October 20: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The World Culinary Association today has over 8 million members. International cook day in the world community has been celebrated on a grand scale since 2004. The celebration is attended by culinary experts, government officials, and travel companies. Large-scale competitions, tastings, public and spectacular experiments on cooking various dishes are arranged. An ancient legend says that the name culinary came from the name of a woman whose name was Kulina. On behalf of Hygea, the word hygiene occurred. Many recipes have come to us since the time of the Pharaohs. Anyone can cook a dish that the emperors of China or Babylon loved. In Russia, cooking began to develop from the 18th century.

Peter I spent a lot of effort on "Marine ships to be." On October 20, 1696, at the insistence of the Boyar Duma, a decision was made to create the Russian Navy. Shipbuilding as an industry has already been actively developing in Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Ladoga. The creation of the Azov and Baltic fleets, and later the Pacific and Northern fleets, led to the fact that the Russian sailors discovered several geographical areas. In 1740, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was founded, a year later, sailors reached the shores of America along the strait. The modern navy is equipped with reliable military equipment: powerful military cruisers, nuclear submarines and anti-submarine ships.

This day is celebrated by decision of the UN Statistical Commission, starting in 2010. Each area of ​​statistics during this time has set its own standards and principles, statistical reporting is being improved with the help of the UN Statistical Commission. These data are important for measuring progress at national and international levels. Information about trends and forces is associated with all aspects that affect our lives. These statistics serve as the basis for government decisions aimed at changing life. They are used in planning the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, and other solutions in economic and social development. Without statistical data processing it is impossible to draw up budget and social programs.

Air traffic controllers are people who are holding the safety of those in the clouds. For the first time, an association of international air traffic controllers was created in Amsterdam. A new professional holiday arose as an opportunity for air traffic controllers to once again emphasize the importance of their profession. The Air Traffic Controllers Association includes more than 50,000 people, a total of 133 countries. Professional rules state that work must be carried out despite interference. This requires special psychological training and professional honor.

On this day, Soviet troops liberated the city from the Nazi invaders. The fighting for the capital of Yugoslavia lasted almost a month. Yugoslavia admits that without the help of the USSR, the liberation of the city would have been impossible. The medal “3a liberation of Belgrade” was awarded to about 70 thousand people. This day is not a day off, but is celebrated every year after the end of the war as the main holiday of the Serbs.

Believers do not do work on this day. In 1844, the Bab announced his divine mission. Prior to that, he was an ordinary merchant named Sayyid Ali Muhammad. He decided to devote himself to preparing for the coming of the Promised Day of all religions. Persecution by religious leaders led to his imprisonment in a fortress in Iranian Azerbaijan. In 1950, he was shot by court order in Tabriz.

Held in Rome, the festival weaves together church music and art. This famous world event in the middle of autumn traditionally attracts a large number of religious music lovers from all over the world. Everyone can enjoy the works of great composers among the lush Catholic landscapes of Rome and the Vatican. The history of the festival began in 2002. His goal was to show the largest possible number of people examples of the artistic and musical heritage of Italy. Every year more and more people are interested in the festival. Rome these days is full of tourists and visitors. The second part of the holiday takes place in November. The festival opens with a solemn mass in St. Paul’s Cathedral.

In 2005, a decree of the President of Ukraine introduced a day to combat breast cancer. The high risk of diseases and a constant increase in the number of diseases by 1-2% per year throughout the world are alarming. Every hour, one woman dies from this disease. A quarter of women find the disease in the later stages when treatment cannot help. Timely treatment can guarantee a life expectancy after surgery of more than 25 years. In total, there are five stages of the disease, of which the first three are considered treatable. Breast cancer day is celebrated in order to draw the attention of women to the need for timely mammography, designed to detect the disease at the 0 stage.

On October 20, 2012 there was a chocolate festival in the United States, which is traditionally celebrated on the third Saturday of October. The holiday began with a resident of Cleveland Herbert Kingston, who decided to charity to treat those who are experiencing hard times and can not afford sweets. Support for the starving was also provided by the movie star Anna Pennington, who gave 2200 gifts to the boys who delivered newspapers that day. She presented 10 thousand boxes of chocolates to the sick and the audience of the film with her participation, Teda Bara - a movie star, who was on tour on this day in Cleveland. On this day, with the help of sweets, you can express your gratitude to loved ones or loved ones.

