August 23: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 23.


Holidays august 23

Military Glory Day dedicated to the victory of Soviet troops on the Kursk

In the summer of 1943, Hitler’s plans shook again - planning a battle near Kursk, they were confident of victory, but they won a crushing defeat. The course of the war could not be turned - on the contrary, the defeat on the Kursk Bulge as a result of an operation called the Citadel secured the advantage of the USSR. Soviet troops went on the offensive from air and land, and long-range air strikes, which threw the enemy 140-150 meters back, were of great help. Today in the battlefield is a memorial.

Flag Day of Ukraine

The decree on the establishment of a special day for the flag holiday was signed in 2004 by the then acting President of Kuchma. After the declaration of independence of Ukraine on this day in 1991, a flag with symbols that arose several centuries ago rose above the Verkhovna Rada. After the accession of the Hetman part to the Russian state, this symbolism was forgotten. In Lviv, they returned to this issue in 1848 - a yellow-blue flag rose above the city hall, again they turned to yellow-blue flowers after the revolution in 1918. At one time in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Bolsheviks also used these colors. The final approval of the yellow-blue flag occurred after the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Statistics Day in Belarus

Workers in the field of statistics have been celebrating their holiday since the founding of the Statistics Committee in 1920, and in 1994 the Ministry of State Statistics was formed. The organizations subordinate to the ministry are the territorial statistical authorities, the center for statistical information, the main computer control center, accounting schools and training centers for statisticians.

Festival on the Museum Embankment in Frankfurt

The festival in Germany is the largest holiday in Europe. For three days each year, tourists and visitors fill the city - the number of museums and historical sites is simply huge. But residents love to have fun right in the open. The main holiday - Museum Embankment Day is celebrated on the Eiserner-Steg and Friedensbrücke bridges. Over three holidays, about 3 million people manage to visit the festivities. The promenade for 8 kilometers is filled with people. Musical productions, performances, concerts, performances of groups and troupes, culinary fairs and exhibitions of folk crafts - it is simply impossible to list all.

August 23 in the folk calendar

Laurentian Day

In the 3rd century BC, Lawrence of Rome lived. In the city of Orsk, he was a student of the archbishop, then became a deacon. During the persecution of Christians, his mentor was the first to suffer, being decapitated by the emperor Valerian. Lavrenty, according to his dying prediction and the order of his mentor, distributed all the church treasures to ordinary people and himself appeared to the ruler with a crowd of cripples and beggars. After severe torture, Lavrentiy died.

Also on this day commemorate Lavrenty Kalugsky, who lived many centuries later, and had a wonderful gift that helped protect him from the raids of the Crimean Tatars. In the place of burial, the Lavrentievsky Monastery was built. Lawrence is considered a healer for eye diseases. At noon, the Russian peasants went out into the field and looked at the lakes - calm and calm water foreshadowed a calm autumn and a winter without blizzards.

Historical events of August 23

August 23, 1913 - Opening of the Little Mermaid Monument in Copenhagen

Danish sculptor Edward Erickson decided to create a mermaid sculpture from a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, using his wife, a ballerina Ellen Price, who served in the Danish Opera and Ballet Theater, as a model. The beautiful little mermaid has become a symbol of the Danish capital. But once in 1964 an unexpected sad event occurred - unknown hooligans decapitated the sculpture, and a new head was cast using an accidentally preserved plaster cast. Now the monument is constantly illuminated by the rays of searchlights throughout the dark.

August 23, 1935 - a decision was made to replace the double-headed eagles on the Kremlin towers with five-pointed stars.

For the manufacture of stars went stainless steel and red copper, for the manufacture of sickle and hammer - the Ural gems. The Kremlin sparkled the tops of the towers for almost two years, but over time the gems faded. After 2 years, they decided to establish ruby ​​stars - and in May 1937, five Kremlin towers were decorated with stars made according to the sketches of the national artist Fedorovsky. Stars from all sides are illuminated by special bright incandescent lamps with a power of up to 5000 watts.

August 23, 1939 - signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

The Soviet-German non-aggression pact had a secret annex signed by the foreign ministers on behalf of the two states, which became public only in 1980. Germany annexed the Sudetenland, part of the Czech Republic and Moravia, Bohemia. Only a few weeks before that, negotiations were held with the participation of the USSR against Germany, but the project did not become a reality. Stalin and Molotov changed their minds and entered into a completely opposite treaty with Germany, which was just a gift for Hitler, who was worried about the war on two fronts.

Thanks to an agreement with Germany, Stalin could count on territories previously owned by Russia and lost to the USSR after World War I. The agreement stated that neither the country was opposed to another; instead, spheres of influence in Europe were differentiated. Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Bessarabia were surrendered as the "sphere of influence" of the USSR, and Poland was to be divided along the Curzon line. The agreement itself was hidden even from the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and the occupation of the lands of Belarus and Western Ukraine was presented to the world community as a defense against German actions.

Born on August 23

Ivan VI Antonovich (1740-1764) - Tsar of Russia, proclaimed to the throne at the age of 2 months

Duke of Courland E.I. Biron. Only two weeks later, a coup took place in the country, Biron was removed from power, and Anna Ioannovna, the niece of Peter the Great, who was brought in by her aunt to the young emperor, began to rule the country again. Politically, she could not play a significant role, as she had too many illusions. Soon she transferred all power to Prince Minich, and after some time he was dismissed by Osterman. Ivan Antonovich lived too short a life to leave a significant mark on his reign.

David Yanovich Cherkassky (1932) - famous director - animator, screenwriter.

His animated series The Adventures of Captain Vrungel, Cossacks, Doctor Aibolit and many other cartoons are loved by adults and children. David Yanovich trained a lot of people, among them A. Tatarsky, Vladimir Dakhno. He could carry out drawn technologies in three-dimensional image, even sounds were drawn in his films. After the decline at the film studio, David Cherkassky began producing commercials.

River Jude Phoenix (1970-1993) - American film actor

Starting his work with teenage roles, River received his first fee for the film “Stay with me”, at the age of 17 he was nominated for an Oscar for the film “Flight to Nowhere”. Together with Keanu Reeves, he starred in the film "My Personal Idaho." He died of an overdose of drugs, unable to stand the test of fame.

Name day on August 23

Name day on this day is marked by Athanasius, Vyacheslav, Lavrenty, Roman.


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