Russians do not plan big expenses for spring shoes this season


Famous designers are convinced that there are never too many shoes, and a modern fashionable woman should have shoes for all occasions in her "bins". The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out what Russians think about this and whether they plan to buy new clothes for the upcoming spring.

30.9% of the fair sex do not plan to buy shoes at all. In this case, basically, the desire does not coincide with the opportunity, and the state of the wallet leaves much to be desired. “Finance sings romances. Probably, I’ll get by with the existing ones,” as these women put it. And only a few of the respondents who entered this category said that they had enough shoes. “I’m not going to spend money this season: and so there is a good demi-season,” the ladies answered. It’s sad, but true: the Russians, working day and night, did not even save up a couple of fashionable ankle boots.

49.2% of Russian women said they were going to upgrade their stocks to the amount of up to 5,000 rubles. This amount suggests that women will be able to buy one type of shoe, and obviously not designer. “I will need only sneakers. Up to 5,000 rubles I will meet,” some ladies reported. “I have new spring boots, I bought for 5 thousand in the fall, but I’ll have to look for shoes,” others echoed.

11.1% of the female population of Russia are ready to spend up to 10,000 rubles on spring shoes. In this case, we were talking about one pair of shoes, but of decent quality. “I’ll fit into the top ten, I think,” the women said.

5.6% of ladies will be able to spend more than 15,000 rubles, dreaming of buying boots, ankle boots and shoes. Some of them believe that only for such a price you can buy decent shoes. “It seems that everything is there ... But I’ll buy shoes anyway ... So more than 15 thousand will work out,” the Russians said.

3.2% of the fairer sex have the opportunity to invest up to 15,000 rubles in spring shoes. But, as you see, there are very, very few such lucky ones.

As the survey showed, either the Russians have order with shoes, or they don’t have money for it, which is most likely why a little more than half of the beautiful ladies will flaunt new shoes.

The survey involved 3330 women. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 128 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: How Pepsi Won the USSR . . And Then Almost Lost Everything (June 2024).