How to get rid of acne on the face at home quickly in 1 day


The eternal question of how to get rid of acne on the face of a teenager and a woman is increasingly being discussed in a dermatological office. After all, almost everyone suffers from black spots, small white pimples and blackheads. And then comes the dangerous habit of crushing the rash, after which bumps, pits and bruises often appear on the spot.

Get rid of acne and their holes can be a beautician, but the pleasure it costs a lot of money. Yet you can always find a folk method that will help both from teenagers and from small black pimples that appear in adulthood.

How to get rid of acne at home quickly

At any age, you can remove acne with a lemon. It will relieve redness and just a rash, but he is powerless from deep acne. Wipe your face with lemon before bedtime daily. This method is great for children, as it does not bear a negative reaction. You can mix grapefruit juice with 4 drops of camphor alcohol and wipe problem areas. On the day allowed 2 treatments.

In transitional age, both external acne and internal acne appear. From youthful eruptions effectively apply a decoction of oak bark. 20 g of oak bark, pour a glass of water and boil for half an hour. The tool is used for wiping in the cold.

From red rashes will relieve washing with oatmeal. Every morning, wash the usual flakes, typing them in the palm of your hand. After a short time, you will notice how oily skin has become drier, and there will be no traces of redness at all.

It is possible to get rid of the inflamed and catarrhal abscesses by means of a laundry soap. It helps instantly, only you need to wash with plenty of foam.


Pimples can appear from an unbalanced diet, problems with the endocrine system and digestion. The main cause of a forehead rash is seborrhea. She is peculiar to both the girl and the guy. A lot of people suffer from hormonal fluctuations, which is why a rash occurs. Acne can also occur from cosmetics.

As a rule, the girl has a rash before menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth. This is also due to hormonal balance. In such periods, the fight against acne should be extremely careful. And perhaps the most important point is squeezing acne with infection and touching with dirty hands.

Tips cosmetologists "how to get rid of acne"

Inside, it is often recommended to use salicylic solution. It perfectly treats both white and red acne. In addition, its cost is scanty compared to professional tools. Acne can remove aspirin lotion. It is effective for inflammations on the face and body. At home you can prepare not less effective medicine on the basis of badyagi. Buy powder badyagi and dilute with warm water until sour cream consistency. Apply for 15 minutes. Reviews of beauticians say about the decent effect of the foam for washing Mirra. To achieve the desired result, you need to do regular procedures with cosmetic preparations and folk remedies.

We treat folk remedies

From the sores, manifested in the form of a rash, there are many folk remedies. So the internal sore pimple will remove a mask based on toothpaste or male shaving foam. You can apply them to the inflamed areas and the entire face. 20 minutes is enough.

Homemade honey based treatments will show the best result. Stir a teaspoon of honey with cinnamon and apply for an hour. Honey will relieve from both purulent rashes and wounds.

Aloe juice provides incomparable help. To do this, keep the leaf of the flower in the refrigerator for 10 days, then form a mush and squeeze out the juice. They rub the affected areas. For a week, acne will disappear. Recipes on the basis of aloe for the face is allowed to apply and a man.

From allergic and pimple pimples help remedy tincture of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and sage. Pour a tablespoon of any of these herbs with a glass of boiling water, and after cooling, apply as a compress. In addition to getting rid of acne, these herbs will get rid of dark spots and scars.

You can apply a compress from soda. It is effective against burning rashes, and it should be done at night.

How to get rid of spots on the face of acne

It is hard to get rid of running eruptions, but it is even worse to get rid of their tracks. How to wait for the consequences, see the photo on the Internet. White clay will save dark and blue spots.

1 tsp Clay dilute with water to the desired consistency and use as a mask.

From pigment spots and bruises, it is better to use 1 tsp. green and white clay with the use of 2 tsp. lemon juice. This mask can be used once every 3 days.

From scars and dimples, an egg shells, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil helps perfectly. All components are ground to powder, then used as a compress. If you need to urgently get rid of irregularities, then buy a bird mountaineer in a pharmacy, steam it with boiling water and apply as a compress. From dimples, you can apply a cheap lifeguard. It tightens the bumps on both the face and the back.
If nothing helps you, then go to a dermatologist. And remember, in unknown ways can seriously hurt.


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