Donuts at home - magnificent rings! Homemade donut recipes with yeast, kefir, cottage cheese, condensed milk and stuffed


The classic donut is a lush, ruddy and very fragrant ring of dough with a signature hole.

It's hard to walk past him.

And no need!

You can prepare a mountain of donuts and gobble up both cheeks! They are prepared very, very simple.

Donuts at home - general principles of preparation

For classic donuts yeast dough in water or milk. But this is optional. Fresh pastry on soda it turns out no less soft and airy, does not require prolonged sludge. You can also make donuts from dough in condensed milk or cottage cheese. A lot of options! It remains only to choose the best donut recipe for yourself at home and for the cause!

The dough is mostly rolled out and squeezed round donuts. But sometimes the flagella are rolled, which are then connected in a ring. Donuts with fillings are prepared without a hole and are a round pie. And for baking in the oven, they use a donut shape in the form of a ringlet.

Deep-fried donuts. Use refined oil. Sometimes baked in the oven. Finished products are mostly sprinkled with powder, less often decorated with glaze, sprinkled, painted.

Classic donut recipe at home

The recipe for tender and magnificent donuts, which are deep-fried. Yeast dough in milk. To taste, you can add vanilla or any other extract to it.


• 500 grams of milk;

• 900 grams of flour;

• 1 sachet of yeast;

• 100 grams of cream. oils;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 100 ml of water;

• salt;

• 500 ml of oil rust.

To sprinkle the finished products you need powdered sugar.


1. Dissolve sugar in warm water, put a standard small bag of yeast and leave for ten minutes.

2. Add the warmed milk, eggs, salt and pour the melted butter. Put the flour, mix thoroughly. The dough should not turn out too steep, the mass must be made weak, soft, slightly sticky. Leave the dough warm for an hour. It will rise very quickly, we crush.

3. Sprinkle the table well with flour, put the dough and powder it, too. Roll out a layer 1 cm thick.

4. Squeeze the mugs using a round cutting or a simple glass. In the center we make a hole by a small cutting.

5. Let the donuts lie down a bit and come up, then deep-fry. We decorate the finished rings with powder, it is better to pour through a strainer, it will turn out more accurately.

The recipe for donuts at home on kefir "15 minutes"

A variant of a very quick and easy donut recipe. At the same time they turn out soft, magnificent and just melt in the mouth. Kefir dough without yeast.


• 0.25 liters of kefir;

• 20 grams of sugar;

• a pinch of salt;

• flour 3 cups;

• 3 tablespoons butter in the dough + for frying;

• ½ tsp. baking soda;

• 1 egg;

• vanilla.


1. In kefir we extinguish soda, throw an egg and quickly shake it with a whisk. Add salt, oil, vanilla and flour. Knead the dough, leave for 5 minutes.

2. Then we spread it on a flour-sprinkled surface, roll it out, squeeze out donuts, as in the previous recipe.

3. Fry in hot oil and you're done! Sprinkle with powder or serve with jam.

Donuts recipe for homemade condensed milk

Another wonderful recipe for airy and tender donuts, which can be done very quickly, for example, for breakfast. The dough is kneaded without yeast, soda is used as a ripper.


• 4 eggs;

• condensed milk 1 jar;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 500 grams of flour;

• butter.


1. Beat the eggs with a mixer with condensed milk for three minutes.

2. Add flour and slaked soda, make the usual dough.

3. Form the donuts. How this is done can be seen in the first recipe, just above.

4. Fry in oil and that’s it! Very simple and fast.

Donut recipe at home with cottage cheese

Curd dough has a special aroma and taste, pastries from it are tender, but not very porous. Depending on the moisture content of the cottage cheese, a little more or less flour may be consumed than indicated in the recipe.


• 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;

• 5 eggs;

• 40 grams of sugar;

• flour 3 cups;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• some salt;

• vinegar;

• butter;

• powder.


1. Grind cottage cheese to get rid of lumps. If it is soft enough, then you can just use a spoon or pestle. Dry cottage cheese will have to be passed through a sieve or punched with a combine.

2. Add the eggs, mix.

3. Put sugar, salt, flour with slaked soda. Mix and the dough is ready! He does not need to stand. Immediately set to frying.

4. Roll out the layer, squeeze out donuts with a glass.

5. Fry in hot oil, bark to cool a little, then sprinkle with powdered sugar and can be put on the table!

Homemade jam donut recipe

A feature of this recipe is the filling. Products are prepared without their own "brand" hole, but this does not become less tasty. Instead of jam, you can use any jam, thick jam, fruit or berry puree.


