Top 10 things that destroy a woman


We live and sometimes do not notice how the various circumstances of our life, which have already become habitual (except for extremely stressful), undermine our health and violate internal harmony. In the article we will reveal the secrets of what categorically should not be in a woman’s life if health and youth prolongation is a priority.

1. Male professions (fields of activity)

The subtle energy of a woman is not able to endure active and rough male pursuits. This does not mean that such things are bad, they are just qualitatively different. It is unlikely that a fragile female nature can be reconstructed to perform heavy physical labor without harming herself.

What are the men's activities It:

- Intense mental work (data analysis, complex calculations, decision making);

- Intense physical labor (any, ranging from the transfer of a heavy package and ending with the lifting of the rod);

- Participation in events where there is a moment of active open rivalry and struggle (promotion through the career ladder, participation in sports competitions, hunting and fishing);

We single out the next moment as a separate point, as it is extremely important.

2. The need to make money

"But without this it is impossible in the modern world!" - the reader exclaims. This is partly the case. But, nevertheless, this does not diminish the destructive influence of the process of extracting money on the female half of humanity.

The only thing that makes the work useful for the ladies is a quiet rhythm of performance (without daily stress) and getting pleasure in the process. For example, you can engage in the creation of jewelry or clothing.

3. Silence

Since girls are emotional creatures, they constantly need to express their feelings and sensations. As a rule, this happens through conversation. It is worth noting that in this case it’s not so much the lack of talk that is destructive, but rather “silence against desire”.

That is, a person wants to speak out, but does not. If a woman is not too talkative - time without communication, on the contrary, will benefit her, and she will be able to accumulate vitality.

4. Many men

Omit the moral side of a large number of partners in women. Criteria in this case will never be objective, because they reflect only the state of society at a certain point in time. If we consider the many partners of the girl from the energy side, the following picture will arise.

A woman is a vessel with energy. A man, at any contact with her (especially sexual), takes from her some of this energy, instead giving his own. There is an interchange of approximately the same magnitude. As soon as a woman has several men, each one “tears off” a piece from her, often giving nothing in return because of a short relationship. Partial or complete exhaustion occurs. Until such time as a woman changes her lifestyle. Rare cases show what happens differently. And the person is so loving that one partner is not enough for him. But this is an exception.

5. Unpredictability

As an air, a woman needs stability in everything: long-term relationships, measured home life. It is difficult for her to adapt to unpredictable situations and changes. Naturally, bright events should be in the life of any person, otherwise boredom will absorb it.

But if the stronger sex cannot without adventures and rarely rests at home, then the weaker sex needs rare adventures against the background of a stable family life.

6. "Wrong" emotions

The beautiful half of humanity is experiencing 7 times stronger emotions than men. Therefore, girls need to monitor the manifestation of "wrong emotions." In terms of spirituality, this includes all negative and destructive emotions: fear, hatred, anger, resentment.

Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of them, as well as to insure against the occurrence of stressful situations. It will be useful in this case to experience more positive emotions.

7. Eating "heavy food"

A woman will feel good if she minimizes the consumption of meat, fat, etc. The female body is not created for "primitive activity" (food extraction, fights, sports).

8. Bad habits

Few people know the main secret why men drink alcohol and smoke. Thus, they relax, because they lack femininity. But the weaker sex such a way to "rest" is absolutely not suitable.

First, the woman's body is more vulnerable and it is more difficult for it to remove toxic substances from the body. Secondly, the girl, by nature, has a gentle relaxing energy and "additional bonuses" she is not only not needed, but also interfere.

9. Gossip

Getting into someone else's life, a lover of gossip is not only wasting his energy on chatter, but also takes some of the other person’s negativity on himself. You must admit that each of them has plenty of problems and unresolved issues to additionally take on others.

10. Overwork

Overwork, lack of sleep and so on greatly affect a woman. It instantly reflects on its appearance. And undermines the body from the inside if overwork becomes chronic.

Therefore, in order to maintain an attractive appearance, you need to have enough rest, be cheerful and full of energy.

For a beautiful appearance and good mood, it is enough for a woman to exclude the above factors of their life. And then she will be able to preserve youth and freshness for many years.


Watch the video: Top 10 Things Women Do To Destroy Their Marriage (July 2024).