August 14: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 14th.


Holidays august 14

Orthodox Church Holiday - Honey Spas

The celebration falls on the first day of Assumption Lent and marks the extraordinary miraculous power of the cross, which appeared on earth with Jesus Christ. Historically, the holiday was celebrated in Constantinople. A cross is made in the churches and people worship it. There are many cures. At the same time, water and honey are blessed. By the power of the Cross, the Lord protects believers from enemies on the path of life. The feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in the same laziness, in honor of the sign from the icon and the Holy Cross during battles with the Volga Bulgars.

Bullfighting Day in Portugal

Abiul (Abiul) celebrates the main event of Portugal - bullfighting in national traditions, a peculiar and amazing combination of art and sport, a spectacular show in which desperate daredevils priestly act on the field alone with the bull. Bullfighters can be on foot (furcush) or on horseback (caballero). At first, a fighter rides a horse, and when the bull is already wounded by a lance, foot soldiers enter the battle.

In the old days, equestrian warriors were always from aristocrats, and foot soldiers were ordinary commoners. This was reflected in the splendor of the costumes. Bullfighting participants are divided into several groups. The youngest may include boys from 10 to 14 years old who are struggling with small bulls. Basically, men from 18 to 35 years old enter the arena, sometimes the upper limit rises to 40-45 years. As for the bulls - their age is 3-4 years, weight 500-600 kg.

Memorial Day of Defenders of the Fatherland in Abkhazia

In 1992-93, during the Patriotic War with Georgia, there were many victims in the country (2700 people). Flowers and wreaths are laid at the monuments and graves. The introduction of Georgian troops ended in armed confrontation, which lasted 413 days. Georgian troops were defeated.

Assumption Post

Fasting lasts two weeks. This is not the hardest post, - two days a week are allowed to consume vegetable oil, one day a week - fish (on Wednesday or Friday). The rest of the days - hot food without oil, dry eater on Wednesdays and Fridays. Fasting was established in memory of the mother of God, who, being a saint, continued to fast and pray until her death, as well as in honor of the Transfiguration and the Assumption.

August 14th in the folk calendar

Honey Spas, Poppy Spas

This holiday has a few more names - for example, Spas on the water, or the First Spas. It was established in the 9th century and is carried out together with the ancient custom of bringing the Lord’s Cross to the streets of the city to protect it from all sorts of diseases. In Russia, the holiday began to be celebrated in the 15th century. Before Apple Savior, it is not recommended to try apples, grapes. Sometimes the first Savior is also called wet - lakes and rivers were consecrated by priests and parishioners of the church bathed in the blessed waters. At this time, they cut or wring the honeycombs and sell new honey. This procedure is mandatory for beekeepers, otherwise I can drag honey from neighboring bees. Honey was consecrated in the church, and with it the first seeds of the fruit.

The southern regions were also distinguished by the consecration of poppy heads (Poppy Spas). Using honey and poppy seeds, macaroons and other dishes were prepared. The poppy in Russia was endowed with the property of protecting the house from witches and sorcerers - the house was sprinkled with seeds of wild poppy. From this day, the peasants began to open the fields under winter crops, to clear the threshing floor. Traditionally, the first grain in the field was thrown by the oldest grandfather from the village, who was specially pulled from the furnace and taken to the field. We watched the raspberries - large berries at the beginning of ripening indicated that it was time to sow rye earlier, small ones - you need to wait. Raspberries were mainly harvested by women - while men were more occupied with field work. Harvested and dried for the winter and cherry berries - it was used as a remedy.

Historical events of August 14

August 14, 1448 - printed the first Psalter in Europe

European bookmaker Johannes Gutenberg opened a printing house in his hometown of Mainz, and became a companion with a loan shark. Funds were very limited, but the gutender could succeed by publishing two editions of the Bible, a Latin grammar. Disagreements arose between the partners over the division of profits, which had long been considered in court. The moneylender made the printing house go to him, and Gutenberg started his business again from scratch. In August 1457, he printed the first edition of the Psalms in Europe.

August 14, 1775 - eliminated Zaporizhzhya Sich

Empress Catherine II liquidated the Zaporizhzhya Sich by her decree, not wanting to endure the free behavior of the Cossacks and harboring the fugitives and criminals. The previously independent organization of the Cossacks became part of Russia, together with the previously annexed Crimea. The empress received this opportunity after the victory of the Russians in the war with the Turks of 1768-1774. In addition, the reason for the dissolution of Sich was also some support from the Cossacks towards Emelyan Pugachev, who raised his rebellion in 1773-1775.

"Pugachevschina" was eliminated, the same fate befell the Zaporizhzhya Sich. Cossack lands were received by Russian and Ukrainian landowners, the local population became state settlers. Part of the Cossacks crossed the Danube, and founded the Transdanubian Cossacks, while being in the Sultan service. Later, after defeating Turkey, the Cossacks moved to the North Caucasus (Kuban).

August 14, 1941 - creation of the Atlantic Charter

The talks between US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ended with the elaboration of an agreed position between the two countries against Nazi Germany and its allies. The "Atlantic Charter" consisted of 8 points, in which the support of countries affected by the Nazi regime was clearly felt. War against Germany was declared after December 7, after the attack on the American military base in Pearl Harbor. On September 24, the USSR also joined the charter, stressing that it was ready to reflect on the needs of both countries. In early 1942, a document was signed in Washington: "Declaration of 26 States."

August 14, 1986 - The signing of a document to stop the transfer of northern rivers to the southern regions.

Already at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the idea of ​​“Turning the River Back” excited the minds of scientists. The Imperial Academy of Sciences declared its negative attitude, but under the Soviet regime the project was reanimated. They decided to adapt the Siberian Ob for the needs of the southern regions by putting several pumping stations pumping water upstairs. Environmentalists have expressed many complaints, fearing a shift of the cold zone to the south by 50 kilometers.

Environmental troubles could affect the movement of animals. Strong evaporation of river waters could lead to salinization of the regions of Central Asia. After a thorough check of the project, it turned out that the benefits of obtaining water are much less than originally expected, and the decision to start work was suspended.

Born on August 14

Daniela Steele (1947) - American female novelist

The writer has rich life experience gained in several marriages. Her novels have been released in more than 125 million copies, many of the novels are filmed. In memory of her dead son, she wrote the book “His bright light,” the novels “The Promise of Passion” and “Recollection” are dedicated to the third unsuccessful marriage. In the fourth marriage, the couple raised 5 common children together, but he also broke up. Daniela Steele continues her creative career.

Emmanuelle Bear (1963) - French actress

Emmanuel is not only an actress, but also an UNICEF ambassador, an activist in the social movement.
she played the first role in the television series "Raison perdue". She later gained fame for her role as a shepherd dancing naked. Emmanuelle received the prize of the festival "Cesar" as the best supporting actress. In total, the actress has about 20 acting in films, was the face of the famous company Christian Dior.

Holly barry (1968) - American actress

The dark-skinned actress Holly Maria Berry did not immediately gain popularity. For a long time, she worked only as a model; even the diagnosis of diabetes did not stop her. Starting as a comedian in the series, Holly Berry was able to get roles in blockbusters (Die, But Not Now, Bond Girl, Meet Dorothy Dandridge, etc.). For the best female roles, she received several Oscars and a star on the Walk of Fame.

Name day on August 14

Name day celebrate: Alexander, Timothy, Fedor, Dmitry, Leonty, Sophia.


Watch the video: This Day In Music History August 14 (July 2024).