Sergey winter - the day of remembrance of two saints with that name

Sergius Pechersky lived in the XIII century. He completely renounced his own will and performed obedience, obeying the abbot. For this he was nicknamed Sergius the Obedient. In the 15th century, Sergius of Nuroms lived, a Greek by birth, who came to Vologda in order to become a student of Sergius of Radonezh. He survived demonic temptations in life by prayer and solitude. Pilgrims gathered around him, and gradually the Nurom monastery formed. Near the grave of Sergius in the following centuries, healings took place. Frosts can hit this day, local residents describe it in the saying - "Sergey begins the winter." Popular signs predict that if snow does not fall on that day, winter is still far away and should not be expected soon.

October 20, 1880 - Opening of the Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

This is the oldest circus in the history of the country. On October 19, 1987, construction of a new building began. From a small room with five chairs and wooden lodges for more than seven hundred years, he turned into a huge hall under the dome. Today, the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard bears the name of Yuri Nikulin, its bronze monument stands in front of the entrance. The circus ring in different years hosted the most outstanding circus artists.

October 20, 714 Peter I by his Decree banned stone construction throughout Russia, except St. Petersburg

Model houses were ordered to be erected only in the city on the Neva, punishments were promised for violation of the order. According to the king’s calculation, having lost their work, the masons will be forced to come to Petersburg and build a city. The new capital of Russia was to equalize in beauty and sophistication with the best cities in Europe. Peter 1 issued a decree on the fact that for 11 years Petersburg did not advance at all, but resembled, all the same, the construction site as at the beginning of construction. Peter's dream did not come true to the end - the problem was not the availability of artisans, but that the brick factories could not cope with the huge load. Some cunning craftsmen deceived the king by building wooden houses and, lining with a thin layer of clay, painted "brick-like". A house finished in this way could only be distinguished by close examination. Sometimes painted bricks looked more attractive than real ones. Upon detection of fraud, the culprit mercilessly punished.

October 20, 1972 - Dmitry Alenichev, footballer of the legendary Moscow Spartak.

He brought many impressive achievements to his team. In 2000, he moved to the Italian club Perugia, then to the Portuguese club Porto. In 2003, he won the UEFA Cup.

October 20, 1350 - Dmitry Donskoy

To the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir at the 10th year of his life, these posts were inherited. Metropolitan Alexy was appointed guardian. During his reign, the first stone Kremlin was built. He was a pious, gentle, and chaste person. During his reign, Moscow became the main city of Russian lands.

October 20, 1935 - Yeremey Parnovscience fiction writer

A publicist and film playwright, Yeremei Iudovich Parnov wrote several science fiction historical novels, among them the trilogy The Casket of Mary Medici, (1972), Alexandria Gemma, The Third Eye of Shiva (1975), etc. One of the noteworthy awards is gratitude from the Queen of England for a book dedicated to Shakespeare: "Circle of miracles and transformations."

October 20, 1923 - Enrique Bernat, creator of the Spanish company Chupa Chups

It was he who, half a century ago, invented caramel on a stick, which today is sold in the amount of more than 400 million pieces.

October 20, 1949 - Valery Borzov, Soviet athlete

Borzov first drew attention to sprinting tactics and destroyed existing stereotypes. Already at the age of 19, he becomes a three-time European champion. Then he wins the USSR Championship, the European Championship and becomes the Olympic champion in Munich.

October 20, 1891 - James Chadwick, an English physicist who discovered a neutron

He became a Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of an unknown particle in the nucleus of an atom - a neutron, a neutral particle capable of knocking protons out of the nucleus. This discovery was followed by a fission of the uranium nucleus.

Name day holders of the following names may celebrate this day:

Joseph, Mark, Nikolai, Pelagia, Sergey, Julian.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (July 2024).