Seeds: benefits and harms to your health. What more? Dietitian explains


Sunflower seeds - a domestic product that everyone loves. They have healing properties, which is why they are so useful for the human body. However, not everyone knows exactly how the seeds affect health and what harm they can still cause.

The composition and calorie content of seeds

Sunflower seeds are a source of amino acids, vegetable fats and fat-soluble vitamins that lower cholesterol and aging processes. The composition of the seeds also includes:

  1. Balanced ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Trace elements: zinc, selenium, iron and manganese.
  3. Macronutrients: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium.
  4. Vitamins: A, B1-B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, K, PP.

560 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial features

Sunflower seeds are capable of:

  • improve eyesight;
  • cleanse the body;
  • treat heart disease;
  • relieve constipation;
  • improve brain function;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • help with asthma;
  • relieve arthritis;
  • strengthen bones and teeth;
  • suitable for cancer prevention;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • neutralize free radicals;
  • improve the digestive tract;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • make the skin supple and toned.

For women

Useful properties of seeds:

  1. The presence of minerals and vitamins normalizes the functions of internal organs and systems, as a result of which the defenses of the female body are strengthened.
  2. The condition of hair, skin and nails improves.
  3. Seeds have an antioxidant effect.
  4. Subject to the daily norm, an auxiliary effect is observed in the fight against excess weight.
  5. The cardiovascular system is strengthened.
  6. The product improves mood, calms and relieves depression.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to use not fried, but raw seeds. The product has a positive effect on the condition of the woman and the formation of the fetus. The main thing is to comply with the consumption rate. Otherwise, abundant eating of seeds can lead to heartburn, heaviness in the stomach and other unpleasant sensations.

During lactation, this product is not recommended for consumption in large quantities, as it provokes allergies. As a result, rashes or redness may appear on the baby's skin. To avoid this, it is enough to use a small handful of seeds. The product will increase the fat content of milk and replenish the female body with the missing components.

Sunflower seeds are also used in cosmetology. Various peels and scrubs are made from them, which restore and renew the skin structure.

For men

Useful properties of seeds:

  1. Phosphorus and potassium prevent heart attack and stabilize the cardiovascular system.
  2. Amino acids inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and slow down the aging process.
  3. Seed kernels improve reproductive function.
  4. The presence of magnesium normalizes metabolism and stabilizes metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Zinc reduces the risk of hair loss and improves testosterone production.

For kids

To introduce this product into the diet of the child must be careful. Safe age, when you can give children seeds, consider 3 years. At this point, the baby’s digestive system will be ready for a new product, and the baby will be aware that it needs to be cleaned. The use of seeds in a child:

  • strengthens bones;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • improves the condition of the skin, relieving it of excessive dryness;
  • prevent heart disease;
  • will strengthen the children's body;
  • improves mood;
  • relieve vitamin deficiency.


Sunflower seeds not only benefit, but also can harm the body. The product is not recommended to be abused in the presence of the following factors:

  1. Overweight. In terms of calorie content, seeds are superior to chocolate, some fried foods and pastries. Therefore, overweight people are allowed to consume no more than 20 grams of the product per day.
  2. Clicking the seeds can destroy too sensitive enamel. In this case, the front teeth darken, and a gap is formed between them.
  3. Heavily overcooked seeds can trigger an exacerbation of gastric diseases and an ulcer. They also irritate the throat, especially the vocal cords. Therefore, they are not recommended for singers.
  4. Such a product is completely contraindicated in people with persistent edema of the limbs.

Which seeds are healthier - raw or fried?

Experts recommend including only raw seeds in your diet. They retain the beneficial substances and vitamins that the human body so needs. The use of the product in its raw form is an unpleasant occupation. Such seeds do not have a pleasant taste and are difficult to peel from the husk. In this case, it is recommended to slightly dry the product in the oven with the door open. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the seeds before the procedure.

The raw product can also be used to prepare various dishes. For example, from seeds always turns out delicious halva, sauce, pate or ice cream. Doctors recommend adding raw seeds to salads and soups to enrich their beneficial properties and enhance the taste.

At the time of roasting, the product not only loses its nutritional properties, but also can harm the body. Unfortunately, many manufacturers ignore this indicator and continue to fry the seeds before selling. At the same time, they add a large amount of salt, which enhances the harm of the product. Therefore, experts do not recommend consuming purchased seeds. In this case, you can independently grow sunflowers and harvest.

The use of seeds carries both pros and cons. Useful properties, minerals and vitamins can improve the condition of the body and supplement it with the necessary components. The main thing is to observe the measure of consumption, otherwise a natural product will cause significant harm to health.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz on How Pumpkin Seeds Boost Immunity (June 2024).