The most greedy wives of the zodiac


Greed and greed do not decorate anyone. But many women cannot do anything with themselves; they just need money exclusively from men. Who are they, the most greedy wives of the zodiac?

Top 5 most greedy wives by zodiac signs

Scorpions - These women really know a lot about money. And more often than not in their own, but in strangers. They skillfully spend her husband’s budget, and they hide their funds quite carefully from him.

At the same time, they can beautifully lie to her husband’s eyes that their wallet has been stolen, the card has been lost, a friend has borrowed a large amount of money and does not give it away.

Scorpio wives are always ready to spend every penny, or pretend, because after a divorce they remain in good condition, and their husbands wonder how it was possible to go bankrupt so quickly in a marriage.

Of course, not everything is so sad, and many Scorpios love their husbands, but do not consider it necessary to finance the construction of a summer house, or to dress children at their own expense. They themselves earned them, why spend them on others. They are always ready to not work at all, but to do household work, if only the husband fully provided for their needs.

Virgin - are very mercantile and this is noticeable even at the stage of meetings. Women themselves believe that they simply know their worth and will not allow themselves not to be looked after. They will not waste time on a man who does not give flowers and gifts.

But if this were all limited.

Often, Virgo loves those men who can solve many of their problems. Including financial.

They get married only when they see that they will not need anything. But the trouble is that their requests are growing, and the return is falling. Over time, they cease to care about her husband, and care only about their financial well-being. And it seems to them that everything is as it should be. Well, what about, because they deserve it.

Capricorns -the greed of such wives can manifest itself in everything, and in housekeeping as well.

They can save on anything and save money on unknown expenses.

Often this money is really saved up and not spent for decades. Well, just why pour extra water, or buy another pair of shoes, you can still go through a season in a hole. But such restrictions most likely concern the husband. For myself, my beloved does not feel sorry for anything, as well as for children. And all relatives will have to take care of the children and the Capricorn woman. After all, they are relatives, what they are worth.

Aquarius - A rather complicated relationship for such wives with finances. They do not trust their husbands and believe that they lie to them about income, that they conceal honestly earned money, therefore, you must definitely find additional sources of income for your husband and take them away from him. Take control, so to speak.

Such Aquarius ladies are able to count every penny for her husband, but spend them on all sorts of little things for their loved ones.

And no one can stop them, the main thing is that I can stop them on time and stop trusting my wife with family finance management. Let her figure out what she wants and how to get the right amount.

Crayfish - they are constantly in a creative impulse, they have no time to think about earthly problems and delve into the financial difficulties of men. Yes, they themselves can earn money, but counting other people's money is much more pleasant for them, therefore, they will gladly take up this matter as soon as they can. Do not underestimate their potential, because they can be very loving wives, wonderful housewives, caring mothers.

But, it is worth a husband to spend a penny more on his beloved - women Cancers immediately panic, because they didn’t buy anything, they didn’t take care of them.

And it doesn’t matter that before that, the husband covered them with gifts from head to toe, he just decided to spend something on himself. It’s just that all the money should go to the family and then the woman will distribute it among the household. In such a family, financial conflicts are not uncommon.

To the best of the greedy wives of the zodiac

Lions - such wives are very judicious in spending matters. And they may seem very greedy. But, in fact, they simply calculate in advance all their expenses and the expenses of their husband. Everything is in their house, but they are not very happy with the guests, especially if they need to spend money on the guests, set the table, and celebrate a holiday with them in some institution.

It is easier for lions to remain alone with their family than to incur additional expenses on relatives.

Therefore, they are reluctant to meet the guests and do not respond to requests to visit; they are more likely to gather a cup of delicious coffee for their girlfriend, who will also treat them to delicious food. They are greedy and stingy in almost everything, and in matters of clothing, shoes, leisure. They can save on this without a twinge of conscience.

Taurus - they are greedy for others, but for their loved ones - they will spend a huge amount in total. And organize sweets, and delicious dishes, and rest themselves.

They can even fly to warmer regions themselves, leaving their children to their husband. What about them?

After all, they can afford it. After all, they worked all year. And they will not care about the unpaid mortgage, or whatever family problem. They decided - it’s time to treat yourself to your loved ones.

Fish - they like a separate budget and strictly defined cost items, because they believe that the husband earns less and should provide for his family anyway. Their incomes are spent on the improvement of their personal lives.

Yes, such wives can spend a huge amount of money on cosmetologists, while in the refrigerator they will be empty.

Dear cosmetics, things are normal for them. It is abnormal when the husband did not bring a salary and did not pay utility bills to the children for school.

Virgin - they are stingy, but in moderation. You can always agree with them and buy something very important for the family together.

But, if they suddenly feel that they themselves do not have enough money - then they will certainly begin to suffer, get upset and worry.

And the husband will have to bravely survive this time. In the end, he loves his wife.

No one is safe from greed, but the top 5 most greedy wives by the zodiac sign will tell you who you really should be careful with and not write off the vagaries of fatigue, unwillingness to work, emotional burnout. Greed is a big problem for many families.


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