Ambulance finally ceases to be an ambulance


Got a graveyard? Has the pressure jumped? Poisoned? We all immediately call 03 (under the new rules 112). And, having difficulty calling (it usually takes about ten minutes), the ambulance crew begins to wait. And this wait sometimes takes hours. Most of the time ambulances stand in traffic jams. For some time, the doctors leisurely, waddling stomping from the car to the entrance. Well, then how lucky ... they can give Analgin. And they can even measure the pressure.

But now everything will be worse. A new order was issued “On the approval of the procedure for providing emergency medical care, including emergency medical care,” and it became known to the Russians that it would not be necessary to hope for a really quick arrival of specialists.

Prior to this order, the capital ambulance brigade arrived on call in an average of 17 minutes. In their district, doctors were obliged to reach the patient within 20 minutes.

At the "OLS-Medical", a commercial ambulance, the situation is more complicated, since they have only one substation in the whole city. Senior medical assistant Mikhail Panaskin said that the patient is always warned that the road can take an hour or two. Now, after the abolition of standards and restrictions, patients are likely to face the usual ambulance.

The law allows teams to take their time. Responsibility is reduced, because you can always refer to traffic jams. If you prove that people just drank tea, for example, instead of getting on call, it is possible to bring to justice - but how to do it ?.

Some experts believe that the introduction of the standard does not greatly change the situation. Larisa Popovich, Director of the Institute of Health Economics, does not support the idea of ​​introducing regulations, which is uniform for the whole country, and believes that every region should have its own norms. A good incentive can be a reward for operational work.

New rules cancel systematic disinfection of ambulances. The time stamp of the patient’s admission to the emergency room, which is placed in the Call Card, is also canceled.


Watch the video: "Test Call" Weird calls in ambulance control Final (July 2024).