How to care for your knees


In pursuit of beautiful skin of the face and body, many often forget that the knees also need careful care. And it is in vain, because they often give the real age of a woman. Very often, under the influence of an aggressive environment, the skin at these places becomes rough, rough and dark. It is clear that it looks absolutely not aesthetically pleasing. It is possible to cope with such a problem, and quite simply, the main thing is to pay a little attention to your knees.

You can help your knees become beautiful by taking in vitamins A and E.

It is not necessary to buy a special cream for them, you can use the tool for the face. You just need to grease them every evening with a fat cream. After all, the skin on the knees due to the lack of sebaceous glands is quite dry, and the soap further aggravates this condition. Once a week, you can apply the scrub, it will help the skin to be better updated.

Natural care products are also great for caring for your knees. So, soften and lighten darkened areas with the help of cucumber juice. It is enough just to put it on your knees for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and smear it with a fat cream.

The mask on the basis of kefir has a softening effect. To do this, 3 tablespoons of the drink must be mixed with 1 tablespoon of starch and applied to the knees, after 15 minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm water, you can even lightly rub it with a hard washcloth. If you use this tool for a couple of months - your knees will look well-groomed.

It often happens that the knees darken and stand out sharply on the legs. This is especially true for the summer period. To correct this situation, you can use the juice of sauerkraut. Simply put it on the problem areas and the result will not be long in coming. The effect will be noticeable after 3 - 4 treatments.

Salt and honey, with the addition of castor oil - another effective scrub recipe for problem skin of the knees.

It is important that the above recipes are also suitable for the care of elbows and heels, bleaching, peeling and moisturizing procedures can be carried out in a complex.

There are some tips from cosmetologists who will help keep your knees skin smooth and pleasant to the touch:

- Avoid too hot bath. The skin on the knees is already quite dry, and the high temperature water will make it even harder;

- Apply moisturizer on an ongoing basis. If you do not forget at least at night to lubricate the knees of this tool, then the skin on them will look much better.

It is important to note that if the knees are very rough, then an intensive course of their rejuvenation is necessary for a month, and then you only need to maintain the result. Do not forget about this part of the body, especially since women's legs have always been the subject of admiration and adoration among the representatives of the male sex.


Watch the video: 10 Minutes to Stronger Knees (July 2024).