How much should the baby sleep for normal development. How many hours a day does a child sleep in the first year of life and at an older age.


A sweet sniff of a baby in a dream - how long should it last? Are there any rules for the duration of children's sleep? Maybe the baby is not getting enough sleep or, on the contrary, he spends too much time in a cozy bed?

The duration of the periods of activity and sleep in young children is individual, but it is easier for mothers to navigate, knowing the approximate norms for different age groups. However, you should not worry if your baby has small deviations from the specified parameters.

How much does a child sleep in the first month of life?

The duration of the baby’s sleep in the first four weeks of life is 16–20 hours, that is, practically round the clock. But this does not mean that, having put him in a bed in the evening, you will rejoice at the awakening of the child in the middle of the next day. After all, newborns are not able to sleep more than three or four hours at a time, only sometimes a night's sleep can last 5-6 hours. Continuous oblivion remained with young parents in the past, it is unlikely to be able to sleep all night without a break until the toddler is 2-4 months old.

In infancy, sleep at the baby can be:

- deep - breathing is calm and even;

- shallow - even breathing sometimes gets off, legs and handles twitch;

- dormant - for example, during the saturation of delicious mommy milk.

At night, the little fidget awakens from hunger and not a comfortable state. After changing diapers and saturation, a healthy baby sweetly falls asleep. Often, intestinal cramps, which mercilessly disturb the baby and prevent him from falling asleep, can often cause a night sleep interruption.

How many children sleep in 2 months

The kid actively grows and develops, acquires the first motor skills - raises the head, clings tightly to the toy and enjoys communication. The daily duration of sleep becomes a little less and is 15.5-18 hours. For a comfortable falling asleep crumbs should avoid talking on high tones, loud music and too bright light. During the second month of the baby’s life, the mother should try to adjust his mode, to distinguish the difference between night and day. It is not recommended to “walk around” the baby during the night feeding, to use the bright light and to talk with him.

Monthly baby is still hard to stay awake for more than 2 hours in a row, therefore, having missed the right moment to put him in a bed, mom and dad will have to face childish whims and difficulties falling asleep. Attentive mommy already knows all the signs of fatigue of her offspring at this age - rubbing the peephole, pulling her ear, the appearance of slightly dark circles under the eyes. By not missing these signs, you can significantly ease and speed up the process of falling asleep, in which both mother and baby are interested.

How many children sleep in 3 months

The wakefulness of the baby increases, now enough for him to sleep from 15 to 17 hours during the day. Ten of them fall on a night's rest, and the rest provide four times a day's sleep - 2 times for 1.5-2 hours, and 2 for about 40 minutes. At this age, the little man can react to the vagaries of nature - his sleep becomes restless, and falling asleep - capricious.

If last month mom managed to teach the baby to the regime, now falling asleep every day becomes more and more comfortable. The next stage is training for independent process - without motion sickness and additional feeding before going to bed. Noticing signs of fatigue, the baby just needs to be put in the crib. Very quickly he will get used to this, and will fall asleep without whims. Experts strongly advise to include at this time quiet classical music - this will save the baby from a possible feeling of loneliness and will serve as a kind of signal to go to sleep.

How much should a baby sleep in 4 months

Sleep rate on the 4th month of life is 14.5-16.5 hours. A mother should clearly establish the time limits for night and daytime sleep, which is extremely useful for the baby and makes life much easier for the mother, helping to plan her day. The most preferable time for laying at night is between seven and half-past eight, and later wakefulness will be tedious for the fragile body of the child. Daily routine should be based on practical experience. Having taught the baby to go to bed at the same time, it is quite possible to achieve almost instant sleep.

After three months, the baby is taught a certain order of preparation for nighttime sleep - a warm bath, reading favorite books, fairy tales. After this, the child is offered the opportunity to fall asleep on his own. At this age, difficulty in falling asleep is a fairly common problem, the solution of which should be taken carefully. And remember - the longer the baby plays beyond the set time mode, the harder it is to fall asleep. Overwork does not allow him to relax calmly.

