7 stages of relationship development. And which one are you on now?


Each couple goes through certain stages in a relationship. At the beginning, everything is romantic, passionate, fun and easy, but there comes a time when it becomes closely intimate and not as interesting as before, and sometimes it is simply unbearable. How to find out where your relationship is moving and what is True Love ?!

Such a deep feeling, like True Love, is not easy to build, but successfully and patiently overcoming the difficulties of each of the stages, this becomes possible. Want to know exactly what stage your relationship is in? Then read on.

The first stage - severe hunger

This stage is often called love, passion, candy and bouquet period. This is a very bright, cheerful, intense period, which is recalled later with such ecstasy, sometimes with undisguised sadness. It has a lot of emotions, bright and hot; life boils and boils: you are active as ever, and you do not seem to need sleep, rest, food at all ... There would be only one sweetheart nearby.

All meetings and calls are welcome; in each other's society, the world seems to be better; time spent together is always small, no matter how much the meeting actually lasted. The image of the beloved all the time bears in your imagination, pleasantly exciting the heart. I want to touch him, hug and kiss, and that he was always there ...

At this time, the guy can do crazy things, look gallantly, talk tirelessly, always wants to be side by side, and no matter where. And the girl, in turn, can stand in front of the mirror for several hours before meeting with her beloved, she prettier and gets better, her voice changes, it becomes even softer and more tender. Lovers show their best qualities, they strive to appear in the most favorable light and they really both behave in an exemplary manner. Note that it was at this stage that poets and artists (and other creators) composed works of art for their beloveds.

Stage Two - Saturation

Inevitably in the relationship comes a moment of satiety: you enjoyed each other’s company and got used to it. At this stage it is already possible to go somewhere separately (on a visit, to the store, to the exhibitions, anywhere); time spent together no longer flies as fast as the first stage of a relationship. You are interested with your beloved, but the feeling of trepidation before each meeting and the burning desire to be near every minute is gone.

This stage is also called the stage of smooth relations. Everything goes smoothly, quietly, peacefully. You are well together, relaxed and comfortable. You are interested in each other’s company, but you no longer have the former feeling of “hunger” for your beloved. In a word, you still like each other, but have already managed to get used to the charm of your beloved.

For example, if a loved one told you a funny joke at the first stage, you would have genuinely laughed for several minutes with a burly laugh, and then you would praise his unique sense of humor. And in the second stage - saturation, you would give your favorite smile and say, “Well done, really funny!”. The difference is palpable, right?

The third stage - the stage of disgust

We arrived to the most dangerous period for any relationship - the stage of disgust. This is the most critical and dangerous period, which ruined a huge number of happy and harmonious, but not strong alliances. Most often this period falls on the notorious three years from the moment of the relationship. Sometimes it can happen even earlier, by the end of the first year of the relationship. And sometimes the first stages can go on longer, and the stage of disgust will come in the seventh year of the relationship, but this happens quite rarely. I would like to note that the lovers to this stage have, most likely, already managed to formalize the relationship, and became spouses.

Most lovers, at the beginning of a relationship, naively believe that they will never have such quarrels and squabbles, as happens with their friends who are in this painful stage. But remember that this stage, sooner or later, will still come and it will need to be overcome by joint efforts. It is a pity that a huge number of couples part on it, and without knowing that it is temporary. How long it will last depends on the temperament and wisdom of the lovers.

During this period, everything in a previously loved person can be annoying: how he eats, how he walks, how he laughs, how he twists a tube of pasta. Even what used to be liked in him can now cause terrible dislike and disgust. And if he does something really bad, for example, he swears, shouts, lazy, throws clothes around, and so on, you may experience an attack of acute hostility bordering on hatred. It seems that everything that he does, he does out of spite, specifically to unbalance, annoy and annoy.

Those who turned out to be at this stage believe that they were mistaken in a person, that he was posing as another. Often, they decide to leave, because the joint happiness and pleasure has become very little, it simply is not enough for a normal life together. But quarrels, scandals and reproaches have become more than ever. Being at this stage in a relationship, a person thinks that love has passed without a trace. But what a delusion ...

The fourth stage is the stage of patience and forgiveness.

This stage comes after one of the spouses realized that you can still somehow be measured with the shortcomings of the once beloved person. Usually this person in a couple is smarter, wiser, or simply mature.

Gradually, with patience enduring the shortcomings of the spouse, comes the understanding that it is better to start with yourself. The kinder and gentle you behave, the more he responds, in principle.

At this stage, there is a deep work with your own egoism, when you reconsider the notion of love, marriage and relationships. You sincerely begin to notice the person, his needs and requirements, you will recognize him again and, for the first time, the present. There is no longer a plume of love in a relationship, but there is an understanding of one’s responsibility to a person (a sense of duty; responsibility to children; decency and traditional ideals of loyalty and devotion).

At this stage, there is a calm acceptance of a real person with his features, character and tastes. there are no special pleasures yet, but anxiety and irritation has become much less. You are no longer halfway turned.

It is during this period that an understanding comes that a loved one does not have to be my copy, that he is a separate and unique person, with his needs and desires. At this stage, couples rarely diverge, as the relationship is slowly moving in the direction of this feeling - love.

The fifth stage - the stage of duty

It is from this moment that genuine Love begins to emerge. When a person is aware of his duty to fulfill the duty to his spouse. Realizing, even at the last stage, the uniqueness of his soulmate, his own needs, interests and desires, he comes to understand that he needs to take care of him and fulfill his duties.

Each couple, family - is unique. But in general terms, when it comes to a woman, she understands the importance of fulfilling to the spouse women's responsibilities for protecting the family hearth - childcare, maintaining one's own attractiveness, cooking, cleanliness in the house, and so on. An understanding of how important it is to provide the family with everything necessary, to protect from external problems and hardships and so on comes to the man.

The sixth stage - the stage of divine friendship

This is the quivering stage, when warm, cozy heart-to-heart talk comes to the house. When it is again interesting together, but not just greedily and fervently, but with great respect and devotion to the person. After all, this is much more valuable, knowing a person from cover to cover, respect him and be interested in him, trust him and be inspired. This beautiful stage: bright, kind, sincere, as in fairy tales. And the couple, turned on her, comes close to true love.

At this stage, people become relatives. Spouses become the most loyal and best friends for each other. They are inseparable, cheerful and friendly. It is pleasant to look at such families, you can admire them and take an example from them: they have already experienced so much (the stage of disgust), but stayed together, they are close to each other. But this is not love.

The seventh stage is the stage of divine love

The best description of such love is given in the bible:

Love endures for a long time, charity, love does not envy, love does not exalt, does not pride, does not rage, does not seek its own, does not irritate, does not think evil, does not rejoice in untruth, but rejoices in the truth; He covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, transfers everything. Love never ends…

We wish you all to proudly go through all the stages described above and find True Love!


Watch the video: The 5 Stages of Relationships (July 2024).