Egg white for the face, what is its use in cosmetology. Recipes for effective egg white face masks


An egg is a product that can always be found in the refrigerator, and it helps to eliminate skin problems.

In cosmetology, egg white has long been proven to be the best. The benefits of the natural product are high, and there are practically no contraindications, and the effectiveness is sometimes higher than that of chemical preparations.

Protein for the face: what are its benefits and features of the composition

The whole secret of the effectiveness of face masks from egg whites lies in their composition. The concentration of vitamins and active substances allows the protein to penetrate deep into the epidermis and participate at the cellular level in various processes. Such elements contribute to this:

1. The egg contains natural protein, which restores any damage to the skin at the micro level, tones it, regulates the production of sebum and normalizes the activity of glands. Because of them, oily skin can suffer.

2. The fats contained in egg white have a positive effect on any type of skin. They create a protective layer over the epidermis. This film serves as protection against negative external influences in the form of heat, frost, dust, pollution, harmful fumes and others.

3. Carbohydrates give the skin an inexhaustible supply of energy, relieve fatigue and tone it.

4. Glucose as part of the protein performs a transport function, playing the role of a conductor of energy to skin cells. Without glucose, the skin fades and fades.

5. The enzymes contained in the protein have a restorative and anti-aging effect, regenerate skin cells, which contributes to the rapid healing of damage and the disappearance of acne and acne.

6. Protein is rich in B vitamins, namely:

• riboflavin or B2, which contributes to the speedy healing of inflammation;

• pantothenic acid or B5, which eliminates various kinds of inflammation on the skin, for example, acne, acne, acne;

• pyridoxine or B6, restoring metabolic processes at the cellular level;

• folic acid or B9, which is a rejuvenating agent for tissues, thanks to it the skin remains elastic, toned, supple and breathes health longer;

• cyanocobalamin or B12, which affects the complexion, improving it, and blood vessels.

7. Biotin or vitamin H is contained in a small amount in protein, but even it is enough to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

8. Vitamin PP or popularly known niacin acid restores the skin's natural color without dullness and yellowness.

The main component of masks is raw facial protein, what are its benefits:

• masks based on transparent consistency can narrow pores;

• ideal for oily skin types, as it effectively eliminates shine;

• is appropriate in solving problems of not only oily, but also combination skin;

• effectively fights skin problems in the form of acne, rash, acne, redness, inflammation;

• brightens the skin and eliminates pigmentation due to the whitening effect.

At home, it is not only convenient to use a viscous egg liquid for cosmetic procedures, but also simple, profitable and effective. Significant changes for the better can be seen after the first applications.

Tips for using face protein masks

Often the misuse of a product does not produce positive results. Hence, negative reviews appear about the lack of effectiveness or negative effects on the skin. Egg white is no exception. Therefore, before carrying out home cosmetic procedures, you should familiarize yourself with some product operating rules and useful tips.

1. Compatibility. A mask is suitable for oily and combination skin, as well as one that has problems with the structure and function of the sebaceous glands, rashes, and inflammation. Sagging skin of the face, cheeks, second chin also need egg white.

2. A mask of proteins is contraindicated for persons with dry and sensitive skin.

3. The choice of ingredients. To make the protein mask as effective as possible and bring more benefits, it is worth giving preference to homemade environmentally friendly products.

4. The production of protein. Choose for yourself the best way to separate the yolk from the protein, over time, the acquired skill will strengthen.

5. Beating. To achieve uniformity of the mask mass, beat the protein well. To do this, manually using a whisk, the protein is whipped into a white foam, it will take about 5 minutes. So that the consistency does not have time to fall, it is necessary to add the remaining ingredients to the mask. Then it will lie flat on the skin and not cause discomfort when applied.

6. Prohibited reception. It is important to remember that when exposed to high temperatures, the protein coagulates. Therefore, masks with such a component in the composition cannot be heated. If the remaining products are stored in the refrigerator, they should be removed in advance to reach room temperature.

