Protein menu for a week for weight loss: general principles. Secrets of building a protein menu for weight loss, advantages and disadvantages


In pursuit of a slim figure, a person exposes himself to exhausting diets and starvation. An effective result should not be expected, since most of these food systems provoke stress in the body.

Excess weight goes away due to lack of calories.

It was proved that as soon as a person ceases to follow a diet, the body starts all the functions to restore energy, begins to require food. Result - kilograms are returned back. Protein menu for a week for weight loss is built on other principles. You don’t have to starve, you just need to properly build your daily diet and create favorable soil for losing excess weight.

Protein menu for a week for weight loss: the positive and negative sides of the method of weight loss

Even the best and most effective diet has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Protein menu for a week for weight loss is no exception. Before you start following the nutritional system, you need to study both the positive and negative aspects.

Among the main advantages of losing weight on protein foods are the following:

• protein diet gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, a person will not experience hunger;

• extra pounds go away quickly;

• the daily diet is not the same type;

• if all the rules are followed, the weight will not be returned;

• no need to waste time counting the calorie content of dishes;

• does not require large expenses.

Main disadvantages

1. Due to the rejection of certain foods, the body will not receive all trace elements and vitamins to maintain normal functioning.

2. If you follow the protein menu for a week for weight loss longer than the prescribed time, the complexion worsens. Also, a person will feel weak, notice a sharp fading of the hair color and dry skin.

Protein menu for a week for weight loss: allowed and prohibited foods

List of products that can be included in the daily menu

1. Fish and poultry meat (low-fat varieties). If it is chicken, it is necessary to eat it without skin.

2. Chicken offal - heart, liver.

3. Dairy products. Kefir (fat content 1%), yogurts, cottage cheese, milk. All products presented are recommended to choose natural, without sweeteners in the composition.

4. Of the fruits, all citruses and green apples are allowed.

5. From vegetables it is best to eat any kind of cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes (seasonal), celery (an effective fat burner).

6. Of the drinks allowed plain water without gas, green tea without sweeteners.

The taboo list includes the following products:

• canned foods and convenience foods - all these are “empty” calories, there is nothing useful in them;

• chocolate and any other confectionery;

• high fat dairy products;

• starchy vegetables (beans, peas, corn, potatoes);

• vegetables, which contain a lot of sugar (beets, carrots);

• sweet carbonated drinks and non-natural juices.

Rules for building a diet

When building a diet of protein menu for a week for weight loss, you need to follow the basic rules.

1. All meals should be evenly divided into a day to eat 5-6 times. Breakfast should be 30 minutes after waking up, and dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

2. Fruits are allowed to be consumed only in the first half of the day so that they can be absorbed by the body.

3. The maximum allowable daily dose of fat is 30 grams.

4. After lunch, only non-starchy foods can be eaten from vegetables - such as cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers. Celery is very useful. In addition to the fact that it effectively burns body fat, it is characterized by zero calorie content. That is, the body will spend energy to absorb the product, from which the process of losing weight will only accelerate.

Protein menu for a week for weight loss

The diet is quite diverse and designed in such a way that a person will not feel hunger, which eliminates the risk of a breakdown in foods from the taboo list. This is a huge advantage for the diet.

Protein menu for a week for weight loss will help to lose weight. If after 7 days the result is not satisfied, it is allowed to extend the diet for no more than 3 days.


1. Morning. Green tea without sugar and 150 cottage cheese (the product must be chosen low fat).

2. A few hours after breakfast, a green apple (one fruit).

3. Lunch. Fresh boiled chicken fillet - 150 grams.

4. As an afternoon snack - natural unsweetened yogurt (100 grams).

5. Evening. Steam fish and seasonal non-starchy vegetables salad.


1. Morning. 100 grams of green tea and natural unsweetened yogurt.

2. Morning snack - orange or grapefruit (1 fruit).

3. Lunch. Braised beef pulp with vegetables. The total portion is 200 grams.

4. As an afternoon snack - 100 ml of kefir fat content of 1%.

5. Evening meal. Vegetables baked in the oven with fish - a portion of 150 grams.


1. Morning. Natural coffee without sugar and milk, 3 protein boiled eggs.

2. Snack before lunch - 1 green apple.

3. Lunch. Boiled brown rice - 100 grams.

4. As an afternoon snack - unsweetened curd cheese.

5. Dinner. White cabbage salad - portion 150 grams.


1. Morning. Oatmeal cookies (2 pieces) and a glass of kefir fat content of 1%.

2. Before lunch, eat grapefruit (1 fruit).

3. Lunch. Asparagus - 200 grams and 100 boiled chicken breasts.

4. As an afternoon snack - a glass of fermented baked milk.

5. Dinner. 100 grams of fresh vegetables and a slice of boiled fish fillet.


1. Morning. A glass of green tea and 100 grams of cottage cheese without sweeteners.

2. Snack - a green apple.

3. Lunch. Boiled fish fillet - 150 grams.

4. Second snack - natural yogurt, portion 100 grams.

5. Dinner. A piece of steam beef - 150 grams.


1. Morning. Omelet made from 2 chicken egg proteins and green tea.

2. The first snack - citrus fruit (any).

3. Lunch. 150 grams of fresh vegetables, in the form of a salad.

4. After an hour - 100 ml of kefir with a fat content of 1%.

5. Dinner. Boiled fish fillet, portion 100 grams.


1. Morning. Green tea and 100 grams of cottage cheese.

2. After 1.5 hours - an apple (green variety).

3. Lunch. Vegetable broth and omelet from 2 egg whites.

4. An hour later - curd unsweetened cheese.

5. Evening. Vegetable Vitamin Salad - Serving 150 grams. You can season it with olive oil.

Protein menu for a week for weight loss: important moments of nutrition

1. Due to the fact that protein nutrition removes fluid from the body, its balance must be restored in order to avoid dehydration of the body. Per day, you need to drink 2 liters of clean water without gas.

2. In order not to feel weakness, it is recommended to drink an additional multivitamin pharmacy complex during the diet.

3. No diet will be effective with a passive lifestyle. It is useful to do exercises in the mornings, if there is no way to visit the gym.

4. It is important to get enough sleep, give the body a rest. You need to train yourself to go to bed before 22:00 - this is the best time.

The presented protein menu for a week for weight loss is designed so that food constantly enters the body and the person does not remain hungry. Following the simple principles and rules of organizing the diet, after 7 days you will be able to enjoy an excellent result - minus 5 kg.


Watch the video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet (July 2024).