We treat cold sores at home quickly and effectively. How to cure cold sores at home and avoid relapses


Almost every person at least once in a life has encountered such a problem as herpes, better known as a cold on the lips.

A disease of a viral nature manifests itself in the form of a small focus of inflammation on the body, usually on the lips.

Damage to other organs is not excluded.

How to cure herpes at home: causes

Herpes virus is found in almost every person, but not everyone aggravates it and makes itself felt. The factors that provoke its occurrence include the following:

1. The immune system of the patient is weakened. After the virus first enters the human body, the corresponding symptoms occur that disappear after treatment, however, the virus itself will never pass.

2. Perhaps the "awakening" of the infection with frequent lack of sleep, overwork. The body is weakened and easily amenable to the development of diseases.

3. In many women, herpes worsens before menstruation. The thing is that the hormonal background changes.

4. Climate change, exposure to the sun or cold for a long time.

5. Some foodstuffs are provoking factors - smoked, strong salty and fatty, sweet, alcohol. Each of these products has a certain negative effect on the immune system.

6. The body lacks vitamins.

7. Non-observance of personal hygiene. As you know, the main way of transmitting the virus is contact-household. Therefore, you can not use other people's personal items, towels, dishes.

All the causes of the disease belong to herpes, which is manifested on the face, but why does genital herpes occur? So, the reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

1. Unprotected sexual intercourse or sexual relations with an occasional partner. Even if this was the case, you need to immediately treat the genitals with an antiviral agent.

2. Non-observance of personal hygiene. Need to handle the toilet, wash your hands, often change underwear.

As you can see, many factors provoke the person himself, if you follow at least the basic precautions, you can avoid the penetration of the herpes virus into the body.

How to cure herpes at home: the clinical picture

After the awakening of the virus, it begins to go to the lips, mucous membranes and other organs. After infection has occurred, an incubation period of 21 days will take place. In general, herpes passes immediately 4 phases of development.

First stage. The patient's condition gradually worsens. Body temperature rises, weakness, chills occur. In the place where herpes should appear, the skin will begin to itch.

Second stage. Small bubbles form on the skin, inside of which there is a cloudy liquid. The longer the infection develops, the larger the bubbles. If treatment is not started at this stage, the skin will begin to damage further.

Third stage. Filled with liquid, the bubbles burst. It is at this point that the virus carrier poses a danger to others.

The fourth stage. The erosive areas on top are covered with a crust, gradually it is dried and heals. In order to recover faster, special treatment is needed.

Herpes simplex is often accompanied by complications. The most dangerous is inflammation of the meninges.

How to cure herpes at home: medicines

In order for the disease not to pass into the second stage, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible. To do this, take anti-herpes drugs. They are sold in every pharmacy, produced without a prescription.

Almost all drugs are based on Acyclovir. Under its influence, the herpes virus is blocked, so even if the disease has already begun to develop, recovery will come quickly. Acyclovir itself is a pill, they do not cause side effects.

Another drug used against herpes is Zovirax. Zovirax ointment is supplemented with petroleum jelly, in order to get rid of herpes on the lips it is better to use the ointment.

The analogue of Acyclovir is Famvir. The main advantage of the drug is that it can even affect the herpes strain.

In order to quickly get rid of herpes, other means can be used, they cost much less than previous medicines:

• Herperax;

• Golden Star;

• Dr. Mom;

• Panavir gel.

Ointments must be applied to the lips immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease.

How to cure herpes at home: surgical treatment

Immediately after an unpleasant sensation arises on the skin of the lips, it is necessary to lubricate this place with fir oil. If a slight burning sensation occurs, we can conclude that the treatment was successful. Repeat the procedure once every two hours.

In order to increase your immunity, it is necessary to drink fortifying tea made from lemon balm, cherry leaves and juniper.

From herpes, tincture of propolis with chamomile helps well. You can cook it yourself, for this you need to take chamomile flowers (dry), pour boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. Strain and add propolis to the tincture. Moisten a cotton swab and lubricate the sore spot.

Immediately after cauterization, you need to lubricate the affected area with calendula ointment or chamomile cream. You can also cook it yourself, just combine fresh marigold juice with a small amount of petroleum jelly.

If the bubbles have just appeared, it is useful to lubricate them with hydrogen peroxide. You can get rid of itching with lotions from Corvalol.

How to get rid of persistent lesions

You can cure herpes at home with celandine juice. In order to cook it, take a small part of a flowering plant, pass everything through a meat grinder. From the resulting mass, squeeze the juice well, pour into a container and close the lid. Open the lid several times a day and release accumulated air and gas. Juice should stand for one week in a cool place. If cold sores occur, lubricate the affected area every hour.

In ancient times, our grandmothers used soda compresses. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of soda in a glass of boiling water.

During the acute stage of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a diet. The diet should not contain sugar, sweets, alcohol, acidic foods. Raw vegetables are helpful.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of herpes, decoctions of medicinal herbs, which everyone can cook at home, help well.

1. Take a small number of chamomile flowers, a string, licorice and aralia, finely chop, separate one spoon from the collection, pour a glass of boiling water. Put everything to insist for 2-3 hours, then strain. With the resulting product, lubricate the sore spot several times a day.

2. To prepare the medicine, you need to take the following herbs: one part - daisy daisies; two parts - oregano, fireweed; three parts - calamus root, mint, meadowsweet. Mix everything well, pour a liter of boiling water, put it to insist in a dark place for several hours. Strain the resulting product, soak a cotton swab in it and apply to the sore spot. It helps well in the first stage of herpes.

3. The following drug is good for treating herpes in the healing phase. Lubricating the affected area with the finished tincture, you can speed up the healing process of the skin and avoid the appearance of scars. To prepare, follow the following recipe: take one each of elecampane, flax, coltsfoot. In two parts, wheatgrass root, marshmallow root, licorice, raspberry, saber. Combine everything in place in a container and pour boiling water. Put infuse in a dark place for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished product, lubricate the affected area. You can also drink 1/2 cup every morning on an empty stomach.

If a relapse occurs, the course of treatment should last about 4 months, then take a break of two weeks, repeat the treatment, but with a different drug or herbal.

As you can see, herpes, although it does not go away completely, but its symptoms can be cured even at home. The main thing is to take medications in a timely manner or use folk remedies.


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