indoors. When spraying, the spray should not be directed against the wind. Spray should be applied at arm's length. To process clothes no more than 2 minutes. The drug is toxic. Keep it away from direct sunlight at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. It is impossible to disassemble the can, as it is under pressure. After handling the clothes, be sure to wash your hands well with soap. Do not use for people who suffer from skin diseases.

Picnic baby

The tool is created specifically for children, so it is low toxic. It can be used even by babies from the age of 2. It retains its properties for 10 days. You can spray not only on children's things, but also on the skin. It does not cause irritation.

Valerian Cologne

This is a very old known insect repellent. To prepare it, you will need 15 drops of Valerian and 1 tablespoon of any cologne, which must be mixed in a closed vessel. To process clothes, you need a cotton swab. It is moistened with this solution and things are thoroughly wiped.

Essential oils

One of the best folk remedies for ticks is essential oils. Their pungent odors scare away ticks. The most effective are the aromas of rosemary, geranium, lavender and thyme. In Siberia, cedar oil is popular among hunters and hikers in the forest. You can use one flavor or make up a composition of oils. Ticks do not tolerate such odors and this will scare them away. To enhance the aroma, alcohol or vinegar diluted with water should be added to the essential oil. A glass of water will require 2 tablespoons of oil and alcohol. This home remedy is very effective against ticks and does not contain chemicals. You can store the mixture for up to 6 months. Recommended for those who prefer natural substances.

Clove decoction

The smell of cloves perfectly repels ticks. In order to prepare such a decoction, it is necessary to boil one tablespoon of cloves in one glass of water for 1-2 minutes. The broth should be infused for at least 8 hours. Then pour it into a spray bottle and treat exposed skin and clothing. The tool is completely safe. It can be used by both children and pregnant women.

To date, there is no person who at least sometimes does not attend picnics, does not bathe in water, does not walk in the forest or does not rest on a bench under the trees in the park. All these places are dangerous in that a tick, which is a carrier of the most dangerous viruses and diseases, can stick to the body. You need to choose a quality tick repellent to protect your health.


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