Treason in response: what will it give?


A test of fidelity is one of the most difficult tests. Living together is the general building of relationships, household life, and parenting. It is very important to go next to a person who is not only attentive, caring, but also reliable. Treason is comparable to a sudden blow, which causes severe emotional pain, knocks the soil out from under the feet and begins to seem that the world will no longer be the same.

In a state of affect, a person rushes about, performs various acts, finds out relationships, trying to somehow establish emotional balance. This is natural, because when problems overtake, everyone tries to find a way out of the situation, they ask themselves the question: "How to live further?". Everyone acts differently: someone ends a relationship, and someone changes in response.

This kind of revenge is most often used by women, believing that "a wedge is kicked out with a wedge." Men act more radically - break off relations. And this is not only a matter of offended dignity, it’s just that men who own them to the marrow of bones think that their possession should not belong to anyone else.

As for the woman, when she finds betrayal, she feels flawed, insecure, questions her appearance, mind, and economic ability.

Such thoughts inflict pain, suffering, and also develop an inferiority complex. Deciding to change, a woman wants to inflict equivalent pain in response, to assert herself and prove to herself that she is still attractive and desirable.

Men can justify their "sins", but women are treated with irony and unwavering attitude to female infidelity.

Infidelity catches to the core, they remember this act for a long time and forgive very rarely. You should initially decide what kind of result you want to achieve, since often women, in the end, do not get what they expected. No matter how painful and mournful a man is, he most likely will not want to repent, and he will also make you guilty. In addition, you need to be prepared for what others can learn about this story and then you can consider the reputation lost.

A man will present what happened with his pitch, "embellishing" reality. Of course, time will pass and all conversations will subside, but it won’t be any easier, and the “sediment” will always be with you.

Will betrayal benefit in return?

If you decide to change for your self-affirmation, and hide it from your partner, then be prepared for the torment of conscience. The torment will lead to a true conversation, after which, most likely, there will be a quarrel and a breakdown. This is only the most likely course of events, in life everything can be different. Nevertheless, before making any decisions, it is worth studying the statistics and facts.

Treason has never benefited the family, and this must be remembered. Even if you achieve a result, and your man is aware of the guilt, it will be very difficult to restore confidence. When the two partners converge, each will think that the betrayal may be repeated. Jealousy will certainly begin (albeit without reason), suspicion, speculation, which in turn will lead to divorce.

Retaliatory betrayal entails irreparable consequences, so you need to ask yourself first of all: “Are such coups necessary?”, “Am I ready for them?” When making a decision, you should carefully consider everything, weigh the pros and cons. According to psychologists, it’s not worth changing for revenge. Physical proximity without feelings and attraction will lead to emotional "burnout", which will only exacerbate the situation. The conclusion suggests itself: revenge is a bad option for action.

What to do immediately after ...?

Once you find out about the infidelity of your spouse, do not give in to emotions. Better take a break, sort out yourself, your relationship, calm down and think about what to do next.

In families where there is an unhealthy atmosphere, anger, screaming, jealousy, lack of mutual respect, kindness and understanding, sooner or later treason happens.

A person, not receiving the necessary emotions, feelings and energy at home, begins to look for them on the side. It happens that a woman stops caring for herself or behaves in a completely non-fashionable way: she screams, humiliates, criticizes, and after all, a man needs a woman next to him first. It would be nice to look at her husband, evaluate his qualities and dignity. Perhaps you paid little time to your relationship? Have you seen a man in your partner? Only you can fully elevate and humiliate your partner!

Betrayal deeply offends, oppresses.

Of course, getting rid of the negative is difficult, but it is possible and necessary. Go shopping, meet friends, take on a new hobby, finally. If emotions overwhelm, splash them out: cry, break a cup, shout (only not with a husband or children). A good option for entertainment would be traveling, going to the cinema, to a concert. A visit to a beauty salon will definitely cheer you up and self-esteem. It is very important to direct your energy in the right direction, so you can focus on work, go in for sports, dancing, start learning something new.

The time has come to look into your soul, to think what is more in it - love or contempt. If cheating is repeated regularly, think about whether to put up with humiliation again. Sooner or later, the situation will happen again, and the man will again exchange you for someone else. If a man stumbled for the first time, can it be better to forgive and start all over again? Not necessarily for the sake of children, but in general for the sake of your relationship, everything that was before. It’s very good to have a relationship with nature trips, they allow you not only to have a good time together, to remember past times, but also to look at each other in a new way. Simple human communication and spending time together work wonders.

If you decide to live on together, then in the future, do not remind your partner of treason. Learn to trust, love, respect again, this is the only way to restore former passion and harmonious relationships. Strong relationships are not given just like that, only overcoming difficulties (as well as temptations), you can build a real family.


Watch the video: What Is Treason? (July 2024).