Life subordinated to biorhythms. Listen to the biological clock.


All living things, including humans, are influenced by biological rhythms. We cannot be constantly in good shape, all processes in our body are either slowing down or becoming more active, and all this goes according to our internal biological clock.

Chronobiology is engaged in the study of biorhythms ("chronos" - time, "bios" - life). Knowledge in this area helps to correctly allocate your time, establish the correct diet, sleep, choose the best hours for mental and labor activity.

Our body begins to wake up at 4 o’clock. By this time, respiratory centers are excited. By 5-6 hours, the metabolism "turns on", blood pressure increases. At 7-8 hours - the time of an increased heartbeat.

From 7 to 9 hours, the gastrointestinal tract reaches maximum activity. This is the best time for breakfast, as food during this period of time is well absorbed and is not stored in the body in the form of fat.

At 9 o'clock "at altitude" is short-term memory, which contributes to intellectual activity. In the period from 10 to 12, blood circulation throughout the body increases, the brain is supplied with blood, and the time comes for its maximum performance.

From 12 to 13, the body begins to experience a feeling of hunger, there is an outflow of blood to the stomach, and mental activity decreases. By 14 hours there is a decline, drowsiness, fatigue occurs, and body temperature drops. At this point, the body is the least sensitive to pain. By 16 hours, performance is restored.

The interval between 17 and 18 hours is considered ideal for playing sports, as it is then that a person has perfect coordination of movements and a good reaction. By 20 hours, blood pressure and body temperature decrease, metabolism slows down.

From 21 hours, the body begins to prepare for sleep, the amount of melatonin, the hormone of sleep and relaxation, gradually increases. From 22 to 4 hours, cells in the body are updated, the nervous system is resting. Therefore, lack of sleep during this period makes a person less stress-resistant¸ weak.

Scientists also found that the human body obeys 3 main biorhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual.

Physical biorhythm affects endurance, strength, coordination, reaction rate, general physical condition, and immunity level. Its period is 23 days. American researchers have proven that it is associated with the activity of the nervous system. In the first half of the cycle, a person is alert and strong, in the second half all his indicators are reduced. But, the most dangerous are the first and eleventh day of the cycle. It was then that accidents occurred, various falls, injuries, illness reminded of itself. Experts advise to avoid operations, vaccinations in the second half of the cycle, because body recovery will be slower.

The emotional cycle affects creativity, love, sensitivity. Its duration is 28 days. The first 14 days of this cycle, a person is most often cheerful and optimistic, creative work is good, the second 14 days are less friendly and open, and during the change of these periods many feel irritable, become quick-tempered and aggressive, lose control of themselves.

Intelligent biorhythm affects the mental abilities of a person, his period is 33 days. Some scientists believe that this biorhythm is associated with secretion of the thyroid gland. As in the previous biorhythms, there is a rise in the first days of the cycle: information is easily perceived and assimilated, tasks are solved instantly, and in the remaining 16.5 days the ability to think logically decreases. On days 1 and 17 of the cycle it is better not to tackle serious tasks, to postpone important issues for another time. To know the time of the fall-up of your biorhythms, they must be calculated based on the date of birth.

A person lives, obeying a number of biorhythms, and, listening to his body, we can achieve and achieve a lot. Minutes of weakness are also natural, so you should love and take care of yourself, and not be plagued by thoughts of laziness and parasitism.


Watch the video: Творог на ночь. Польза и вред творога (June 2024).