Why useful massage can harm health? How to properly massage with benefit to the body without harmful consequences?


Massage procedures for the majority of ordinary people are associated with pleasant manipulations, which make it possible to relax and relieve tension, both from muscle tissue and from the nervous system.

However, under the single name "massage" collected a huge number of different methods of "manual" effects on the patient's body, aimed at wellness, cosmetic, hygienic, restorative or therapeutic effect.

But are all types and methods of massage beneficial to the body?

Features and types of massage

Massage refers to one of the most ancient arts of many nations. Therefore, to determine the authorship of therapeutic body manipulations is quite difficult.

Currently, medical professionals apply Eastern massage schoolbased on the unity of physiological, spiritual and neurogenic processes in the human body, and European, which has evidentiary explanations for the therapeutic effect of manual exposure to certain tissues.

Any massage combines mechanical and reflex effects directly on the human body. To achieve a therapeutic effect, pressing, twisting, stroking, vibrating or rubbing manipulations with hands or special devices are used. Massage actions can be carried out both in air, and in underwater or other environment.

To enhance the beneficial effects of massage on the body, massage therapists may resort to the use of massage, aromatic and fragrant oils, medicinal ointments and gels, as well as temperature effects.

Depending on the purpose, all types of massage are divided into:

• medical;

• sports;

• cosmetic;

• hygienic;

• rehabilitation.

Basic manipulations are carried out using manual (manual), pedal (foot), as well as instrumental and hardware methods.

In turn, hardware types of massage can be performed using:

• vibrating massagers;

• hydromassage;

• bar massage.

During the zonal massage can be used impacts of a different nature:

• segmental;

• myofascial;

• point;

• connective tissue;

• microzonal;

• periosteal.

In addition, in medical practice massage therapists resort to specialized manipulations, having a specific focus:

• reanimation;

• dental;

• urological;

• speech therapy;

• gynecological;

• otolaryngological;

• dermatological;

• ophthalmologic;

• visceral.

Given the variety of types and directions of massage, only the competent specialist, who has undergone special training, can choose the best impact option that really benefits the body.

Massage: what is the benefit for the body?

Properly chosen massage techniques have a positive physiological and neurogenic effect on the body. During the massage sessions, all the layers of the skin are worked out, in the form of sweat and sebaceous glands, blood vessels, muscle tissue. In addition, due to the irritation of the active points, massage can have a positive effect on the work of the nervous system and internal organs.

Useful properties of massage are expressed:

1. In the multifaceted physiological effects on the skin in the form of:

• cleansing the epidermis and pores;

• improve the secretory function of the glands;

• activation of the processes of blood flow and lymph flow;

• increase skin and muscle tone;

• improvement of local metabolic processes.

2. Changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, manifested:

• active splitting of fatty compounds;

• improvement of fat metabolism.

3. The beneficial effects on muscle tissue in the form of:

• improve muscle elasticity;

• slow muscle atrophy;

• recovery of tone and performance.

4. A significant effect on the joints, which is expressed:

• improvement of blood flow in the affected organ;

• resorption of effusion;

• strengthening the ligament apparatus;

• removal of inflammatory reactions and pain.

In addition, the benefits of massage for the health of the body is expressed by a positive effect on the nervous system and metabolic processes.

Massage: what is the possible harm to health?

Despite all the positive properties of massage, the inept hands of an amateur can cause irreparable harm to health. Ruthless statistics voiced frightening data: up to 10% of patients are forced after non-professional manipulations to treat the effects of massage.

At first glance, simple massage effects on the skin can significantly affect health. And this is not only bruising and bruising, which patients often face after non-professional massages. But damage to the nerve, muscle tissue, blood vessels, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, pinching nerve endings.

BUT inept effects on spinal joints can generally lead to disastrous consequences in the form of disability.

Not a single massage therapist, in order not to harm the patient with his actions, will undertake to conduct a massage session:

• if the patient's skin is damaged;

• if there is an increase in temperature indicators;

• in the exacerbation of chronic diseases;

• during an acute inflammatory process;

• for problems with blood vessels;

• if the patient is intoxicated;

• for patients with unstable mentality;

• for blood diseases.

In such cases, the benefits of massage for the body can not speak. The risks of complications and the harm from such a massage negate all its beneficial properties.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm and benefits of massage

Women during pregnancy often suffer from swelling, varicose veins, stretch marks, back pain, insomnia, irritability, constipation, depression, overweight. Doctors recommend to apply massage to solve these issues. But won't the massage manipulations harm the future baby?

If the procedure is performed by an experienced specialist, taking into account the specifics of the woman’s condition, the massage will bring only health benefits for the future mother and baby. After all, during a massage session produces a significant amount of endorphinthat has a beneficial effect on the body.

But it should be borne in mind that the benefits of massage will be only when using soft relaxing techniques that do not cause painful sensations.

However, doctors do not recommend massaging the abdomen for women who are in early pregnancy. Such a massage can significantly harm and even provoke a miscarriage.

Massage is an excellent alternative to drug therapy. That in some cases, for both pregnant and lactating women, is the only way to solve treatment issues.

But, the dominant word here is "tenderness." Any active manipulation of the skin provokes the release of the hormone oxytocin. And in such cases, about any benefits of massage can no longer speak.

Oxytocin provokes a contraction of the uterus, which in a pregnant woman can lead to her tone or unwanted abortion.

In a nursing woman, oxytocin causes an intensive release of milk, which leads to overfilling of the mammary glands, milk leakage and even lactostasis.

When the massage is too intense, causing pain, stress hormones are produced, which is also unacceptable for both pregnant and lactating women.

Therefore, so that massage does not bring harm to the body, it is better to discuss the feasibility of each type of manipulation with the doctor.

Massage for children: the benefits and harm

Methods of baby massage should be owned by all parents. After all, the benefits of massage for a child’s body are enormous.

Proper manipulations:

• contribute to the emotional development of the crumbs;

• are the prevention of many childhood diseases;

• have a positive effect on the digestive system;

• help to cope with problems of constipation, intestinal colic;

• relieve excitability;

• develop motor activity;

• improve posture.

In addition, massage is an additional way for parents to contact a crumb, eliminating psychological barriers.

Thanks to the useful properties therapeutic massage is able to deal with many children's pathologies in the form of:

• flatfoot and scoliosis;

• cerebral palsy;

• muscle hypertonus;

• nervous overstimulation;

• hip dysplasia;

• congenital dislocation.

In order not to harm the health of the baby, special types of massage can be trusted only to the specialized children's specialist.

Massage: benefits for weight loss

Massage, as a way to lose weight, is very popular. Today, there are more than 300 types of various massages, one third of which is used for body shaping.

The widespread belief that body fat is broken up with the help of massage actions is erroneous. Fat burning effect and unambiguous benefits of massage during weight loss due to the activation of local metabolic processes in which there is a rush of blood to the tissues, which contributes to an increase in fat consumption.

Also, massage manipulations stimulate the improvement of the lymph flow, which restores the water balance and eliminates the stasis of intercellular fluid and swelling.

But we should not forget that the benefits of massage for losing weight will only in compliance with recommendations for proper nutrition and motor activity.

Evaluate the likelihood of the benefits or harm of massage can only profile specialist. Therefore, before visiting a massage therapist, consult at least with a therapist or neurologist who will be able to weigh the risks and warn about possible consequences.


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