Cheese sauce - the best recipes. How to cook cheese sauce correctly and tasty.


Cheese sauce - general principles and methods of preparation

If you suddenly wanted a tasty one, but don’t want to go to the store, you can make cheese sauce from improvised means. And with it, the most ordinary foods will seem like paradise food. The basis of cheese sauce is made up of the same components as for the preparation of Bechamel - milk, flour, butter. And adding different varieties of cheese, or introducing other ingredients, you can constantly get a new taste. Particularly sharp and piquant give cheeses with mold. The sauce is prepared from hard or processed cheeses, garlic, mustard, mayonnaise, spices are added for taste. Flour is most often used as a thickener. The sauce is served with meat, poultry, mushrooms, vegetables, pasta, sweet desserts.

Cheese Sauce - Food Preparation

If the sauce contains flour, it must first be fried in a dry frying pan until creamy. Then there is a high probability of avoiding the appearance of lumps. Cheese before adding to the sauce is crushed or finely chopped with a knife.

Cheese Sauce - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Garlic Cheese Sauce

If you characterize this recipe in two words, we can say - simple and tasty. Hard cheeses are suitable for the sauce. The main thing is of good quality, then the cheese will not curl into lumps, but will melt. If you do not like the smell of garlic, you can not put it. Now you don’t have to think where to use a piece of cheese that dries up in the refrigerator.

Ingredients: 100 cheese, a couple of small cloves of garlic, 100ml fat cream (20-30%), pepper + salt.

Cooking method

Finely grate the garlic and cheese and mix. Pour in the cream and put on the stove. Preparing the sauce in a water bath, requires constant stirring. As the cheese melts, add pepper and salt. The sauce is ready.

Recipe 2: Cheese Meat Sauce

If you just fried meat and want to revive it with piquant notes, prepare cheese sauce and an explosion of taste emotions is guaranteed. Instead of Parmesan, you can take Cheddar or any cheese that melts well (brines are not suitable). Preparing the sauce is not just fast, but lightning fast.

Ingredients: 100g parmesan, 100ml thick cream (sour cream), 2 tbsp. hot mustard, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Finely grate the cheese. Heat the cream, as they approach the boiling stage (small bouillons will appear), add cheese and mix until it dissolves. At the end, introduce mustard, salt and pepper. If it seems a little pungent, you can sprinkle a pinch of chili pepper. Pour the meat and serve.

Recipe 3: Blue Cheese Sauce

Do not be alarmed, this is not a moldy sauce, but the most noble one. Rather, from noble varieties of blue cheese like Dor Blue and the like. Can be served with chicken wings or breast, chips, grilled steak or vegetable casserole. Mayonnaise and sour cream act as thickeners. You will not believe it, but the sauce is prepared completely without heat treatment.

Ingredients: 100g blue cheese, 3 tbsp each sour cream and mayonnaise, pepper, table. a spoonful of olive oil (or regular vegetable oil).

Cooking method

Grind the cheese with a knife or on a grater, add the rest of the ingredients and mix with a whisk or a fork until the cheese is dissolved.

Examples of dishes with cheese sauce

Recipe 1: Chicken in Cheese Sauce

When preparing this dish, you do not need to stand at the stove all the time. This is a very important point when you need to do several things at once. The recipe indicates the weight of 1 kg of chicken. Do not approach this with German pedantry or Swiss precision. Improvise and rely on your own. Those. the weight of the bird may not be a kilogram, but eight hundred or one and a half kilograms. And not necessarily a whole chicken carcass - it can be thighs, drumsticks, breasts. Cream cheese is better to take soft, such as Viola or Amber.

Ingredients: 1 kg of chicken, 400 g of cream cheese, salt, pepper, a couple of garlic cloves.

Cooking method

Chop the chicken in arbitrary pieces and put in a cook, pour cold water. It should cover the bird on the finger, i.e. 1.5-2 centimeters above the level of meat. Pepper, you can salt a little, but not completely, because cheese will add its salinity. Simmer for about an hour to make the meat soft (breasts can be cooked less). Because there is little water, the broth will turn out to be rich. Put cheese in a saucepan with chicken, stir so that it spread evenly, turn off the fire. Add chopped garlic, mix again and let it brew for ten minutes. Boiled or fried potatoes, rice, spaghetti can be served on the side dish. Sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 2: Broccoli with Cheese Sauce

You do not have to wait until summer or autumn to cook broccoli dishes. Fresh cabbage can be quite equivalently replaced with frozen cabbage, which is sold in any store both in winter and summer. It is even more convenient for cooking, as already dismantled for inflorescences. It remains only to throw in boiling water. By the way, cauliflower also goes well with cheese sauce. It turns out a quick, healthy and tasty dish.

Ingredients: broccoli - 1 small head of cabbage, cheddar (or similar cheese) - 100g, processed cheese - 100g, butter - 30g, a tablespoon of flour, salt, ground paprika, pepper, 200ml of milk or cream.

Cooking method

If the broccoli is fresh, it must be sorted into inflorescences and sent to the double boiler for 15-20 minutes, sprinkled with lemon juice. You can just boil it in water for about ten minutes. Throw it in a colander. While the cabbage is preparing, so as not to sit idly by, it's time to conjure over the sauce.

Finely chopped processed cheese, grate Cheddar coarsely. Dissolve the butter in a hot pan, add flour and fry a little. Pour in milk or cream. The main thing here is to avoid the appearance of lumps, so the mixture should be continuously mixed. Add all the cheese and cook until it melts, i.e. the sauce will not be uniform. Now you need to bring it to condition, salt and add spices to taste. Broccoli is poured with hot sauce and served on the table.

Cheese sauce - tips from experienced chefs

- The sauce is served hot. So that he does not cool, they keep him in a water bath.

- If the sauce is thicker than you expected, it can be diluted with warm broth or milk. When adding liquid, the sauce must be constantly stirred with a spatula so that it does not lose uniformity.


Liana 12/21/2016
Super!!!!! Super!!!!

Anna 07/28/2016
great sauce recipe can be easily made at home


Watch the video: Easy Homemade Cheese Sauce Recipe (June 2024).