Cherry pastries - amazing tastes! Recipes for different cakes with cherries: cookies, pies, cakes, strudel, muffins


Cherry is never superfluous!

Bright, juicy and fragrant berries harmoniously combine with different pastries, making it unusually tasty.

A selection of the best cherry baking recipes that will decorate any table.

Cherry pastries - general cooking principles

For baking, you can use fresh, dried, frozen or canned cherries. Berries must be washed and always remove the seeds. If you use dry cherries, then you need to pre-soak in water. Juice from cherries is usually drained, for this the berries are simply placed in a colander. If there is a lot of moisture, then you can squeeze. In some recipes, the use of cherry jam, jam, confiture is allowed.

What baking with cherry is prepared:

• pies, pies;

• cakes;

• cakes;

• strudel;

• cupcakes;

• biscuit.

Cherry goes well with a variety of types of dough. Berries can be added to the total mass, made from them fillings, used for a layer. Cherry is used on its own, or other berries or fruits are added. Sometimes combined with cottage cheese, breadcrumbs, starch. Berries are wonderful combined with chocolate, cream, nuts, cinnamon.

Charlotte - the easiest pastry with cherry

Charlotte - a pie that is not necessary to cook only with apples. You can add a variety of berries and fruits, try making pastries with cherries. The recipe is based on a classic biscuit.


• 1 cup cherries;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 cup flour;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp baking powder.


1. Take out the seeds from the berries, leave them in a colander. Cherry should be ready, as the dough will not wait.

2. Immediately heat the 180 oven.

3. Beat eggs with prescription sugar to a dense foam. At least 8 minutes with a mixer.

4. Sift the flour, mix with a cultivator and put into the dough. We leave one spoon. Gently stir with your hand.

5. Sprinkle the cherry left with the flour and put into the dough, mix.

6. Put the mass in a greased form.

7. Bake for half an hour until cooked.

Brownie - the most chocolate baked goods with cherries

For the preparation of brownies, in addition to berries, you will also need good chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%. The formulation requires precise proportions.


• 0.1 kg of oil drain;

• 0.1 kg of chocolate;

• 70 grams of cherries;

• 30 grams of almond;

• 50 grams of flour;

• 40 grams of cocoa powder;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.5 tsp baking powder


1. Break the chocolate, cut the butter into cubes, drop it into a bowl and send it to a water bath. Melt.

2. We combine cocoa with flour, add baking powder to them and sift them together. Then mix with sugar. It is better to use reed.

3. Remove the melted chocolate from the bath. If the mass is hot, then it is better to cool a little. We introduce eggs into it one by one and stir well.

4. Add a dry mixture of bulk ingredients.

5. Pour cherries and crushed almonds.

6. Pour the dough onto a laid baking sheet, bake for twenty minutes at 180.

7. It is better to cool the brownie not on the wire rack. Before serving, the pastries with the cherry are cut into squares.

Cake "Monastery izba" - the sweetest pastries with cherries

The monastery hut is made from sour cream dough with margarine. He will need to lie in the refrigerator, you can knead in advance. Cream on condensed milk, but often prepare this cake with sour cream.


• 4 cups flour;

• 0.25 kg of margarine;

• 250 ml sour cream;

• cherry, how much will go;

• 8 tablespoons of milk;

• 6 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 1 can of condensed milk;

• 400 grams of butter for cream;

• 1 cup of sugar.


1. Margarine chop with flour with a knife until crumbs. Pour the sour cream and make the dough. Sugar is not necessary. Divide into 15 parts, roll the balls from them and send them to the refrigerator for forty minutes.

2. While the dough is cooling, take out the seeds from the cherries.

3. We take out balls one by one, roll out oval cakes, lay a row of cherries at the edge. Then gently twist the long tubes.

4. We transfer all the straws to the baking sheet, pierce in several places with a fork and oven in the oven. Temperature 200.

5. While the tubes are baking and cooling, we prepare a regular cream of condensed milk with butter. To do this, beat 300 grams of butter and gradually introduce milk.

6. From sugar, remaining butter, milk and cocoa, we prepare a fondant. Just mix everything and dissolve in a water bath.

7. We form a cake. We lay in rows of tubes: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We coat each layer with cream, pour over the top with fudge.

Curd tart - the most healthy pastry with cherry

For cottage cheese tart with cherry, you can take fresh or frozen berries. Cottage cheese can be taken any, but not very dry.


• 0.18 kg of flour;

• 0.08 kg of oil;

• 0.14 kg of brown sugar;

• 0.3 kg of cherries;

• 60 ml of water;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;

• salt, vanilla.


1. Pour flour into a bowl, put butter, a small pinch of salt and chop everything together with a kitchen knife.

2. Add prescription water, half granulated sugar, stir. We remove the dough to freeze in the refrigerator.

3. After half an hour, we roll out the layer, put it in the form, be sure to make small sides.

4. We prick the cake with a fork, go bake. Just ten minutes at 200.

5. Take out the seeds from the berries.

6. Mix the mashed curd with eggs and the remaining sugar. You can add vanilla.

7. Take the cake out of the oven, remove the temperature to 180.

8. Pour an even layer of cherries, spread the curd mass on top. Set to bake for half an hour.

Prague strudel - the most fragrant baked goods with cherries

For the preparation of Prague strudel it is better to use freshly ground cinnamon. And then homemade cakes with cherries will simply amaze you with their aroma.


