Gooseberry jam emerald - an amazing preparation! Different recipes for emerald gooseberry jam


Emerald jam is an unusual treat with a story.

Even in ancient times, it conquered Catherine the Great with its taste.

The Empress gifted her cook with a precious ring for preparing this wonderful dessert.

In those days, few knew that jam was made from ordinary gooseberries.

Emerald gooseberry jam - general principles of preparation

For emerald harvesting, green gooseberries are used before they turn yellow. Ideally, the berries are taken unripe and a little tough. Sometimes seeds are removed from them.

There are several ways to do this:

• a pin;

• hairpin;

• by incision and extrusion.

There are many recipes for gooseberry jam, which is prepared from berries along with seeds, and sometimes they even twist. Also known is the "Royal" jam, in which each berry is filled with a piece of walnut. The process is painstaking and long, but the result is really worthy of the royal people.

Recipe 1: Ordinary Emerald Gooseberry Jam

For the preparation of emerald jam from gooseberries, we select slightly unripe, strong and even berries. Harvesting is done with the addition of water. The quantity is indicated below.


• 1 kg of berries;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 400 ml of water.


1. Rinse gooseberry berries, remove all tips. Dry on a towel.

2. We take a needle or a toothpick and make several punctures in each berry.

3. Prepare the syrup. To do this, pour the purified water into a saucepan and boil with sugar for two minutes.

4. Pour berries with boiling sugar, cover and stand for at least five hours.

5. Drain the syrup, boil and pour the berries again.

6. After three hours, repeat one more time, but already put the berries in a pan with boiling syrup and boil on the stove for about ten minutes.

7. While the jam is hot, put it in sterile jars and immediately close it. We store in the usual way in the basement or in a cool pantry.

Recipe 2: Emerald Gooseberry Jam with Nuts

Also, this blank is called royal. To make jam, you will need walnuts in a small amount. If the kernels are dusty and dirty, then rinse and dry well in advance. But in no case do not fry.


• 1 kg of green gooseberry;

• 120 grams of nuts;

• 1.4 kg of sugar;

• 500 ml of purified water;

• 1 star anise star.


1. We wash the berries freed from tails. We throw it in a colander and let it drain water, then dry it on a diaper or on a clean towel.

2. Cut nuts into small pieces that fit inside the gooseberry.

3. We take pins or a hairpin and we get seeds from each gooseberry. In the resulting hole, stick a piece of walnut.

4. Pour the recipe water into the saucepan, add sugar and dissolve on low heat. Then add heat, boil for five minutes.

5. Pour the stuffed gooseberries with hot syrup, cover and wait for cooling.

6. Put the capacity for a day in the refrigerator. Jam should be infused.

7. The next day, put the jam on the stove again, boil five minutes after boiling with star anise. After that we take it out.

8. Pour the gooseberry blank into sterile jars and roll up immediately while it is hot. Before cooling, we hold it upside down.

Recipe 3: Emerald Gooseberry Jam with Lemon

Sour citrus gives this emerald gooseberry jam an incredible aroma, while it hardly changes its color.


• 1 lemon;

• 1 kg of gooseberries;

• 1.5 kg of sugar.


1. We take a brush and carefully wash the citrus. You can scald lemon with boiling water.

2. Take a grater and remove the thin top skin, that is, the zest. It is very fragrant and will make the jam unusual.

3. Then we survive juice from a lemon, filter. Bones and pieces of pulp are not needed in the jam; we use only juice with zest.

4. Rinse gooseberry berries, pierce 2-3 times each with a toothpick.

5. Combine lemon juice with half a glass of water, add sugar and gooseberries. We put on the stove and simmer on low heat until enough liquid appears.

6. Now the fire can be added, the jam is boiled for 15 minutes.

7. Pour the grated zest, give the workpiece to boil for another two minutes

8. Pour boiling jam into jars, stir regularly to evenly distribute the berries in syrup.

9. Roll up, send to storage.

Recipe 4: Emerald Gooseberry Jam with Cherry Leaves

Few people know that cherry leaves are as fragrant as berries. Therefore, they are often used for the preparation of drinks, various preparations, including emerald jam from gooseberries.


• 1 kg of gooseberry berries;

• 10 leaves of cherry;

• 1.5 kg of sugar;

• 2 glasses of water.