7. Preparation. Apply masks with protein to pre-prepared and cleaned skin. First of all, make-up should be removed. Much better active substances of the mask penetrate deep into the epidermis of steamed skin with enlarged pores. To do this, you can make a steam bath for 5 minutes.

8. Application. You can apply protein masks to the skin with special brushes, or you can use pillows of fingers while massaging your face. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of tapping massage so as not to disturb the subcutaneous microcirculation.

9. Terms of procedures. Any egg white masks tend to dry quickly, forming a crust. The optimal time for holding a protein mask is 10-15 minutes.

10. Cleansing from the mask. Remove the dried mask carefully so that sharp movements do not damage the skin. You can wash your face with water at room temperature or remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in a special liquid.

11. The regularity of use. In cases with problematic skin, masks can be done every other day, if the problems are small, then the frequency can be increased up to 1 time in 2 days. Means are suitable for preventive use, they can be applied 1 time per week.

12. The duration of the cycle. So that the skin does not have time to get used to treatment or prophylaxis with protein products, it is necessary to take breaks for 3-4 weeks after 10 procedures.

If you follow these simple rules, then protein-based cosmetic procedures will noticeably dry oily skin, eliminate acne and rashes on problem skin, eliminate oily sheen, give a rejuvenating effect and tighten a flabby dermis.

Egg White Face Mask Recipes

1. Mask based on protein, eliminating oily sheen.

The easiest recipe. You will need protein in its pure form, which must be whipped and cooled. With a thin even smear, apply it to the skin in three layers at intervals of 5-6 minutes, so that it can dry out. After the final layer, after 15 minutes the mask can be washed off with cold water.

2. To narrow the pores of oily skin.

It is necessary to beat the protein, cool the mass, add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Similarly to the first method, the mask is applied to the face and washed off after 20 minutes. Its effectiveness lies not only in narrowing the pores, but also in relieving inflammation and eliminating the first wrinkles.

3. A mask with a whitening effect for problem skin.

The mask includes:

• protein;

• any essential oil (2-3 drops);

• hydrogen peroxide (you need 15 drops of a 10% solution).

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face with a necessarily thick layer.

4. Brightening mask for oily skin.

It is necessary to mix whipped protein with chopped greens of dill, parsley and sorrel. The proportions should be maintained such: 1 protein to 1 tbsp. l greens. A homogeneous consistency is applied to the face with an even thick layer. The mask helps not only lighten the skin, but also fight pigmentation, allergic redness, freckles.

5. Nourishing composition for combination skin type.

The mask includes:

• honey (1 tbsp. L.);

• olive oil (1 tsp);

• whipped protein.

The combination of these components provides the skin with the missing trace elements and intensively nourishes it. When the homogeneity of the mass is achieved with stirring, 2 tbsp. l oatmeal and apply on face.

6. Nutrient for oily skin.

It will take to prepare 1 medium-sized apple and protein. The apple needs to be peeled from seeds and skins and grated on a fine grater, and then mixed with whipped protein. At the end, add a few drops of any vegetable oil and apply evenly on the skin.

7. Vitamin mask for oily and combination skin.

To beat egg whites should add 2 tbsp. l pulp and juice of fresh chopped berries. For these purposes, any red berries are suitable. After thorough mixing, the mask will need to be applied to the face in three layers every 6-8 minutes after the previous one dries.

Benefits and contraindications of masks from proteins for the face

The main advantage of protein-based masks is their instant anti-aging effect. Regular procedures interfere with the aging process of the skin, leaving it longer fresh and young. After washing off the mask, you can feel the instant effect in the form of softness, velvety and dull skin. The procedure for decollete and neck is suitable for use, which cannot be appreciated by middle-aged women.

Protein products are contraindicated for people with sensitive or dry skin. For people allergic to protein, the ingredient is also not suitable, as well as masks with other products that cause allergies.

Application Precautions:

• do not rinse with hot water to avoid coagulation of protein on the skin;

• Apply in layers at intervals of 5 minutes.


Watch the video: Egg White face Mask. Egg Face Pack for loose skin, Skin Tightening & open pores. Skin care routine (June 2024).