Gnawing envy? Envy silently!


What is envy? This infection can really poison life, if you go on about it. Difficult, I agree. However, without taming the petty thoughts of happiness can not be obtained. Just do not say you never envy, I will not believe. And they envy you, even if it seems that there is nothing. There is always an individual who wants the same eyelashes, salaries, fans, position in society, entertainment, sharp language, etc.

For myself, I share the envy into two categories. The first is motivational. This is when there is an incentive to reach, conquer, prove. The second is devouring. All the forces of the soul are directed absolutely not there, the hands are folded, in the eyes hopelessly lapping “Why not me-ee ?! Often we envy the fact that on the surface, and dig deeper - forever such a "happiness" is not necessary ... To make it clearer, I will tell three stories: about devouring envy, motivational and about "on the surface."

Bear and Grishka

These are my students, names, of course, others. Both guys are awesome good, creatives, athletes. Both are addicted to shooting and editing videos. So why talents disappear? From my easy kick-send, they sent their masterpieces to the All-Russian competition. And both have passed a grand selection! The next step is the online voting. Mishkin video immediately began to gain points, Grishkin sadly hangs in the middle of a rather big list. Mishka in parallel wins regional competitions in his sport, creates a couple more videos, trains, meets with friends, turns love, drives his car to his pleasure. In short, he lives a rich life. And poor Grishka completely plunged into competitive passion, tirelessly updating the page to track, compare, upset. In short, Grishka died, he abandoned his studies, pouted his lips to the whole world, looking for "shoals" in the works of competitors, and declared number one enemy for himself Mishka. Not clearly, but visible to the naked eye.

Summary: you cannot wallow in the swamp of black devouring. It is always necessary to develop in several areas so that failure in one is compensated for by achievements in another. It does not matter whether it is about work, study, love, hobbies, belly dancing or spitting on the distance.

Madame Jeanne

It is simply impossible not to envy: a beauty, a husband with money, a son in an elite gymnasium, foreign voyages, a cool car. We sat once over a glass of tea, chatted, and soon her pious smacked wife and hired business. Apparently, Jeanne just had to speak out, or maybe the wine played a dirty joke. Smearing mascara, told a friend about life and life, that her husband with her in bed gets up, holding his mouth, so as not to scream from the pain. About the mistress, throwing a legitimate spouse ridiculous threats. About a teenage son who accidentally found marks from injections ...

Tell me, will you exchange peace of mind for external gloss? I am definitely not. No amount of money can compensate for sexual abuse of a sadistic husband. Thank you, do not need clothes, clothes, beauty, if the only son turns into a narka.

Summary: don't be jealous. You do not know that you may have to endure someone whose share you think is chocolate.

The fun of Mary

For a snack, left a positive story. Once upon a time there was Mary. She was jealous of a terrible colleague who managed to achieve more skyscraper success in her career than our heroine. And even more - looks. Looked through Masha, magazines, shook, and went to a professional makeup artist. He made a real doll out of her - that's what the master's hand means! And Manet thought, and how is it worse? Couldn't she be able to paint and tone the lips for herself, for her beloved? I signed up for the relevant courses, turned out to be a very capable student. Yes, such that they offered her a bread place in the luxury salon, and then opened hers. Now thriving on the envy of a former colleague.

The story may seem like a fantasy, but Fortune doesn’t give away such a caper. She comes more often to those who are actively picking through the paws, and not whining on the stove.

I admit it, and I envy, I just try to deal with the perfumer in the early stages, so as not to enslave at all. And they envy me. My success, marriage, appearance, popularity among the student fraternity. However, I do not intend to turn the soul out before each one I met, so continue. And yes, envy, gentlemen, silently - I, unfortunately, have not learned to turn my cheeks for blows ...

And finally ...


Watch the video: YUNOREVIEW: AUGUST 2015 (July 2024).