Caramel at home - the best recipes. How to make soft, candy and other types of caramel at home


Many adults claim that caramel is a delicacy of children, although they themselves are not averse to occasionally treat themselves to a sweet product.

Despite the fact that today store shelves are bursting with the variety of types and brands of caramel presented, there are still craftsmen who make caramel at home.

Homemade caramel is unique in that it contains a minimum of products, moreover, inexpensive and affordable.

In addition, regardless of the fact that the cooking process is not easy, it is quite fascinating.

Well, the result of an interesting process will be a delicious treat, which you definitely can’t get in the store.

Caramel at home - general principles of preparation

Caramel, cooked at home, can vary in taste, shape and texture.

The main ingredient of the product is sugar, and depending on the additional ingredients, the taste of caramel is regulated.

For example, soft caramel can be prepared on the basis of milk, cream, sour cream with the addition of cocoa, coffee, chocolate.

It is permissible to add fruit or berry extracts to hard caramel in order to obtain the corresponding taste and aroma.

The shape of the finished caramel depends on the molds in which the product is to be cooled, in the absence of special forms, it is permissible to use any suitable container - small bowls, the basis for making ice and even ordinary spoons.

The texture of the product can be soft, hard, crunchy, viscous, liquid - this moment depends on the technology and cooking time.

All sorts of subtleties, interesting recipes, tips and tricks that we tried to collect for you in this article will help you discover the fascinating process of making caramel at home.

Recipe 1. Soft caramel at home

Soft caramel according to this recipe is soft and tender, slightly viscous. Thanks to these properties, a treat is ideal not only as an independent sweet, but also as a complement to any desserts.


• 120 grams of sugar;

• 80 grams of cane sugar;

• 120 grams of butter;

• 250 ml cream 20%;

• 120 ml of corn syrup.

Cooking method:

1. In a pan with a thick bottom or stewpan pour two types of sugar.

2. Add the butter, cut into cubes, pour in the syrup and cream.

3. We put the mass on a slow fire.

4. Tomim, stirring constantly, until the sweet mixture warms up to 120 degrees. You can check the temperature of the product with a kitchen thermometer. If you don’t have a device that is so necessary in the kitchen, you can check the caramel temperature as follows: Take a container of cold water, drop a drop of caramel into it if you have a hard, round ball - the caramel is ready.

5. The finished product is poured into a mold covered with oiled baking paper, left for 10-12 hours, covered with a bag or piece of gauze.

6. We take out the frozen soft caramel from the mold, cut into any shapes or simple cubes.

Recipe 2. Milk and coffee caramel at home

Amazingly delicate caramel with a dense viscous structure you will definitely like. You can not add coffee by making regular milk caramel without flavors.


• 100 grams of granulated sugar;

• 70 grams of butter;

• 60 ml of 33% cream;

• 1 tbsp instant coffee.

Cooking method:

1. We put the cauldrons with sugar on a slow fire, wait until the sugar has dissolved, turning into a golden syrup.

2. Add chopped butter, cream and coffee.

3. Cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Caramel should become a homogeneous mass, a pleasant golden brown color.

4. Pour caramel into oiled tins, cool. You can pour in one large form, then the products will just need to be cut with a sharp knife into smaller pieces.

5. We pack each caramel in parchment paper so that the treat does not stick together.

Recipe 3. Candy Caramel at home

Probably, there is no such person who would not prepare lollipops in childhood. Why not remember a great time and prepare a sweet treat for yourself and your loved ones.


• granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. We put a dry frying pan on the stove, warm it.

2. Set the minimum heat, add sugar. The amount of granulated sugar depends on the size of the pan: 5-8 tablespoons are enough for a small (pancake), 10-15 tablespoons can be poured into a large pan.

3. Continuously stirring, we wait for the complete dissolution of all sugar grains. It should be a light brown viscous syrup.

