How to get friendly sprouts of dill and parsley: tricks of "experienced" gardeners. Why dill has not ascended?


Dill and parsley are the greens beloved by all, but its seeds germinate for a long time, and the seedlings are unfriendly. Correct the situation will help the advice of experienced gardeners who will help to see the desired green sprouts 4-5 days earlier.

How long does parsley and dill rise, which affects germination

Spice seeds germinate for a long time, sometimes the first shoots have to wait 15-20 days. But almost all varieties germinate by day 30.

Various factors strongly influence germination:

  • quality of planting material;
  • embedment depth;
  • ambient temperature
  • soil preparation.

Even in seeds of the highest class, germination is 60-70%. Ordinary firms have lower seed quality, of which only 30% will rise. That is why it is worth choosing seeds from trusted manufacturers and from bona fide suppliers. After all, the germination capacity will also depend on storage conditions. Fresh seeds germinate better than the dead. Their optimal shelf life is 3-4 years.

The standard depth of planting seeds of parsley and dill is 2-2.5 cm. But this applies only to light soils. On heavy soil, which after sowing will be covered with a layer of mulch, the embedment depth is 1.5 cm.

At a temperature of + 2 ... +3 ° C, the seeds germinate for a long time, they can be expected for more than 25 days. In order to accelerate the germination of seeds and get friendly seedlings, you need to maintain humidity around them. For this purpose, a frame shelter is installed so that a greenhouse effect is formed.

Important! Seedlings of parsley and dill calmly tolerate a drop in temperature to -7 ° C.

Greens prefers to grow in nutrient soil, so the bed before planting must be enriched with mineral and organic fertilizers. In the fall, humus and mineral complexes are introduced:

  • superphosphate - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • ammonium nitrate - 1 tbsp. l;
  • potassium salt - 1 tbsp. l

Minerals can be added in the spring so that they do not wash out of the soil. This should be done 2 weeks before landing.

Attention! Wood ash is not used for feeding dill. From it, the seedlings turn red.

How to accelerate the emergence of seedlings in dill and parsley

All gardeners know that germination shortens the sprouting time. Pre-prepared seeds are covered with a moist cotton pad. After a few days, the surface oils will be washed off, the sprouts will appear 5 days earlier.

The easiest way to accelerate the emergence of seedlings on the site, to subject the seeds to cold storage. If you sow before winter, then the trouble with planting is less. Seeds are saturated with moisture and undergo natural stratification in natural conditions. It can be replaced by forced cooling. To do this, the seeds prepared for planting are laid out in a bag and taken out onto the street or put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Cool the seeds for at least 3 months.

If you urgently need to sow greens, and the seeds are not ready yet, then you need to act like this:

  1. Fill dill and parsley seeds in gauze and dip in hot water, the temperature of which is + 50 ° C. Leave for 3 days, periodically changing the water to fresh, all at the same temperature.
  2. After that, put the bags with seeds in moist sawdust and leave at a temperature of + 20 ° C for 4-5 days until the sprouts appear.
  3. Before planting, dry the seeds a little and sow in moist ground.

Seeds will sprout quickly and amicably. But before the emergence of seedlings, the garden does not need to be watered, otherwise they, together with water, will be dragged into the soil, which slows down the process of germination.

Another simple way that allows you to flush essential oils from the surface of the seeds is to treat them with alcohol. To do this, for 15-20 minutes, the seed is lowered in a saucer with vodka or diluted alcohol. After this procedure, the seeds are washed in clean water, dried and begin to sow.

Important! It is necessary to dilute alcohol correctly so as not to damage the seeds; it is better to take vodka from the store at 40 ° C.

There is an express method that will make the seeds germinate in 3 hours. For planting, moisten the bed well, sprinkle with quicklime. Repeat the procedure 2 more times with an interval of 15 minutes. Then sow the seeds of parsley or dill, which are aged in milk. However, for this experiment, the ambient temperature should not be lower than + 20 ° C.

Bubbling seeds for the emergence of friendly seedlings

New technologies do not stand still; on an industrial scale, seeds of parsley and dill are preliminarily bubbled so that they quickly and amicably enter. At home, repeating this method is not difficult.

Bubbling - exposure to seeds with oxygen in order to quickly germinate. All the life forces of the seed are sent to the sprout, the percentage of germination is increased compared to soaking.

For bubbling at home, you will need a compressor from the aquarium and a bank, with a volume of 1 liter. Next, follow the instructions:

  1. Fill the container with water by 2/3. Liquid temperature no more than 20 ° C.
  2. Pour seeds at a rate of 1: 4 of the volume of the jar.
  3. Install the compressor and lower the working part into the jar. Turn on and leave at the right time.

The process of bubbling seeds for each culture is different. Parsley is planted for 12-24 hours before planting. Dill should be enriched with oxygen from 15 to 20 hours.

After the bubbling process is over, the seeds need to be dried to a loose state. Do this on a newspaper in a well-ventilated area. It is impossible to dry in the sun.

Attention! Store treated seeds until planting at a temperature of + 1 ... +4 ° C. This is the standard temperature in the refrigerator.

Parsley and dill are unpretentious plants that do not require special care. To quickly get high-quality seedlings of these crops, it is enough to listen to these tips. All manipulations are not complicated and do not require effort.


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