What is the dream of a former guy


What promises, when the former lover continues to dream of a girl in a dream, will tell the decoding of the most common sources.

Dreamed of a former guy that means sleep

1. Classic dream book by Tsvetkov treats such an event as the possibility of committing in reality a thoughtless act that will lead to undesirable complications.

2. Modern dream book claims that seen prosperous relations foreshadow surprise, sometimes unpleasant.

3. Desire to kill himIt signals readiness to change the course of its life for the better.

The same dream can be interpreted depending on the actions of a man:

  • had a dream fight with him, wait for a quarrel with the current beloved gentleman;
  • death - promises a quick marriage or replenishment of the family with a child;
  • passion on his part may be the result of witchcraft charms, which the girl should be protected.

What dreams of a former guy who broke up a long time

1. When former boyfriend dreamed of dead, it is worth fearing danger, but if at the same time the boyfriend tries to help, then all the troubles in reality will be overcome.

2. Dreamed married happily in a dream on a sleeping girl, the former is an indicator of anxiety and future problems.

3. Former husband had a dream another girl promises forgiveness of a long-time resentment.

4. To dream - part with him, promises the beginning of a new joyous milestone in life.

The interpretation of dreams depends largely on the days in which they dream.

What does it mean if the former guy is from Thursday to Friday

On this night, dreams are prophetic and tend to come true, so it is worth the most thoughtful to recall the details of what is happening and carefully analyze them.

Why dream from Friday to Saturday?

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday does not guarantee prophetic visions, but there may be cases of great importance, so the girl, having seen her ex in a dream, should listen to her feelings and remember the details of the dream.

If the ex-boyfriend dreams of saturdays on sundays

This night sends important signals that can not be voiced. Keep secret the seen and revealed value, waiting for the imminent realization of the prediction.

Sleep from sunday to monday

Dreams from Sunday to Monday very rarely come true.

Listen to dreams need from Tuesday to Wednesday night such a dream is not prophetic and often gives a hint of a solution to a pressing problem. These days you can get standing and practical advice that will help to cope with the current situation.

BUTfrom wednesday to thursday you can not listen to the signs, they are false. And if on Wednesday a share of rational advice is possible, then on Thursday it is phantom and, for the most part, has no connection with reality.

A kiss with a former boyfriend in a dream what's it

To see a young man sleeping in a girl is one thing, but if you dreamed of having any relationship with him, it is worth deciphering completely differently.

Kiss Regardless of the sensations he provokes, it means surprise or emotional shock.

Experienced experiences responsible for his emotional coloring in fact. At the moment of a kiss, it was joyful and pleasant, which means that surprise will happen to pleasure, and if on the contrary, expect unpleasant emotions.

Dreaming of a former boyfriend you still love

A girl who has not lowered her love can continue to see her lover in this way. People believe that a person who dreams of an uninvited person thinks about you at night.

  • Dreamed bad looking beloved, someone close will get sick soon.
  • Dreaming repeat separation, expect an unexpected meeting or a date.

Why dream of kissing a guy

Modern dream interpreters interpret differently what the last darling dreams about. How to respond to kisses and sex that occurs with a former boyfriend, seen by a girl in sleepy dreams?

  1. If a boyfriend kisses, expect soon shocks.
  2. Dream sex - to sharpen old old contradictions.

Reconciliation with ex-boyfriend

Folk omens and interpretations state that those who have dreamed in night dreams think of the dreamer.

If reconciliation is dreamed, the dream book claims that the man / boyfriend regrets the break and wants to return the romantic connections again.

Girl seeing her ex-boyfriend, do not be afraid of such manifestations of the past. If love still glimmers in a girl, it is worthwhile to act actively, and if she is happy in the new status, then you can listen to the meanings of events and advice from your dream.


Watch the video: Dreaming of your former residence, school, job etc (June 2024).