7 lists that every girl should keep


Maintaining lists will help to correctly and structurally organize life: personal, professional, social.

Also, lists are the easiest and most effective way to plan your daily routine in such a way as to be in time to fulfill your goals (at least the least of what was planned, and at the most, everything that you wanted).

The lists made life easier for all of humanity, allowing them to manage time correctly, focusing on a list of tasks.

Making lists, one way or another, helps us to rationally allocate time for the tasks assigned to us. Also, maintaining and executing list items allows us to achieve our goals and objectives. That is, lists, conditionally, can be compared with a ladder. Each of our goals has its own boundaries, degree of difficulty and a certain height.

So, everyone chooses a path for themselves: either calmly climb the top of the stairs (maintaining lists), or difficulty climbing up steep bends and slopes, tripping over obstacles (lack of lists, chaotic tasks).

Make your life easier - keep lists

With the help of maintaining lists, we can divide complex tasks into small ones, thereby simplifying our life and gradually moving towards goals. The list also clearly demonstrates our success and the degree of approximation to the intended goal or task. Looking at your list, you can clearly answer your question: how much effort do I put in, is there enough of them? Sometimes lists that are too overloaded are evidence of too much zeal and an overestimation of their real capabilities.

In general, any list is a memo of what we should remember. It’s like a pendulum that shows us approaching or moving away from the planned direction of our day, week, month, year. In any area of ​​life, maintaining lists can be useful and productive. The classification of the lists is very mottled, let's try to identify seven types that any girl needs to conduct for a reasonable planning of her time and life.

No. 1 - List of Creative Ideas

Any creative nature can object, because it is very difficult to push such a spontaneous and unpredictable process as creativity into the framework. But sometimes even a very talented and talented person doesn’t get anything fresh and new, but you still need to create (labor obligations, contracts force). And in this case, original, valuable ideas, thoughts and finds created in advance will help you cope with a creative lull, a crisis.

Look at a couple of ideas from your list and immediately in your head they will find their development, the idea will “sparkle” and help you cope with the creative task. Such lists for people of creative professions are an indispensable assistant and ally in periods of decline in creativity and originality.

No. 2 - List of books that are required to be read

When you cannot decide which book to choose next, after reading the previous one, we recommend that you make a similar list. In the reading list, write down each book: about which you heard, read and liked the description; which was advised by friends, acquaintances, relatives.

In addition to expanding the worldview and familiarizing with art, books are a universal source of inspiration and wisdom. They say that 10 books are enough to understand life and its “salt”, but to find them, you need to read thousands. This list will serve as a reminder of how many books you have already read. If you make notes on the margins of the list after reading each book, writing down the main idea and the statements you like, the list will become your own storehouse of pearls of thought.

№3 - List of interesting life events

This list is unique. It helps to become not only creative, wise and educated, but also helps to change the quality of life. If it is difficult to fill out a list of interesting events, experienced situations, visited places, exciting experiences, then it becomes sad in vain for the time spent. But on the other hand - this is an occasion to begin to make changes in your life, fill it with bright colors, incredible and lively adventures.

Such a list will help to break down the scheme that is familiar to many: home-work-home and will allow you to breathe richness and fullness, versatility into life. The list of interesting life events helps to slightly adjust your attitude to your life, and also fills it with exciting pages!

№4 List of current tasks

No matter how much this type of list is beaten and banal, it is still important and necessary for organizing the daily routine. When maintaining such a list, it will be easier for you to cope with the daily routine, you will be more in time and faster to fulfill the planned. Also, this is a great way to increase punctuality and commitment. The list of current tasks, as a kind of form of self-discipline and work on oneself. Only the most important thing for the result is not only to keep this list, but also to follow it, performing to the maximum the tasks from it.

But how nice it will be for you to delete the completed task from the list, and at the end of the day to see the fully completed tasks. Feeling of satisfaction and pride in yourself is a very pleasant feeling that will whip up your fuse in maintaining such lists and will give strength to not quit this venture.

No. 5 - List of films scheduled for viewing

The film industry is a very developed area, so an incredible number of films are released. There are so many of them that there’s not enough time to see everyone, and you don’t have to spend time on unworthy and stupid pictures. A well-thought-out list of films will save you a lot of time searching for a movie to watch when you have free time and desire.

No. 6 - Wish List

The wish list is the holy of holies, it must be cherished, cherished and not shown to anyone! Joke.

But a reverent attitude to your desires and dreams, maintaining a list supplemented by pictures and life-affirming phrases will allow you to draw strength from it. Also such a list is a source of self-development and determination. Life without desires is not life ... Love and pursue your desires, try to realize them and you will be a truly happy and satisfied girl!

No. 7 List of Prohibitions

Ah, how useful this is in a dubious, complex, piquant life situation. It will be your guide and guide, how far you can go and what is better, however, to abstain. What can be added to the list of bans? Each girl answers this question herself. Drink more than three cocktails or light a cigarette. Spending time with uninteresting people, listening to gossip and eternal complaints of friends. Gossip and blame herself. For some, a relationship with a married man will be listed on the wish lists, and for some, this is a taboo and list number 7.

We offer you some more types of lists that will make your life more pleasant, brighter and more joyful:

- a list of the things you did for the first time;

- a list of causeless happiness or a list of reasons to smile;

- a list of places you want to visit (in your city or on a larger scale)

- a list of perfect good deeds;

- a list of thanks (to whom and for which you are grateful).


Watch the video: 14 Nail Hacks Every Girl Should Try (June 2024).