4. Pour candy caramel into prepared oiled tins, wait for the sweets to cool completely.

5. If you do not have molds, you can pour liquid in a saucer, spoons and other improvised utensils.

Recipe 4. Sour cream caramel at home

Soft and tender caramel based on sugar and sour cream will be a great alternative to various sweets that you often eat for breakfast as the basis for sweet sandwiches. Sour cream caramel on fried toasts will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.


• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 20 ml of water;

• 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Heat a small stewpan or pan over high heat, pour sugar, pour water. Continuously stirring, bring the mass to a boil.

2. Boil the syrup, stirring, for two minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.

3. Add sour cream in small portions to sugar syrup, mix thoroughly.

4. Put a frying pan with a sweet mass on low heat. Without letting the mass boil, we warm it.

5. Pour the finished caramel into prepared forms.

6. Store this delicacy in the refrigerator, no more than five days.

Recipe 5. Mint caramel at home

Delicious refreshing caramel is cooked pretty quickly. The peppermint oil used in the recipe is available at specialized stores. If desired, you can add natural food colors, fill them with vanilla during the preparation process.


• three glasses of sugar;

• glass of water;

• 10 ml of lemon juice;

• 5-6 drops of concentrated peppermint oil;

• two pinches of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-walled dish, pour water.

2. Put on low heat, stirring, waiting for the sugar to completely dissolve and a sweet syrup is formed.

3. Pour vanillin, stand on the stove for another minute.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, and pour a drop of peppermint oil and lemon juice into the sweet mass.

5. The caramel mass is mixed and poured into greased forms.

6. If desired, we stick special skewers, toothpicks or ordinary matches with a torn head.

7. We take out the prepared, cooled caramel from the molds and wrap it in plastic bags or baking paper.

Recipe 6. Chocolate caramel at home

Appetizing chocolate caramel made from natural ingredients will surely appeal to you and your family.


• 100 grams of sugar;

• 50 grams of honey;

• 80 grams of butter;

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• 40 ml of milk.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with liquefied honey, milk and butter, cut into small pieces.

2. Spread the mixture in a pan, stirring, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. The mass should lightly brown and acquire a pale brown shade.

3. Add melted chocolate, continue to simmer for about 5 minutes, not forgetting to stir the prepared caramel all the time.

4. Pour the finished product in oiled form.

5. Cool, cut into squares or rectangles.

Recipe 7. Caramel for cakes at home

Ideal caramel for impregnation of biscuit, honey cake. Preparing quickly, it turns out delicious. In addition, you can eat such caramel just like that, its consistency is pleasant, viscous - you will like it.


• 220 ml of 33% cream;

• 60 grams of butter;

• 60 ml of water;

• a pinch of salt;

• 180 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Put a pot of water and sugar on low heat.

2. While stirring, we wait until the ingredients turn into sugar syrup.

3. Heat, but do not boil, in another saucepan of cream, pour them in a gentle thin stream into the syrup.

4. Add the butter and a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly, remove the caramel from the heat.

5. Pour into oiled forms, cool.

How to make caramel at home - tricks and useful tips

• If you are ready to cook hot caramel, whether it is soft or lollipop, dip apples, citrus fruits, nuts or dried fruits - you will get a wonderful new dish.

• Caramel is prepared quickly, so prepare all the necessary utensils for the process in advance.

• Caramel is ready, try not to leave the stove, otherwise the mass may burn.

• Whatever caramel molds you use, lubricate them with odorless oil so that the finished product departs better.

• Soak the dishes: pots, spoons and other immediately after cooking, otherwise the caramel will seize and it will be incredibly difficult to wash it.

• To make the finished caramel easily cut into squares or any other shape, you need to outline the lines with a knife when the treat is still hot. Then it remains only to break it.

• Inserting sticks into the filled molds, you will get caramel on sticks like modern lollipops or old cockerels.


Watch the video: How to Make the Best Salted Caramels at Home - Soft & Chewy Caramels Recipe (June 2024).