October 29: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Extra-departmental security was created as a part of the internal affairs bodies in 1952 by a corresponding decree of the USSR Council of Ministers to protect economic facilities regardless of their departmental affiliation (this explains the name of the service). Today, the divisions of this service effectively ensure the safety of more than one and a half million private apartments and 500 thousand objects in Russia.

On October 28-29, 2006, in Serbia, as a result of a popular referendum, a new Constitution of the country was adopted, replacing the previous one, which has been in force since 1990. Parliament approved the new Constitution in November 2006. According to its preamble, Serbia is a state of the Serbian people and the citizens who live in it. Unlike the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in 1990-2006, which proclaimed the Serbo-Croatian language as the official language in the country and Latin and Cyrillic alphabets as the official language, the new Constitution enshrined the Serbian language as a single state and the Cyrillic alphabet as the official alphabet.

This holiday recalls the day of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. This happened after amendments to the Turkish Constitution, which led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. This holiday is celebrated throughout the country. The facades of houses and various institutions on this day are decorated with national flags, people attend celebrations and take part in festive processions, and in the evening everyone can watch the performances of celebrities in squares and boulevards and admire the beautiful fireworks.

This holiday was established in memory of the day when in 1918 the First All-Russian Congress of Workers 'and Peasants' Youth decided to create the Russian Communist Youth Union, which later became known as the All-Union Lenin Communist Youth Union (Komsomol). For several generations of Soviet people, the Komsomol is their restless youth, large-scale construction projects, this is heroism and a true Komsomol fraternity. At one time, Komsomol members visited two hundred million citizens of the country for whom this day, even after losing its ideological meaning, remained a real holiday.

Other memorable events on October 29:

On October 29, 1863, the Swiss Red Henri Dunant founded the International Red Cross, a humanitarian organization that operates based on the principles of neutrality. Since its founding, it has been protecting and assisting people affected by armed conflict and internal unrest. The headquarters of the Red Cross is in Geneva. Today, about 12 thousand people work in this organization in 80 countries of the world.

On this day in 1898, the Russian icebreaker Ermak was launched, which became the first Arctic-class icebreaker in the world capable of forcing heavy ice with a thickness of two meters. The construction of the icebreaker was supervised by a commission led by Admiral Makarov. Ermak passed the first test with honor in March 1899, freeing 11 steamships jammed in the Revel area from ice captivity.

On October 29, 1929, the Revolution Theater opened in Moscow, which we know today as the Vladimir Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theater. He was one of the founders of Soviet drama theaters. In 1964, the theater became Academic. Over the years, it was led by V. Meyerhold, A. Popov, I. Shlepyanov, N. Okhlopkov, A. Goncharov, Yu. Ioffe, S. Artsibashev and others.

On October 29, the Orthodox world honors the martyr Longinus. Roman centurion Guy Cassius Longin, along with other guards, guarded the place of the crucifixion of Christ. When the Savior was executed, His blood sprinkled on the eyes of Longin, who had a cataract, and healed him. So Longinus believed in the divine origin of Jesus. Three days later, having become, along with other soldiers, a witness to his resurrection, he went to preach in Cappadocia, where he was from. He was accompanied by two more soldiers who saw Christ resurrected. By order of Pontius Pilate, they were caught and beheaded. When a blind woman who found the heads of Christians betrayed them to the earth, she received sight. Since then, Longin began to be considered a healer of eye diseases, who need to pray for their cure.

On Longin, it was customary to get winter clothes from the chests for ventilation. People believed that under the influence of the last sun and the first frost, it would be filled with useful energy and protect them from cold and illness.

On this day, Alexei, George, Eugene, Ivan, Kuzma, Leonty, Terenty are honored.

October 29, 1611 Warsaw hosted the celebrations associated with the “final” victory over Muscovy. These events took place in the so-called “troubled times”, which brought Russia the Polish-Swedish intervention and the crisis in the political, economic and social spheres. In July 1610, as a result of the Battle of Klushinsky, the Russian-Swedish army was defeated and the Poles opened the way to Moscow. This defeat of the troops of Vasily Shuisky led to a political coup in Moscow and the excommunication of Shuisky from power. Then a series of bloody events followed, and on October 29, 1611, the Polish king Sigismund III organized a festival in Warsaw to mark the conquest of Muscovy. But Kuzmoy Minin was already gathering a militia in Nizhny Novgorod, which in August 1612 would defeat the Polish army near Moscow and by October 1612 completely clear the capital of the invaders.

October 29, 1768 Catherine II laid the foundation for smallpox vaccination in Russia by vaccinating herself against smallpox. Together with her, her son Pavel Petrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Fedorovna were also vaccinated. The peasant boy Markov, from whom the empress received the vaccine, later became the owner of the noble title, coat of arms and the name Ospenny.

October 29, 1929 On the New York Stock Exchange, the stock market crashed, which was called Black Tuesday. This morning, immediately after the opening of trading, desperate brokers, investors and bankers arranged a sale of tens of thousands of shares, and the Dow Jones index fell to 12.5%. Black Tuesday marks the beginning of a long global economic crisis, which we know as the Great Depression.

October 29, 1955 in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol the battleship Novorossiysk sank, which was the flagship of the Black Sea squadron of the Soviet Navy. His death is ranked among the most tragic pages in the history of the Russian fleet. In this naval accident, more than 600 sailors were killed and about 200 were injured. After investigating the circumstances of the death of the battleship, the State Commission concluded that the cause of the explosion was a German mine that remained in the North Bay from the time of World War II, which was confirmed by the nature and form of the explosion.

October 29, 1956 Israel launched an armed attack on Egypt. A few days later, France and the United Kingdom became parties to this armed conflict. Thanks to the threat of direct intervention in it by the Soviet Union, an attempt was made to take control of the Suez Canal, nationalized by Egypt, and to remove Egyptian President Nasser from power.

October 29, 1998 The Discovery space shuttle, piloted by 77-year-old John Glenn, who was the first American astronaut, was launched into space, and after this flight became the oldest astronaut in history.

Alexey Gorbunov (born in 1961), theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Ukraine, who has played in more than 40 films, known for the films “Unmarked Cargo”, “Filer”, “Pit”, “Gold of the Party”, “Countess de Monsoro” "," Country of the Deaf "," Kamenskaya "," Hipsters ", etc.

Elena Drapeko (born in 1948), a Soviet film actress known for the films “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” “Fatherless Fatherhood,” “The Dormitory Is Given to the Lonely,” and others. Elena Drapeko is a deputy of the Russian State Duma from the Communist Party.

Winona Ryder (born in 1971), an American film actress, known for the films "Age of Innocence", "Mermaid", "Dracula".

Abram Fedorovich Ioffe (1880-1960), Russian and Soviet physicist involved in the experimental substantiation of the theory of light, solid state physics, dielectrics and semiconductors; Editor of many scientific journals, author of a number of monographs, textbooks and popular books.

Varvara Fedorovna Stepanova (1894-1958), a Soviet painter, who was also a talented graphic artist, stage designer, and artist of applied art. The works of Varvara Stepanova became the property of many leading museums in the world, decorating the halls of the New York Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery, St. Petersburg State Russian Museum, etc.

Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), a Nazi criminal who was a statesman and politician in fascist Germany.


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