Features of treatment with medicinal plants motherwort: benefits and healing properties. Contraindications to the use of motherwort and harm to grass


The motherwort plant gained its name due to the corresponding places of germination and inconspicuous appearance. Very often, grass with unique medicinal properties is confused with ordinary weed and simply destroyed.

Motherwort herb: benefits and composition

Motherwort is endowed with a mass of useful properties, therefore it is often used both in alternative and official medicine. And their presence is explained by an amazing composition, which includes:

• vitamins A and C;

• group of alkaloids;

• essential oils;

• tanning components;

• flavonoids;

• mineral salts;

• glycosides.

Motherwort has several varieties, but all of them have great benefits for the cardiovascular system.

The composition of the herb also includes the substance leotin, which is an alkaloid that can gently dilate blood vessels. In addition, it has a relaxing effect on the soft muscles, restores an increased heart rate, and alleviates the symptoms of anemia.

Positive features of motherwort, the benefits of grass for the body

A feature of the representative of the plant world of motherwort is a complex effect on the whole organism. Some properties are more pronounced, others are less noticeable. The main benefits are the following features:

1. Normalization of high blood pressure. It is enough to prepare a decoction from the plant in order to bring unstable pressure back to normal once. Helps in the long-term treatment of hypertension.

2. Prevention of vascular and heart diseases. Taking motherwort-based medications will be beneficial for all people at risk for heart disease.

3. Strengthening the nervous system. Regular intake of motherwort will help to solve a variety of problems associated with disruption of the normal activity of the nervous system. Including are stresses, not passing fatigue, reduced working capacity, depression, nervous strain and others. Acting in a complex, motherwort is able to simultaneously act as an antidepressant, and provide the body with a healthy and sound sleep.

4. Prevention of diseases of the reproductive system, both in women and in men. For the female body, motherwort will become a godsend because of the ability to align the hormonal background. The male body will protect the grass from impotence, provided that the products are regularly used.

5. Removal of toxins from the liver, excess moisture from the body, cleansing the kidneys.

6. Beneficial effect on the condition of the digestive tract, maintaining their tone, effective fight against pancreatitis.

7. Increasing the body's defenses. Motherwort is especially useful for those people whose body is prone to frequent colds. Thanks to the immunostimulating properties of the plant, they will be able to protect their body even in especially dangerous periods of exacerbation of diseases.

8. A diuretic effect on the body.

9. Tinctures and decoctions of motherwort are able to act as painkillers, relieve spasms.

10. Stop bleeding, having a different nature of origin. For example, decoction from the root will help stop internal uterine or stomach bleeding, and lotion to the upper layers of the dermis will stop the flow of blood from an open wound.

11. The presence of antibacterial action is reflected in the treatment of dermatitis, minor skin lesions, elimination of irritations.

Motherwort juice is considered more valuable and useful, since it is this elixir that contains the largest amount of valuable substances. Therefore, when using juice, the treatment is more effective and much faster.

In addition to all the useful properties, it should be highlighted and the ability of motherwort to remove harmful substances from the body, including nitrogenous slags, sodium salts, toxins. Thus, the plant improves the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, urinary and gall bladders.

For the female body motherwort is also of great importance. He can effectively eliminate the negative symptoms of menopause, menopause, and increased anxiety. It is able to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce the number of uterine contractions.

Use of motherwort: the use of the plant in home medicine

Several uses for motherwort:

• in its properties, the plant resembles preparations from lily of the valley and valerian, therefore it is used in medicine as a means to treat diseases of the vessel and heart;

• ready-made preparations based on motherwort are used to treat atherosclerosis, reduce irritability, vegetative-vascular dystonia, menopause in women, and insomnia;

• herb-based drugs are effective in treating epilepsy and thyroid diseases, as well as impaired function of the latter;

• eliminates motherwort gastrointestinal upset;

• You can use grass as an additional ingredient in teas to provide a calming effect on the body and relieve nervous irritability;

• motherwort - a plant often used in homeopathy;

• for external healing of wounds, cuts, injuries, an infusion of grass with an anti-inflammatory effect is prepared.

For home treatment, you can prepare tinctures, decoctions, teas and other products based on the root, flowers and leaves of motherwort. To do this, pre-dry the shoots and thresh. Seasoning can be stored for about three years in a dry place with good ventilation.

1. The broth is prepared as follows: 50 g of herbs need to be poured with 250 ml of boiling water and let the liquid infuse for 60 minutes. If you drink such a medicine before meals in 1/3 of a glass, then you can get rid of stomach cramps.

2. Soothing tea can be prepared from motherwort and lemon balm or mint, taken in 1 tsp. If desired, you can add honey to taste.

3. Tincture for hypertension, heart ailments and neurosis includes 50 g motherwort, a glass of alcohol. The mixture should be infused for 1 week. You need to take 25 ml of the medicine 4 times a day.

Side effects of motherwort and harm to health

Motherwort does not belong to harmful and dangerous plants, however, for some categories of people there are still certain contraindications that must be taken into account:

1. Due to the ability of the herb to lower blood pressure, it is strictly contraindicated in hypotensive patients - people with low blood pressure.

2. Minimal exaggeration of the dose can cause drowsiness. This feature is unlikely to harm, but it will be completely inappropriate for those people whose work requires concentration and increased attention.

3. The plant is able to increase the tone of the uterus and have an abortive effect on the body, therefore it is not strictly recommended for use by pregnant women.

4. If you have a lowered heart rate, you should not get carried away with taking motherwort based products.

Like most other plants and products, motherwort can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Therefore, it will be most reliable to be treated with motherwort, after consulting with a doctor.


Watch the video: Motherwort: An Herb To Know. Medicinal Benefits (July 2024).