American woman faces prison for calling strippers for her 16th birthday


When ordering a party to celebrate the birthday of her 16-year-old son, the strippers, a 33-year-old American woman living in Saratoga County, New York, hardly expected that she would have to stand trial in a few months. Now she is accused of creating a situation that is dangerous for underage party members.

According to the NY Daily News, Judy Widger is arrested and her trial is scheduled to take place on March 7 of this year. If the defendant’s guilt is proven, she will be behind bars and will stay there for up to one year. The woman herself did not comment on the situation.

The police learned that among the guests in front of whom naked girls spoke, there were many children aged 13 and under. A total of about 80 people gathered at the party, both teenagers and adults. Many adults were outraged by the appearance of strippers at the children's festival and their dancing.

Photos from the event, which took place in November last year, were posted on the Internet. The mother of one of the teenagers who attended the party found them on Facebook when she was viewing her son's page. Outraged woman reported the incident to the authorities. After that, the police and began an investigation.

As for the employees of the company who completed the order and sent strippers for the holiday, they are not threatened with sanctions. They did not know that the event was intended for minors. Moreover, according to law enforcement, the agency’s representatives assisted the police in investigating the incident.


Watch the video: Mom Gets Strippers for Teen Son's Party, Faces Jail (June 2024).