Bright palette of grape-fruit benefits of raisins. Features of its use: can grape raisins harm health


Grapes of grapes are loved in many respects because there are no seeds in it. But it is fair to appreciate it for many useful properties, thanks to which it is so simple and tasty to improve your health.

What is the use of grape raisins

Kishmish is called a group of grape varieties, mainly dessert, but there are many technical (wine), as well as universal varieties.

Kishmish is very diverse in terms of cultivation, the shape and size of berries, their color, juiciness, taste and aroma. And in some varieties of this grape there are still seeds.

Most varieties of raisins are well preserved during transportation, which allows you to collect them really ripe and keep on the shelves (and store in the home kitchen) without loss of taste and nutritional qualities.

Kishmish, of course, eat fresh. It is added to fruit salads, on a cheese plate, in desserts and pastries. Raisins from it are very good for pilaf. Grapes are, in addition, juice, marmalade and jam (and pickled berries), alcoholic beverages (many sauces are prepared on the basis of wines). Bones do not disappear - fragrant oil is squeezed out of them.

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And it is wonderful that during any processing and heat treatment of berries, everything that is initially present in them is fully preserved in the use of raisins.

Health promotion and treatment of existing diseases with fresh grapes and everything edible that can be made from it is even combined into a separate science - ampelotherapy.

Up to 90% of the weight of grapes is occupied by water, so the fruit so nicely quenches thirst and refreshes on a summer day. In this sense, raisins are also useful in traditional winter colds, viral diseases, when a tired body needs increased fluid intake and something easily digestible, but very vitamin-rich.

Of the vitamins in the sultana there are A, E, C, B3 and B9, N.

Rich in raisins and other important elements:

• organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic and succinic) maintain acid-base balance and stimulate cellular respiration;

• quercetin reduces the risk of influenza infection, prevents nervous exhaustion, and minimizes the effects of "bad" cholesterol;

• chlorophyll prevents the spread of carcinogens ingested by food, thus ensuring their safe removal from the body;

• essential oils are useful for the endocrine system, and also give grapes the ability to cleanse the skin, give it even color and tenderness;

• flavonoids protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation;

• Folic acid is necessary for expectant mothers to bear a healthy baby. In combination with vitamin B, it relieves headaches.

We also note that the content of antioxidants that resist the aging of the body is highest in the varieties of raisins, whose berries are colored in dark colors.

Fiber grapes are not very helpful in cleansing the body through the gastrointestinal tract. Of greater importance in this regard is pectin, which promotes the removal of toxins and salts of heavy metals.

It is recommended to eat raisins in the morning, and refrain from it in the evening. This limitation comes from the large amount of sugars contained in it, simple carbohydrates, which vividly contribute (in a certain state of health and a number of other factors) to excess weight gain.

Although the calorie content of fresh raisins (with variations depending on the variety) is not large - 35-110 kcal per 100 g. Moreover, the energy value of raisins exceeds 250 kcal per 100 g.

And it is also worth noting that grape sugars supply energy to the brain and nervous system, improve the transmission of impulses of the latter and increase mood.

Sweet fruit helps the body withstand stress, increases physical stamina and can even reduce pain (for example, monthly female pains).

Of the minerals, raisins are rich in potassium, which is important for the following:

• muscular work;

• cardiovascular health (including normalization of heart rhythm and prevention of thrombophlebitis);

• conversion of glucose into energy;

• functioning of the respiratory system (breathing becomes deeper).

Kishmish is a good source of iron, sodium, molybdenum, selenium, nickel and phosphorus.

What diseases will be most beneficial for grape-fruit raisins

Fresh grapes (or jam, juice from it) no worse than wine will help recover in case of loss of blood. Kishmish improves blood flow and blood formation processes, prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Kishmish is useful for hypotensives, because it has the property of increasing blood pressure. And this effect will be even more noticeable if you eat a little high-quality milk or dark chocolate during the days of grape consumption.

Kishmish is effective for the prevention of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder. In particular, it is able to increase bile production to a normal level.

Also, if the raisins often appear on the table, it is quite possible to count on the following effects:

• improvement of the condition of the gums, prevention of the development of gingivitis;

• normalization of sleep and improvement of the psychoemotional state, reduction in the manifestation of neurosis;

• strengthening the musculoskeletal system and, as part of this, the prevention of osteoporosis in the elderly;

What else can be said about the benefits of grape raisins

It is recommended to eat raisins for a surge of strength after intense physical exertion, to restore health after serious illnesses and operations.

Kishmish has tonic, restorative properties and for those who lead an active lifestyle, grapes are a natural energetic that allows you to perform many tasks during the day.

It is good to serve kishmish to fried and baked meat and poultry, to fatty and heavy dishes, since with it all this will be absorbed much easier - grapes establish the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also noteworthy that the whole group of raisin varieties, in comparison with other grape varieties, causes allergic reactions much less frequently.

What could be the harm from grape raisins

In no case can we neglect the thorough removal of contaminants from the surface of grapes - a little more negligence and with them the causative agents of dangerous infections can be in the body. In addition, often for preservation during transportation and longer preservation of the presentation, grapes are processed with chemical agents.

Moreover, in order to qualitatively prepare the raisins for use at home, it is not necessary to use special detergents for food products (although increased care is a matter of taste). Simply grape grapes from twigs, soak for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse well under running water.

Naturally, you can not eat damaged, crumpled and with traces of mold berries.

The sultanas can cause some harm to the digestion, if you combine it with dairy (but not with sour-milk!) Products or sparkling water.

Unfortunately, the same specificity of the composition, which makes it useful for gums, gives grape raisins harmful to tooth enamel. If it is sensitive, you can experience unpleasant sensations when treating grapes, with caries, bacteria will receive a favorable environment for development with grapes. Therefore, after grapes, rinse your mouth with water or a special tool.

Efforts to whiten teeth (home, professional means and dental procedures) can be nullified if there are dark varieties of raisins.

Also, the consumption of grape raisins will definitely result in harm in the following diseases:

• pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);

• stomach ulcer;

• gastritis with high acidity;

• diabetes;

• heart failure, accompanied by hypertension;

• colitis (inflammation of the colon);

• cirrhosis of the liver;

• obesity;

• cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with Mary. March 9, 2019 (July 2024).