May 8: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 8th.


Holidays May 8

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

Every year on May 8, World (International) Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated. This event is timed to the birthday of the legendary doctor, public figure and humanist Henri Dunant, who became famous for his great deeds - on his initiative, volunteer groups began to form in the 19th century, helping wounded soldiers. The activities of the Red Cross are based on seven main principles: voluntariness, unity of purpose, impartiality, independence, universality, neutrality and, of course, humanity.

This work is done not for the sake of material wealth, but for the sake of devotion and humane goals. Initially, the organization was called the International Red Cross, but was subsequently transformed into the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The main objective of the organization is to help the sick, wounded, as well as victims of natural disasters. The Russian KK society was formed in 1867, in 1925 it was officially transformed into the Union of the KK Society and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Russian Federation, the Russian Red Cross became its successor.

UIS Operative Day

On this day, a professional holiday is celebrated by employees of the operational units of the penal correctional system (penitentiary system). And this structure was born in 1925. To date, her duties include: ensuring the personal safety of correctional institution prisoners, preventing and investigating crimes in places of deprivation of liberty, conducting search activities to search for criminals who evade criminal liability or have escaped. Operative officers of the penal correctional system work in very dangerous and difficult conditions, they fulfill the obligations to ensure law and order in Russian correctional institutions.

May 8 on the folk calendar

Mark Keyman

On May 8, the people celebrate the memory of St. Mark, who was an apostle of seventy and a faithful companion of the apostle Paul.

In Russia, the saint was called Klyuchnik because of widespread belief: people believed that it was Mark who kept all the keys that opened the gates of heaven and released rainfall to the earth (rain, snow, hail). That is why Klyuchnik was prayed that there would be no droughts. To attract rain, even their own spells existed. The most common of them: "Hey, rain! Pour a bucket on devkin’s flax and grandma’s house!" By the amount of precipitation, the peasants wondered for the future. For example, if May turned out to be rainy, then good bread will rise in the fall. Markov’s day was also called a bird holiday, since by this period the last birds were returning to their native lands. People, by the way, got used to guessing at them. So, they went to the fields and watched if feathered gathered in droves in crowds, which means that the harvest will be plentiful.

Historical events of May 8

May 8, 1945 - The Act on the final surrender of Germany was signed in Berlin, and early in the morning of May 9 this was announced on the radio

In one of the suburbs of Berlin in the late evening (local time, the next day had already arrived in Moscow) on May 8, the Act on the final military surrender of Germany was signed. Several representatives of the German High Command took part in its signing. The Soviet Union was represented by Marshal of the USSR G. Zhukov, and the allies by Marshal of Britain Tedder. Even before the signing of the Act of Surrender, Stalin approved May 9 Victory Day, which was announced on the radio in the morning on that day. After the final surrender, German troops began to lay down their arms. Thus ended the fierce World War II, which became for our people the most terrible and protracted lesson in life for the entire period of the 20th century. For those who visited the front, the memories of military events forever remained an indelible stain in the memory of old people, making their hearts tremble until their death.

May 8, 1965 - The Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces approved the new Regulation on the introduction of the honorary title "Hero City"

For the first time in the USSR, the cities of Leningrad, Sevastopol, Stalingrad and Odessa began to wear the title of "Hero City". The list included the cities of the Soviet Union, which showed mass heroism and courage during the Second World War, protecting their homeland from the onslaught of the enemy. This Regulation also said that in addition to the highest rank, the city was also awarded the Golden Star medal, the Order of Lenin, and a special diploma was awarded on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. On the signs of the Hero Cities, the Golden Star medal and the Order of Lenin were imprinted, and in the cities themselves an obelisk was installed with the image of these awards and a solemn text. Over the following years, several cities were awarded the title of Hero City: Minsk, Kerch, Tula, Novorossiysk, Smolensk and Murmansk.

May 8, 1984 - The National Olympic Committee of the USSR adopted a boycott for the Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles

The decision to boycott was determined by the danger of violence against the athletes of the Soviet Union. However, many were well aware that this step was a response to the boycott of some Western countries, as well as the United States of America. On May 10, IOC President Juan Samaranch visited Moscow. The purpose of the visit was the hope of meeting with the first person of the state to resolve the fallacy of the decision. The arrival of the President of the IOC absolutely did not lead to anything. However, Samaranch did not become upset and said to the public: "Yes, God be with them, because they are the injured party."

May 8 were born

Miguel Hidalgo (1753 - 1811) - Mexican national hero, leader of the popular uprising in 1810, which eventually grew into a war for the independence of Mexico from Spain. At home, Hidalgo is honored as a father and erected monuments to him.

Vasily Pushkin (1766 - 1830) - Uncle of Alexander Pushkin, he himself was a writer and poet who made a huge contribution to Russian culture. It was Vasily who became the inspirer of young Alexander. Thanks to him, Alexander finally decided on the life path.

Andre Michel Lviv (1902 - 1994) - French microbiologist, awarded the Nobel in the field of medicine and physiology "for important discoveries in the fields of virology and fermentation." He managed to decipher the genetic code of viruses, which allowed to significantly increase the effectiveness in the fight against them.

Grigory Dolnikov (1923 - 1996 gg.) - Honored military fighter pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union, candidate of historical sciences in combination. Over the entire period, the Second World War made about 20 sorties, and they also personally shot down 16 enemy aircraft.

Thomas Pincheon (born in 1937) - a bright representative of the American black humor genre, writer.

Konstantin Romanov (1779 - 1831) - Grand Duke, Adjutant General, Tsesarevich. He entered Russian history as a failed ruler, although he was crowned.

Name day on may 8

Name day on May 8th: Catherine, Maria, Akaki, Peter, Mikhail, Martha, Ivan, Tamara, Mark, Sergey, Sylvester, Nick, Vasily, Magdalena, Joseph, Yaroslav.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).