1. We arm ourselves with a pin or hairpin and remove seeds from pre-washed and dried gooseberries. We throw them into a saucepan. If seeds are stuck on the berries, then you can rinse them again.

2. Cherry leaves must be washed thoroughly. We send to the gooseberry.

3. Add water and send to the refrigerator for 6 hours.

4. Drain the water from gooseberries, select leaves.

5. Transfer to a separate saucepan and prepare syrup with the addition of prescription sand. Boil after boiling for at least five minutes. Throw out the leaves.

6. Add the gooseberries to the boiling syrup and turn them off. We insist 4 hours.

7. Put it on the stove again, boil for 5 minutes. Turn off. The foam that forms during cooking must be removed.

8. After an hour, still boil for 5 minutes, we insist.

9. After another hour, emerald jam is boiled again, but already poured into jars.

Recipe 5: Gooseberry Jam Emerald with Kiwi without Cooking

This emerald gooseberry jam really has the emerald color that kiwi give. Harvesting without cooking, the maximum amount of vitamins is preserved, but storage in the refrigerator is required.


• 0.8 kg of gooseberries;

• 2 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 kg of kiwi.


1. The berries are washed and dried.

2. We clean the kiwi, cut into small pieces.

3. Twist gooseberries together with kiwi or chop in a food processor.

4. Add sugar and place on the stove. We warm to a warm state, but in no case do not boil. We try to keep fresh taste and aroma.

5. After an hour, warm and stir again, leave to stand to dissolve the sugar grains. Repeat the procedure with heating until there is no sand in the jam.

6. We lay out the workpiece in clean and always dry containers.

7. Tightly close, send to the refrigerator. If there is a cold basement, the temperature in which does not rise above 8 degrees, then you can send jars of emerald jam there.

Recipe 6: Twisted Gooseberry Emerald Jam with Orange

A variant of emerald jam, for which the berries are twisted, no need to remove the seeds. An addition in the workpiece is an orange, cinnamon is also added.


• 1 kg of berries;

• 1.4 kg of sugar;

• 1 large orange;

• 1 stick of cinnamon.


1. Rinse gooseberries, drop them in a colander and leave them to drain. You can not dry the berries.

2. Remove the zest from an orange, you can use a grater. Be sure to wash the citrus.

3. We clean the white skin, separate it with slices and take out all the bones from each.

4. Twist gooseberries with orange through a meat grinder, or chop in a combine. Mashing is optional, you can leave small pieces.

5. Add sugar, cooked zest and set to cook.

6. When boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat. The jam should barely boil. If the foam appears again, then remove with a spoon.

7. Boil for 12 minutes, put in sterile jars.

Recipe 7: Emerald Gooseberry Jam in a Multicooker

For cooking emerald jam, you can use not only a stove, but also a slow cooker. The home assistant easily copes with her tasks and will delight in delicious preparation. The main thing is to keep proportions.


• 0.4 liters of water;

• 0.7 kg of berries;

• 0.8 kg of sugar;

• 1 pinch of vanilla.


1. Cook syrup from sugar and prescription water. The multipovar program is best suited for this, but you can use any other. For syrup, 5 minutes at 160 degrees is enough.

2. Rinse the gooseberries, remove the berries from the tails, cut each in half and send into hot syrup.

3. Add some vanilla.

4. Close the slow cooker and cook in jam mode or multi-cook exactly 25 minutes. We also leave the temperature at 160 degrees.

5. It remains only to open our assistant, put the jam in jars and put it in storage.

Emerald gooseberry jam - useful tips and tricks

• When cooking jam, foam often forms. It must always be deleted. It not only spoils the look of the workpiece, but also collects random specks of dust in the brew.

• Removing the tails and tips of gooseberries is a rather dreary and long task. To make things go faster, you can arm yourself with nail scissors and just cut off all unnecessary.

• Long cooking changes the color of the jam, and it becomes far from emerald. That is why it is recommended to boil the workpiece in small intervals at a time and the majority of it is infusion.

• Any recipe for emerald jam can be adapted to a regular gooseberry in a different color. And it does not matter if the zest of the workpiece is lost, if only it were tasty.

• Gooseberry jam can be prepared with the addition of green apples, pears, cherry plum, kiwi and other fruits. The taste will be interesting and unusual.


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