June 14th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 14th.


Holidays June 14th

International Blogger Day

This holiday is still unofficial and still quite young. For the first time to unite and communicate with each other and with anyone on free topics, bloggers decided in 2004. The proposal was supported by five hundred initiative people from forty countries of the world. They liked the communication so much that they decided to establish their own holiday - Blogger's Day, as a symbol of unity and friendship between Internet bloggers from different countries. This is a day of cheerful mood, easy communication, the birth of new ideas and the establishment of partnerships.

Each year this date is marked by a certain topic. For example, in 2007 the issue of solidarity of bloggers from all countries was raised. Unfortunately, it often happens that some owners of online diaries, freely expressing their point of view of certain issues, are subjected to pressure and censorship by the official authorities. Therefore, bloggers decided to show support to each other in this way, as well as their willingness to defend their own point of view, their ideals and freedom of speech.

American flag day

The history of this holiday dates back to 1885. Bernard Sigrand, a simple teacher of one of the American schools, decided for his students to arrange a patriotic ceremony on June 14 - the solemn raising of the American flag. And the date was right - the next anniversary of the approval of the official star-striped banner. The idea of ​​a school teacher to celebrate Flag Day as a symbol of the unity of the nation, liked the Americans, and gained further distribution. Initially, the celebration took place at will, unofficially, until the governors of almost all states adopted a law that officially secured the celebration of American Flag Day. Since then, on June 14, patriotic citizens, and most of them are in the country, voluntarily hang on their homes a star-striped cloth, as a symbol of unity, strength and independence of the American people.

June 14th in the folk calendar

Ustinov day. This day the peasants met from the very early morning, noticing how the sun rises. If Ustin has a clear sunrise, in red tones, then rye will also be richly deformed. If it drizzled in the morning, then they were not upset either, because it promised a good harvest of hemp and flax.

Ustin began the most real, calendar summer, so this day was considered borderline, like a fence separating the two seasons - spring and summer. On June 14, it was not customary to cost fences, this could cause trouble by luring fires. But, if it was necessary to get rid of the annoying boyfriend or to make the unkind people behind, build a symbolic fence - they would tear off the willow rod and stick it between two tracks - his own and the annoying person.

Historical events of June 14

June 14, 1834 sandpaper was patented

The patent was granted to the American Isaac Fisher. It was he who officially became the author of the invention, applying abrasive particles with a glue mass to a paper web. This is not to say that he managed to think of this first, because even in ancient China they used a semblance of sandpaper, gluing sand or small particles of shells to a sheet of parchment. But it was Fisher’s “emery cloth” that was closest to its modern appearance, and has not changed much since then.

June 14, 1940 the first prisoners began to arrive in Auschwitz

Himmler’s order to establish a concentration camp at Auschwitz was signed on April 27, 1940. The city was not chosen by chance: it was located in an isolated place, at the same time there was a large railway junction nearby, which was very convenient for transporting future prisoners. The camp was originally intended for Poles. On June 14, the first batch of Polish political prisoners arrived, consisting of 728 people. This date is considered the first working day of the infamous concentration camp. Later, the concentration complex expanded, and included the three main camps of Auschwitz, in which more than 4 million people were destroyed during the war years.

June 14, 1995 hostage taking by Chechen terrorists took place in Budennovsk

The militants in two KAMAZ trucks, in which there were more than 50 people, broke into Budennovsk and tried to storm the building of the police department. The attempt was unsuccessful, so the bandits blocked the city hospital, taking women and children hostage. The terrorists demanded an amnesty for all Chechen fighters who participated in the armed conflict against the Russian troops and the holding of free elections in Chechnya. At the head of the bandit group was a Chechen terrorist Shamil Basayev. He agreed to release the hostages only under the written guarantees of Viktor Chernomyrdin, with the proviso that the militants would be allowed to leave unhindered and with impunity in the mountainous regions of the Chechen Republic. Otherwise, he threatened to deal with the hostages. A column of terrorists and hostages was allowed to enter the village of Zandak, where women and children were released. During the capture and retention of hostages, from June 14 to 19, more than 150 people died, more than four hundred were injured.

Born on June 14

Che Guevara (1928 - 1967), Latin American revolutionary

Che Guevara, whose real name is Ernesto Guevara, lived a not too long but vibrant life, leaving behind a memorable mark in history. He was born in Argentina, in a very non-poor family, received a medical education. Perhaps he would have become a good doctor if it had not been for his dream, which had been in his head since his youth, to save the world, help the poor and destitute. What he did all his life, trying to rid the common people of poverty, oppression and powerlessness. He believed in the ideals of communism, considered them the most correct and progressive, wore the idea of ​​organizing a revolution in all countries of Latin America. Che Guevara participated in many liberation movements - in Cuba, Guatemala, Bolivia, Congo. He was an associate of Fidel Castro during the Cuban Revolution, took an active part in it, for which he was given the rank of commandant. He was a legendary and heroic person, fighting all his life, both on his own land and on a stranger, for the restoration of justice, as he understood it. While participating in the hostilities in Bolivia, Che Guevara was captured and shot. His life ended at the age of 39, on October 9, 1967.

Steffi Graf (born 1969), German tennis player, Olympic champion, seven-time world champion

The star of this famous tennis player lit above her head in 1987, when she became the first racket of the world, moving Martin Navratilova herself to the second position. By the way, they are both recognized as the best tennis players of the twentieth century. In total, Steffi managed to win 107 singles tournaments during his sports career, of which 22 victories were won in Grand Slam tournaments. In 1988 won the Golden Grand Slam. Steffi is the only one who has won this title on all types of coverings - grass, hard, carpet and clay courts. Typically, tennis players achieve success on any one type of coverage, while the rest show very average results. In 1999 Steffi Graf completed her tennis career, and in 2000 held a "farewell tour", taking part in demonstrations.

Name day june 14

Pavel, Gavril, Vasily, Denis, Justin (Ustin), Vera


Watch the video: Flag Day 2011; Holiday Celebrates Birthday of "Old Glory" (June 2024).