In Brazil, released “candy beauty” for models


It's no secret - many women love sweets, so they can not imagine their existence without cakes and chocolate. Alas, strict diets prescribe completely ignoring sweets, which makes women who are losing weight depressed. It seems that the cherished dream of women came true - in Brazil they released sweets that do not harm the figure. On the contrary, they help maintain health and beauty. The inventors of sweets claim that their product can successfully lose extra pounds!

“Beauty Candy” is produced under the brand name of a popular cosmetic brand and is called Beauty Candy. Manufacturers claim that in sweets there is no sugar and fat. The secret is in the "active" hydrolyzed collagen. That's why Beauty Candy strengthens the immune system, significantly improves mood, slows down aging, removes harmful toxins and regenerates damaged tissues.

Sweets are available in four different flavors: the taste of orange, raspberry, lemon, strawberry. They also include vitamins of groups B, A, E, C and folic acid. Packaging Beauty Candy costs approximately 2.5 pounds. In the advertising company "Beauty Candy", many Brazilian top models participated. And Brazil, according to sociologists, is a country of the most beautiful women in the world. Famous supermodel Gisele Bundchen openly declares that she regularly uses Beauty Candy, and in unlimited quantities. And because of the specifics of the work, models simply need to always monitor the harmony.


Watch the video: GOLD DIGGER PRANK PART 12! HoomanTV (June 2024).