How much should a baby sleep at 5 months

The total time allotted for sleep does not exceed 16 hours, and the number of periods of daytime sleep is reduced to three. Usually "sleepy" intervals are distributed as follows:

- from 8 to 10 hours - after the morning feeding and wakefulness;

- from 12 to 14 hours - it is desirable that the baby slept in the fresh air;

- from 16 to 18 hours - if possible, and this dream is better to combine with a walk.

If the night sleep of the baby lasts more than ten hours, it is better to wake him tenderly. This will help not to disturb the regime of feeding and wakefulness, and the child will get used to waking up without problems at the same time and, accordingly, easily fall asleep in the evening.

How much does a baby sleep at 6 months

More recently, the baby slept almost around the clock, and now fourteen hours are enough for him - ten at night and two times two hours a day. The individual characteristics of the babies make their own adjustments - someone is satisfied with a two-day rest, while others prefer to lie down five or six times, but only 30-40 minutes to sleep. By this time, the baby already allows mom and dad to sleep peacefully, only sometimes problems with well-being cause the baby to wake up in the middle of the night. Gradually, the daily need for a child in a dream will decrease and when the baby is one year old, it will be about 13 hours.

How much should a baby sleep per year

Behind - a whole year, with their difficulties and achievements, the formation of a little man in society and family. At this age, if mommy did everything correctly, there should be no problems with either daytime or nighttime sleep. The kid actively spends his leisure time, goes to bed on time and falls asleep without difficulty. For a good rest, it is enough for him now 13 hours, 10 of them are for a night's sleep, and the remaining three - for two days.

Parents should reinforce existing skills - to follow the daily routine, to anticipate going to bed by a well-established ritual, to enable the child to fall asleep independently. Observe your toddler for any signs of inadequate rest:

- unreasonable whims;

- excessive excitability;

- bad mood in the morning;

- nervous breakdowns;

- attempts to fall asleep before the allotted time.

If everything is in order, then mom can praise herself for a properly thought-out regime. In the case of the presence of these signs, parents should think about whether a small crumb is resting enough, maybe you should adjust its daily routine.

The norms of children's sleep from 1 year to 7 years

At one and a half years, you can gradually begin to transfer the child to another mode, which will continue until school - in the afternoon, the baby will now sleep only once. Sometimes it causes some difficulties, so it is not necessary to hurry too much - the gradual process will be more comfortable for the child. Sometimes, at the first stage, mothers alternate the days of a two-day and one-time daytime sleep, carefully watching the child. Some children, especially with increased excitability, are more tired and not enough for them to rest one day of sleep. In this case, do not hurry, you can switch to a new mode a little later.

The duration of night sleep for children from one to seven years is 10 hours, this figure will not change during the entire age period, but the duration of daytime sleep is better for the mother to adjust, based on her own observations. Normally, this figure is:

- in two or three years - 2-2.5 hours;

- from 3 to 7 years - about 2 hours;

- after 7 years of sleep in the afternoon is not necessary.

We should not forget that a full-fledged sound sleep and fast falling asleep are impossible after stormy games and intense excitement. About an hour before bedtime, the fidget needs to be reassured, offer the kid a calm game or read a book to him.

To what age should a baby sleep during the day

It is believed that daytime sleep is necessary for a child under seven years old, however, the individual characteristics of the development of children make their own adjustments. Some children absolutely refuse to go to bed during the day at 3-4 years old, others sleep well in the first grade. This question invariably causes a lot of controversy and discussion, so first you need to decide what gives the child a nap:

1. Promotes concentration of attention.

2. Restores the performance of nerve cells.

3. Strengthens the immune system.

4. Helps the production of growth hormone.

5. Reduces emotional stress.

This list can be continued with many more points, but it is already clear that sleeping during the day is useful and necessary. If a child in 4-5 years flatly refuses to sleep, you can try to replace daytime sleep just lying in bed, which will bring no less benefit. Finally, to abandon healing sleep is desirable not earlier than 5 years. By the way, the same opinion and Dr. Komarovsky.

Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that in five years at least half of the children no longer need daytime sleep. If the baby categorically refuses to go to bed - it is worth going to meet him.


Watch the video: Safe Sleep Practices: How to correctly swaddle your baby (July 2024).