• 500 ml of water;

• 12 grams of yeast;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar;

• 700 grams of flour;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• salt;

• jam and powder.


1. From warm water with yeast, sugar, a pinch of salt and flour, knead a soft dough. At the end we pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil, well we rinse and leave in a warm room, let rise twice.

2. Roll out a thin layer, preferably not more than four millimeters. Squeeze out circles with a glass. We put jam on one, put on the other and firmly pinch the edges together.

3. Fry donuts in hot oil, sprinkle with powder.

4. Donuts can also be blinded in another way. We divide all the dough into small balls, roll out the dumplings from each, like on a pie, put the filling, collect the edges together and give a round shape. Before frying, put on one palm and gently slap the second.

Homemade American Donut Recipe with Glaze

What the Americans won’t come up with! Simple donuts seemed boring to them, and they decided to make Donuts. These are such products with glaze, which in turn is decorated with sprinkles. Each donut looks like a small masterpiece.


• 0.5 kg of flour;

• 250 ml of milk;

• 40 grams of butter;

• 2 yolks;

• 10 grams of dry yeast;

• vanilla and salt;

• 60 grams of sugar.

For the glaze:

• 3 tablespoons of milk;

• 220 grams of powder;

• dyes;

• sprinkling;

• a spoonful of lemon juice.


1. Making the dough. We brew yeast and sugar in warm milk, put a third of flour and leave it warm for half an hour. Now come the yolks with melted butter and salt, stir. Then add the vanilla flour. It turns out ordinary yeast dough, soft and airy. Let him rest in the warmth and walk well.

2. We roll out a large crust of bread one centimeter thick from the dough, squeeze the usual donuts with holes. We lay out on a table or a baking sheet, let stand for 15 minutes.

3. Fry in oil until golden brown. Cooling down.

4. For now, let's get some sugar icing. Pour the powder into a bowl, add milk and knead well with a whisk. Pour in the lemon juice.

5. Now the glaze can be divided into several parts and painted. If the dye is liquid, then just add a few drops. If dry powder is used, then do not lay all the milk and leave a spoon for diluting the paint.

6. Lubricate donuts with icing, sprinkle with decorative sprinkles and leave to harden. In addition to sugar glaze, you can use chocolate, protein and any other.

Oven donuts at home recipe

Oven donuts are less calorie than fried and differ in taste. But they are ideal for glazing, colored sprinkles. They also eliminate the need to stand at the stove and spend a large amount of deep-frying oil. For baking, you will need molds for donuts / cupcakes, in which there is a convex nose for a hole.


• 2 eggs;

• 100 grams of powder;

• 100 grams of cream. oils;

• 0.5 cup of sugar;

• a spoonful of milk;

• 1.5 cups flour;

• 1.5 tsp baking powder;

• some cinnamon;

• a handful of nuts.


1. Beat butter with sugar, eggs are introduced one by one. Add sour cream, whisk. Separately mix the flour with baking powder. Combine both masses and mix the dough.

2. Put the dough in the form, fill in no more than 2/3.

3. Bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes.

4. We take out products from molds and cool well.

5. Mix the powdered sugar with cinnamon. Instead, you can use vanilla or any other essence.

6. Add milk and mix.

7. Put the icing on the baked donuts, sprinkle with nuts and leave to dry for about 15 minutes. And you can treat yourself!

Donuts at home - tricks and tips

• Most often donuts are squeezed out by glasses. But how to cut a small hole? You can just take the cork from the bottle, but do not forget to grease it and dip it into flour.

• Cut circles from the center of the donut do not have to be mixed with scraps. They can also be deep-fried, inflated and become balls. Especially to the taste of such small koloboks will appeal to children.

• Don’t make sweet donut dough. Otherwise, it will burn very quickly and will not bake inside. Sweet lovers should sprinkle plenty of finished products or pour syrup, condensed milk, grease with jam.

• To save oil, you need to fry products in a deep bowl, such as a cauldron or a thick-walled saucepan.

• If you don’t cut donuts, not in flour, but in vegetable oil, then the deep fat will not smoke like that.

• To prevent the donuts from being too greasy, the oil must be well heated. Otherwise, the dough will actively absorb it. And after frying the product, you need to spread it on paper napkins or towels that absorb some of the oil.


Watch the video: 2017-06-30 21:26 (June 2024).