• 0.1 kg butter;

• 0.3 kg of flour;

• 0.5 cups of water;

• 20 ml of oil grows;

• 0.07 kg of sugar;

• 5 spoons of breadcrumbs;

• 1 kg of cherries;

• 20 grams of cinnamon.


1. Add a pinch of salt to the flour, put the vegetable oil and pour the melted butter. Add hot prescription water and mix. We leave the dough to rest on the table for about thirty minutes.

2. While the dough comes, we take out the seeds from the cherries.

3. Roll out the dough with a long ribbon and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

4. Now mix the cherries with sugar and cinnamon. We do not follow this in advance, so as not to provoke active secretion of juice.

5. Spread the berries on top of the breadcrumbs.

6. Twist the roll. We shift to a greased sheet.

7. Send to the oven and bake. We set 200 degrees, bake for 18-20 minutes.

8. We get out of the stove, cool and sprinkle with powder. Serve with a scoop of ice cream, with chocolate or with whipped cream.

Cookies - the most home-made cakes with cherries

A recipe for flavored cookies that is great for home-made tea drinking. The addition of almonds gives a special taste to pastries with cherries.


• 0.14 kg of flour;

• 0.08 kg of oil;

• 2 tablespoons cream or milk;

• 3 yolks;

• 50 grams of cherries;

• 80 grams of sugar;

• 30 grams of almond petals;

• 2 tablespoons of rum;

• vanilla.


1. Beat butter with sugar and vanilla.

2. Add the egg yolks.

3. Next, pour prescription flour into the dough and pour the milk. Instead, you can take cream, but not very thick.

4. Add to the dough cherries, freed from the seeds, and immediately pour the leaves of almonds.

5. Pour in the rum. You can take some liquor or brandy. These drinks give the liver an extraordinary flavor.

6. Gently stir and roll small balls the size of an average nut from dough. Press a little so that the thickness is no more than a centimeter.

7. We lay out on a baking sheet, always covered with baking paper.

8. We bake cherry cookies in the oven for about a quarter of an hour. We set the temperature to 190.

Layer cake - the fastest baking with cherry

Nothing is simpler and faster than making puff pastry pie. To make cherry baked goods according to this recipe, you will need only four ingredients. Puff pastry can be used without or with yeast, the taste and appearance of the cake will be different.


• 1 pack of dough;

• 0.4 kg of cherries;

• 0.13 kg of sugar;

• 1 yolk.


1. The dough must be kept warm in advance to melt. Then we roll out an even layer. If the dough is not thicker than half a centimeter, then you can leave it as it is.

2. Cut the edges with strips of 1 centimeter, leaving an even rectangle.

3. We shift to the form, make the sides. We leave strips for decoration, they should not be less than 6 pieces.

4. Pour cored cherries.

5. Sprinkle the berries with sugar on top.

6. We lay out strips of dough in the form of a net. The ends are attached to the lower cake.

7. Grease the dough with yolk, send the cake to bake. At 200 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Chocolate muffins - the cutest pastries with cherries

A universal recipe for cherries. Such cupcakes can be prepared in general form or made miniature products. Molds can be used silicone, metal and even paper.


• 2 tablespoons of powder;

• 0.2 kg of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 0.18 kg of natural yogurt;

• 0.15 kg of sugar;

• 70 ml of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 0.2 kg of cherries;

• 1 tsp baking cultivator.


1. Combine natural yogurt with a prescription egg and sugar, beat.

2. Add vegetable oil.

3. Flour to be sieved with baking powder and prescription cocoa powder.

4. Pour the loose ingredients into the dough and just stir.

5. Take out the seeds from the washed berries, slightly outlive the juice.

6. Put the cherry in the dough, stir.

7. Pour the dough into a common shape or lay out in small containers. We bake it. If you are preparing small portioned cupcakes, the process will take about 25 minutes. A large cupcake in large form may take longer, depending on the height of the vessel.

Cherry Baking - Useful Tips and Tricks

• Squeezing seeds produces a lot of juice. It should not be thrown away. Juice can replace water in the formulations, use it to soak cakes, dilute gelatin, or simply add to compote.

• If the pastry burns on top and remains damp inside, then cover the items with damp paper and reduce the heat. If the bottom burns, then you can put two bricks in the oven at the bottom.

• If you need to sprinkle cherries with sugar, then do it just before laying the filling in the dough. Otherwise, the berries will release a lot of juice, the baking will be wet, it will be poorly baked.

• Is the cake stuck to the mold? You can simply put the container in a bowl of water or on a wet towel. And so that this does not happen, it is recommended not only to lubricate the form, but also to sprinkle it with breadcrumbs, semolina.

• Baking will be light, airy and porous if you add baking powder to it. Soda should be quenched with acetic or citric acid. If baking powder is used, then it is simply stirred with sifted flour. Can be sieved together.


Watch the video: How to Make AMAZING Cherry Strudel (June 2024).