Does your favorite number match the luck number of your zodiac sign?


Each person is a happy owner of a personal number of luck. Patron numbers help their zodiac signs direct fate in the right direction and emphasize internal features.

Astrology and numerology in this regard closely intersect and help each other.

Therefore, two areas recommend constantly applying their talisman number in practice. And this means that you need to build on a personal number, buy a pendant with a designated number, or make a tattoo with a lucky number.


For a sign, the treasured talisman is number 4 and 8. These two symbolic signs are able to pacify the explosive energy of representatives, focus their memory, concentrate attention, increase their ability to know and direct their forces to positive actions.


Equally work on the sign number 1 or 8. Their function is to balance their hot-tempered character and selfishness. The positive energy of the number will help representatives find true love, reliable friends and responsible partners. The presence of two numbers at once will protect the signs from evil influence.


Number 3 for signs is a true patron. It will help them regulate external calmness, save them from unnecessary manifestations of life, surround them with spiritual energy, endow them with fearlessness and awaken strength. Another number will help to quickly come to terms with losses and increase mental strength.


The working number for the good of signs is 5. It will give them decisiveness, help them overcome life's obstacles, and tell you how to help those in need and show firmness in their actions. Another figure will indicate to the representatives how to withstand dignity at the time of crisis situations and maintain stability in the event of a break in relations.

A lion

For the sign, two play a huge role. numbers - 6 and 9. These numbers cannot work alone, their purpose is to complement each other. They will teach their owner to allocate their time, plan correctly and be punctual. Still numbers are able to attract financial success and in crisis problems show moral stability.


In numerology, two signs are also defined for these signs digits - 2 and 7. They will help to overcome their hidden jealousy, which is the main link in the disorder of their relationship with another representative. Also, numbers can add confidence in their affairs, because of which they constantly feel stiff. And the characters will teach all their affairs to commemorate a positive result.


Personal number 5 help signs to constantly keep their impulsiveness at the right level. Energy figures give you the opportunity to think carefully and weigh all parties before making a decision. Another symbol will teach them to be assembled, to concentrate their attention correctly and not be distracted by trifles to unnecessary details.


In your life, the sign needs to rely on number 1. It will help them rely only on their abilities, without placing high hopes on others. But if a critical situation occurs, then they are not afraid to ask for help from those whom they consider to be true friends. The number will also help in finding a new love and make the representative more friendly in terms of communication.


The unbridled burrow of signs can only reassure number 3. Vengefulness is their bad trait, which should be suppressed or eradicated. Only a numerological number can do this. It will help them forget about all the failures and direct the energy to their destination.


In the life of a sign, there is no trust in people, therefore their sociability with them is at a low level. Two numbers will help to resolve the emotional stress of representatives, and they are 6 and 1. Turning to the numbers for help, you can increase your self-esteem and reduce the level of distrust and hostility.


These signs are very difficult to converge with people due to the fact that they do not trust anyone and live in their own created world. Correct the situation can only number 9. It will teach the representative to correctly model relationships, listen to the opinions and advice of people, become decisive and break off unwanted relationships. In addition, the patron number will give the signs the decisiveness that they need so much to build new relationships.


In a life without patronage numbers 4 signs will have to be tight. This symbol will help them not to focus on one problem, eradicate fears of the future and not be afraid to try something new. But number 5 able to charge phlegmatic individuals with a positive attitude that they lack so much. And then the power will come with them!


Watch the video: Lucky Numbers for 12 Zodiac Signs in 2019 - Know Everything (July 2024).