The meaning of the name Marat, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Marat mean, what is its origin and history?


Choosing a name for their son, parents can argue for a long time which of the names will be best for him. In order not to argue, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the interpretation of the name. What does the name Marat mean? The origin and history of the name of Marat.

The meaning of the name Marat

Marat - desire, goal. This is a purposeful young man who always achieves what he plans. The zodiac sign that patronizes Marat is Sagittarius and Pisces. They make the young man a strong spirit and at the same time sensitive to other people's experiences.

The planet that rules his life is Mars. She is responsible for the romance in the heart of Marat. The color that suits him best is red. The tree from which you can make a talisman for Marat is a cypress. The plant that gives Marat health is basil. The stone that will protect him from evil is agate.

The origin and history of the name of Marat

The name Marat is of Tatar origin. The meaning of the name Marat in ancient times is desired. Historians also consider the second version of the origin of the name Marat. It is believed that the name originated during the USSR in honor of the leader of the French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat.

At the same time, Jean-Paul himself received his surname Marat in honor of the territorial part of Sardinia. If you translate its name from French, it means a pond and a swamp. Marat celebrates the birthday on August 17th.

The nature and fate of Marat

The positive traits of the character of Marat include:




He is very amorous. He quickly gets used to people and very hard to endure parting with them. Marat should learn to distinguish between people really important in his life and those who just fleetingly appeared in it.

The negative traits of the character of Marat should include:



Short temper.

Parents from childhood notice that their son has a difficult character. If they try to explain to him how to behave properly in society - Marat grows up as a boy obedient and grateful, can even control his emotions, less conflict.

If the parents constantly teach the boy and say that he is still small to make decisions - Marat grows up angry and offended. He often pushes peers himself. Can communicate roughly with parents and teachers.

He is so energetic that he almost never sits in one place. It's hard for parents to keep track of Marat. They try to give him everything he needs for a fulfilling life, but they do not always have time to keep track of his needs. They are changing at Marat at lightning speed.

He can even attend several circles at once. What the name Marat means is the goal. That is why he seeks her by any means, sometimes not even noticing those who are nearby. Marat has few real friends. He always tries to do only the best for his friends. He does not envy any of them and requires little from friends only. And all because they are ready at any moment to come to his aid.

Marat is a sports fan. Since childhood, he visits all possible circles, everywhere he tries to prove himself. For Marat, nothing is impossible, so he can make sport the goal of his life.

Studying with him is more difficult. It is difficult for him to sit in one place and listen to the teacher for a long time. It is difficult for him to complete several tasks at once. He likes to fulfill clearly formulated tasks, limited in time.

Since childhood, Marat loves solitude. He may even close in his room and not communicate with anyone. Therefore, parents try not to burden his nervous system with unnecessary domestic problems.

Marat is struggling with quarrels with friends and peers. He is often a bully and conflicts a lot, so he does not have many friends. But any conflict for Marat is a disaster. Even if he provoked him with his behavior.

In the work, Marat is principled and very accurate. He knows a lot about making money and calculates all his income in advance. But he should not choose physical labor. When he is physically exhausted, nothing pleases him.

If Marat chooses a creative profession, he will reach tremendous heights in it. He will be able to realize all his hidden talents. Marat can go through many works and not stop at any of them. He will long seek his true destiny. At the same time, he can make good money at every place of work.

If Marat decides to start his own business - he is better off doing it on his own, and not paired with someone. Otherwise, empty quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided. He is so obligatory that he can even do that part of the work that his subordinates do not have time to do. He tries to find the best option, how to earn a lot of money and not make much effort. This is wonderful for him.

Love Marat

The character and fate of Marat determine his state of his family life. Marat is quite amorous, he usually has a lot of girls. He has been trying for a very long time to find the one with whom he will feel like a real man. Unfortunately, most of his girls choose other guys.

The thing is that Marat is quick-tempered and jealous. He can be very suspicious and pester his other half with unnecessary interrogations. The girl suffers from this, long endures such behavior, but, in the end, leaves Marat.

Even when Marat marries, he will not cease to be jealous of his life partner. He will arrange all kinds of checks of fidelity, will demand proof of the love of his second half for him. It will be very difficult for a girl to get along with Marat. When they have common children, Marat will be happy.

He will create the best conditions for his children. Will spend a lot of time with them. Marat can marry several times. He may have many children from different women, but he seeks to help all of them. Do not forget or deprive anyone of attention. Despite the complex nature, Marat in adulthood will be able to find the only life partner, who will live with him until old age.


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