The best housewives and wives according to the Chinese horoscope. Their five


The most numerous treatises on what should be a good wife and mistress, preserved to this day, belong to the period from III to XV centuries of our era. And surprisingly - but many of the views on this from those times are still relevant. For example, it was always believed that the real keeper of the hearth knows how to cook deliciously, is hospitable, keeps the house clean ...

And about the same time, all these and many other qualities, astrology fans began to correlate with certain signs of the Chinese horoscope. And thus, knowing that a woman belongs to one of his symbols, a man can learn a lot about her in advance.



Magically, she manages to combine everything - social life, career and home economics. This is a hospitable, hospitable person and the first assistant to her husband in any business (and in truth, such activity, though fascinating, can sometimes be a little tiring). He will not let him go to work without lunch in the container and without having to tenderly straighten his tie.

She approaches the upbringing of children with the manuals of scientists from all over the world, but she avoids nannies (as well as housekeepers) because she does not like strangers in the house.

In it, with the Rat, his wife is not worth it, by the way, waiting for a special order - but in the light creative chaos there is a charm and in addition, she will never allow real dirt. The rat is very economical, it is for a joint plot, but it has a little on personal, female whims. He trusts his spouse that he will never change, and demands the same from him - therefore, separate holidays are possible. The representative of this road sign has romantic attention signs - flowers, affectionate nicknames and small dates after at least forty years of marriage. She never finds fault with trifles, but ardently defends her point of view, not being afraid to lose her partner’s disposition.



Long before the meeting of the second half, she knows what her ideal home will be and later she herself creates the interior design. Often, by the way, focusing on Feng Shui or some other easy teaching. She knows how to maintain impeccable cleanliness, but does not spend a day with a mop. Often it gives her pleasure to arrange things in a certain order.

The house of the Rabbit is often decorated with houseplants, it composed bouquets. And in general, she is not too well served with homemade fruit and vegetable preparations, but desserts and cakes - only her own, amazingly decorated and homemade, are enjoyed not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.

Most of the worries (including material support) Rabbit trusts his spouse, but is always ready to give him wise advice.

The main disadvantage of this woman is that in an effort to be the best guardian of the hearth, she sometimes forgets about herself a little, for example, she can hide her poor health from home or be shy to spend time not only on them, but also on hobbies and leisure.



Surprisingly, at the beginning of a relationship, she cannot even think about changing the usual, easy and free, mischievous way of life to traditional family values. A man should be ready that she will forever remain a bit of a “wild mustang” (and long separation is contraindicated to her - she will begin to recall her husband’s shortcomings).

Household chores are divided in half, incomes (except for general large expenses) - too. But at the same time, the Horse emotionally dissolves in love.

She, like air, needs the sensitive attention of her husband and his approval. She wants to always be beautiful for him and does not get tired of preening and dressing up, even if she is sick with the flu or goes to the cottage. In matters of childbearing, she’s ready to take her husband’s side - to become a mother of many children or even childfree. The horse knows how to cook deliciously and often transfers the whole family to a healthy diet. In home improvement, he prefers something classic, a style like Provence is possible. This woman has another feature - in the desire to approach her husband, she is ready to adopt many of his habits and hobbies.



Romantic and tender, like a jasmine flower, when the affair ends in a marriage, the Dog is transformed so that her husband is not easy to recognize. Decisively, she begins to twist family nesting and wants to be not just a lover, but also an equal partner in everything.

Of all the symbols of the Chinese horoscope, it is this one who knows how to subtly and positively manipulate the opposite sex, equipping his own and his happiness. Despite the fact that she perceives household chores as a boring routine, everything is done brilliantly. And over time, her house is filled with little things - paintings, figurines, and also - a weakness for textiles ...

The dog will not concede even to the spouse in anything regarding the type of dwelling. Usually she becomes the initiator of the acquisition and development of a personal plot.

Often, this married woman becomes a homebody and makes every appearance only with her husband and so that it is clearly read in her eyes - this is an unfortunate necessity. The downside of his wife’s Dogs is that she is too shy ... she thinks that something threatens family happiness - her husband’s workload, his female friends, that everyday life obscures the charm of love.


The representative of this symbol finds marriage the embodiment of a fairy tale on earth. The husband remains for her the same mysterious prince behind whom it is possible - to the ends of the world. But at the same time, the female wild boar is sensitive, touchy, and does not tolerate “shortcuts” in marriage. It is useless to charge her with something that she is not ready for.

Boar is an unsurpassed culinary and needlewoman. She is afraid of all sorts of difficulties, so her husband should be ready to take everything on himself, and Boar will simply believe in how he courageously settles everything. Family life means for her that you can not be shy to show their little flaws, moods and weaknesses ...

But she does not cross borders, surprisingly remaining for households an example of judgment and accuracy in everything. Often, she believes that without a pet (cats, dogs, fish) - the house will not be complete. She does not too much relate to relatives in the personal life of her family, but she becomes the best friend for her children at any age.


Watch the video: Zodiac Signs That Make Perfect Couples (July 2024).